P100 reward suggestion

BHVR said they won't do p100 rewards, however with the amount of backlash they are getting from that statement I have a prediction that they are maybe looking into adding something to calm the rage
Just wanna throw a suggestion; Bloodpoints to iridescent shards conversion!
When you reach p100 on any character, you unlock the ability to convert bloodpoints to iridescent shards, you are only able to unlock it when you reach p100 because then you prove that you have spent enough bloodpoints in the bloodweb and are ready to spend it on something else
The system should make it really small amounts, as iridescent shards can buy characters and cosmetics, which are DBD's main source of income, so like 100,000 BP -> 50 shards (just throwing a number from the top of my head)
I feel like P100 deserves a reward that is not just cosmetics, as it is very hard to achieve
P100 reward should be Void touch skin
The skin come with Ironwill and Calm spirit basekit since they have no emotion.
The skin leave foot print similar to Chucky
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Could be a red version of the legacy skin
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It takes 100s of hours of gameplay to get to P100. Devoting that much time to receive a non-tangible reward shouldn't be encouraged.