We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Skull merchant worse then before.

I know it sounds like a wild shot but hear me out.

Yes you can hack the drones and they are down for less then a minute. But she is the only stealth killer who has absolutely no downside. Wraith needs to uncloak, Ghostface can be pulled out of Nightshroud, The dredge (is probably crying about its stealth ability) has an integrated dyson v12. Onryo has lullaby, Xeno is only stealthy in tunnels.

So she can just activate her stealth whenever she likes, can retrive drones in the meantime and reactivate it. If you play her correctly you have almost unlimited stealth, no red stain, no lullaby no nothing. You even get faster when scanning someone. How is that justified?

According to statistics she is too strong. Heck she got 68,45 % killrate 2 months ago and 64 % the last two months.

She needs a downside for stealth. A lullaby would be sufficient but right now you just have zero information of her whereabout which makes small maps and especially indoor maps a total nightmare.

Her 3 Gen potential got nerfed yes, but the drones are too powerfull now.


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234


    Her stealth doesn’t last too long, so you can usually tell when she is coming. She can also hear glimpses over her terror radius cutting in and out. I personally don’t have much issue going against her.

    Yes her drones can be hacked. You can run a straight shot to avoid getting scanned at loops.

    Standstill tech works strong against her LOL.

    Any type of exhaustion perk works well against her too. Off the record is perk against her. She’s still M1. Drone up at loop. Go to the next. Cycle back to the loop and reuse ♻️

    They’re ways to counter her for sure. 👍

    I get where you are coming from though.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    I agree she has too much in her kit.

    Why does she get haste and undetectable, alone these two effects are a own power. Just sad, that she has a better stealth than ghost face and also drones that injure people by doing nothing. Her drones should be deactivated by survivors permanently until she goes there and activates them again like trapper.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Her drones still have to scan you 3 times before you’re ever injured. It’s not that hard to hack them or go around.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    But her stacks don‘t disappear. Everytime she chases you in drones it‘s a free hit, but that’s not my problem. It‘s mainly that she gets undetectable and haste+ drones only go on cooldown.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Her stealth is only thing that improved about her. Everything else is worse... Speed, Chase, Information, Defending gens / totems, just everything except stealth.

    You think she has too many status effects? Remove broken. It doesn't do that much, just make it always mending.

    Her high kill rate is mainly because of survivors giving up and also stealth, because many survivors don't look around for some reason..

    She is in state, where she could get some changes, but not really straight nerfs, that would kill her.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    But that‘s the point nobody likes playing against her, because she is more unfun than a god nurse.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Being unfun is not reason for straight nerfs.

    As I said, it can lead to changes, but not direct nerfs without anything else.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    Here we are waiting for 3.0

    I still think she is too strong, she has something from everybody like trapper, clown, Ghost face, legion and she is too fast.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Too fast? Those 3%... Kinda funny to say when Clown has 10%.

    She has many things, but most of them are not really good. She is not best at anything after her rework and addons nerfs.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    You know why mft got nerfed, because of those 3% and everybody cried to change it!

    I think she has too much, but just my opinion.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    And you think 3% on survivors is same as 3% on killer?

    Her speed is not really on command anyway, it's up to survivors when and how much she get. She should almost never get above 3%, if she does, then you can blame yourself/teammates for playing bad.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    It is on commend, drop a drone and get haste/undetectable. Her drone should be the reason to use it and not that buff!

    Yes killer speed and survivor is the same if you argue with speed. It helps the killer in the same way as survivors!

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    drop a drone and get haste/undetectable

    Well, that's not true. You need survivors to get detected, or get claw trap.

    It helps the killer in the same way as survivors!

    That's also not true, because survivors have smaller hitbox, so their movement speed is more effective.

    When killer is fast, then all survivor needs to do is drop pallet little bit sooner... What is killer supposed to do? Chase faster?

    If it would work same, then explain to me why Clown is not the most broken killer in DBD with 10% haste and 15% hindered. That's 25% difference in movement speed from power basically on command... yet, he is not considered even strong.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    He makes everything clear, what I could say. https://youtu.be/vOliDIQxQlE?si=8wfYZ51bq7HJpArE I watched this video to know, where the haste comes from and he explains everything perfect!

    The haste part is even dumber, after I know how it works!

    With 3% you also catch up faster, while the hitbox thing is universal for all killers and they can use it a bit more efficient.

    I really dislike clown, but I would kiss him instead of playing against her. The good thing is, he at least has to throw bottles at the right place, where skull merchant has to do nothing! Therefore it‘s by far fairer. At least you can do something against him like doge bottles!

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I have seen this video and he is not correct about some things and ignoring many other things. I can't be bothered to write it down again.

    His comparisons are made in quite pathetic way to promote his narrative.

    I watched this video to know, where the haste comes from

    So you are just a parrot, repeating what some youtuber said... You don't really know how it works. That's funny.

     throw bottles at the right place, where skull merchant has to do nothing

    That's also not true, she needs to do exactly same thing. Drop drone on right place...

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    I‘m no parrat. I only watched it to find out how the haste part works (after you said I’m wrong) and I have the same opinion+ I‘m too lazy to write all those things.

    She has to plan nothing with drones. Just drop one in shack and it’s unsafe. Also she doesn’t need to waste time for collecting them or putting them up, after they get disabled like trapper and every other trap killer!

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Her downside for her stealth specifically is a near complete lack of followup lethality.

    Myers and Ghostface have ways of inflicting exposed.

    Wraith has his super lunge. (Spirit too if you consider her a stealth killer)

    Pig and Chucky have their dash attacks.

    What's SM got? 7% haste at maximum... and if she's got that, you all have messed up incredibly badly. But that's OK because SM is very much not a one trick pony. None of her tricks are the strongest of their kind, but she's got so many and they are all so smooth that it all comes together.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Well, if you think her speed is on command. He is wrong and so are you.

    So you know:

    She gets 1 stack of haste whenever you get detected by laser, or was duration of claw trap.

    1 stack is 3%, 2 stacks are 5%. She should never have more.

    in reality she should have 0-1 stacks, when she has 2, then someone screwed it. She should be able to get it only from survivor she is chasing.

    When you are chased, then as long you are healthy, you should mostly hold W and play save, don't get claw trap at all cost.

    When you are injured, then just play her as Clown. Predrop pallets and use windows if possible.

    He is saying she has no counterplay, which is not really true, when you are not detected while standing still, or crouching. You can play on pallet without getting detected.

    If you are confident in your typing speed, it is even possible to disarm drone in chase, which is always funny to do, but that's rare.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    After she broke the pallet, she just catches up in no time and then you expect me to crouch in chase to not get the claw effects, that slow me! Either way you are screwed.

    The haste and undetectable part isn‘t needed, it’s overkill !

    I just say we agree to disagree.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    So you want her to just have the drones which are arguably the weakest traps in the game?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    So firstly, no. SM has always been a jack of all trades killer. Making her not that removes most of the reason to play her.

    Secondly, just because I'm curious, what kind of crazy buffs would you give her to offset removing her undetectable and haste.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 12

    I think her drones are strong enough right now, maybe after a certain number of scans it can down people or it makes the deep wounds loose time, so that someone dies faster through it.

    Honestly I have no good ideas to make her far better, but her drones aren‘t weak like many say and like said, those two effects are overkill.

    If she stays the same her drones should at least work like trappers traps. Picking them up, placing them and setting the drones up, after survivors disabled them.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited January 12

    You are completely and totally wrong about the strength of her drones. Seriously, the only traps that come close to the Drone's lack of power is Freddy's blood pools, but Freddy honestly needs help. The Drones can't down, and if haste is removed only start hindering after the survivor gets hit 4 times! That is not strong! If you did remove haste and undetectable, I fail to see why anyone would play SM over Plague or Legion.

    As for them requiring Trapper levels of upkeep... are you serious? Trapper's traps are as clunky and unfriendly as they are because they're usually insta downs. They are the most lethal traps by a mile and are arguably the most lethal power in the game. To balance that, they're clunky as hell. By contrast, SM's drones are the smoothest traps in the game because they require multiple hits to do anything at all other than give SM a small amount of haste.

    Edit: Your idea for making the drones able to down via reducing Deep Wound timer sound a lot like release Legion 2 electric boogalo. That got removed for a very good reason and shouldn't come back ever.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    I wouldn't put the pig's dash in the same sentence with chucky. If the pig hit's one survivor every 3 weeks with a dash she will get nerfed again xD

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Skull merchants drones are far from weak. My personal opinion.

    They hinder you, injury you, put you in deep wound, give the broken status affect, grant undetectable and potential haste as well as intel if claw trap is given. Up to 6 effects around there, not including addons.

    Her drones are in a good spot in my humble opinion.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 426
    edited January 15

    As a Skull Merchant main I can say 100% her kill rate is because people constantly give up first hook or just refuse to play in general versus her. She's B+ max. Though I do think we should revert the rework and make some changes like they did with Sadako. So instead of Exposed when locked on they simply get a Claw Trap (That doesn't injure since this is old SM remember) Allow a Survivor with a Claw Trap to hack 1 drone in exchange for becoming Injured with Deep Wounds but not Broken because I want this to serve as either a slow down or forced chase, not Broken because that's dumb. So 1 Survivor could hack 2 drones in exchange for injuring themselves and extending Claw Trap life to force SM to chase them basically. This would also remove what I hear most Survivors complain about with the "Free injure" since you would have to actively interact with the drones and remove them from play to get Injured now.

    Her new Drones are definitely not too strong, they just have too much on them. Her entire success relies on them, whereas before they were tools, not really her entire existence like they are now. Especially because her old chase was actually stronger than her chase now, with Geographical Readout and the fact Drones were an AoE active zone that built up Expose it was super good in certain areas. Shack, Cow Tree, every single indoor map etc. The 3 genning was the only problem with old SM, and with some changes, like allowing a Survivor to hack 2 drones and force SM to chase them to get them back as I stated before, I think she could be way better to face than now. Especially since she only had 4 drones remember, so 1 Survivor hacking 2 drones would force SM to chase to get them back, sure you're injured because of it, but the point still stands that she would HAVE to take chase.

    Also on the point of Stealth she gets like 8 seconds of Undetectable when setting up a Drone that has a 10 second CD and unlike other Stealth killers like you mentioned she doesn't have some other huge advantage to the stealth, Wraith has huge movespeed to get around the map quickly, Ghostface and Myers can insta down, Dredge is uhh, well, okay Dredge is just kinda weak but still you get the point.