Don't hide the p100s

I'm not here to sweat every game. I'm going to skip p100 lobbies because I really don't want to deal with it
"P100 doesn't mean they're good"
And I really don't care to test it. I don't use perks or add-ons on an m1 killer, I just want to vibe. I don't care about kills, but I don't want to get tbagged at every loop because someone thinks their using every pallet in the map is good gameplay
Okay, then start showing us the Prestige of the killer and who it is, because I don't want to sweat either.
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Shopping for easier teams isn't fair on the less experienced survivors you're looking to challenge, nor is it fair on the less experienced killer who gets put in as backfill against the original P100s the game felt you should be going against. The SBMM system already leaves much to be desired, and if you feel killers should be free to bypass that system and shop their opponents then just make it a free for all and let survivors do the same.
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I was back filled into the p100 lobby, it's not fair to me
Survivors get to kill themselves on hook, killers get to lobby shop. Perfectly balanced
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Lmfao 🤣 that’s checkmate fam!!!
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No, players shouldn't be able to matchmake for themselves, they will always choose matches that favour them. TCM showed player levels for a while at launch and once you became lvl 99 the game essentially became unplayable because everyone would dodge you, they have to remove it.
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All the more reason to hide them.
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You know, whether I use my P100 Nea or my P10 Jonah, you face the same players? You know that?
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How did a a 4-5 month old game add this feature for a 7 and a half year old game.
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Stop trying to be rational with Prestige dodgers. They're a lost cause.
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Let alone that P100-Survivors are not rare at all. P100-Killers are more rare because people play different Killers (even tho I would not say that P100-Killers are rare overall, I face at least 1 or 2 every day).
But a P100-Survivor is nothing special nowadays. So if OP wants to dodge all of them, they will probably dodge more than they actually play in matches.
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Typical killer main always wanting easy matches
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Prestige could of easily been hidden from the lobby months ago, BHVR is very stubborn
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The way you think about P100s is literally the reason they're going to eventually hide them. It just makes it more obvious why prestige needs to be hidden whenever a topic like this is made.
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As others have pointed out, the fact that you want to see them so you can lobby dodge is a very compelling argument for hiding them. Lobby dodging is bad, largely because it makes the matchmaking system worse but at least partially because it's unfair to cycle lobbies until you get an easy game.
Don't lobby dodge. The matches you're trying to avoid usually won't even be as bad as you're dreading, honestly.
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"years :)"
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To be fair the vast majority of my killer games where I end up against p100s are absolutely miserable because they're far better than I am. Perhaps I frequently get back filled into high MMR lobbies but whatever the reason is, I'm sorry to say I will usually dodge them too. No point going into a game I know it's gonna suck when I play DBD for fun.
People on these forums seem to think it's perfectly valid to just nope outta Skull Merchant games so why is lobby dodging the issue?
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This thread is why the lobby itself should not exist. You should not be given a chance to dodge at all, ever. You should go into a match on fair footing, not knowing who you are facing or what they brought to the game.
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I have P100 in one survivor but I have been playing with other survivors that are P3, 4 or 5
Does it make any difference?
I guess for you, what you don't see you don't feel it
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I just can't play my fav survivor without getting dodges. I really hope BHVR soon remove prestiges from lobies for better matchmaking.
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Don't forget you immediately get tunneled and harassed too
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Ignorance is bliss. That's why they need to hide the prestiges. They can play the game in blissful ignorance.
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You wanna know something funny? Turning it off would not force you to sweat either way. You wouldn't feel a difference. P100s aren't better than anyone else.
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Ahh. Good ol' "us vs. them" mentality.
Of course it's only sweaty killer players that want easy matches and effortless 4ks. It's not like there are people on both sides that just want easy wins. Definitely not.
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And now matches will never start because its a 1/4 chance a survivor will hate your killer and leave lobby. I prefer just keeping both hidden because its a schrodingers box where the players are both good and bad simultaneously.
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Speak for yourself. I never encounter this issue of being tunneled when I play on my P100. There are probably other reasons at play.
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P100 a year and a half after it became available is not that big of a deal at all anymore. I know people who are P100 that are definitely not good at the game lol. If it just came out a week or two ago then I would agree with you.
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I play both sides
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Wasnt the p100 update released like.. almost 1.5yrs ago? I mean ppl that play regularly probably have at least 1 p100. It really doesnt indicate skill, trust me.
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Oh yes, I agree they shouldn't be seen, but the person I was quoting was insisting that killers being able to see survivor prestige before the game is 100% fair and balanced and the way it should be.
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Then you'll just dodge the Killer if you see who it is =D
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I actually enjoy playing into the survivors that have the higher prestige. I learn more from people who play more which just helps me. I agree that some games I just want a chill match, but this is a multiplayer game so it is not just about me.
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i hate the us vs them mentality thing & agree that ppl def want easy wins for stupid reasons, but i think that does kind of apply here considering survivors can't see the killers prestige, survivors can't lobby dodge based on knowing the killer/their prestige
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See my post just above yours.
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If a survivor gets a killer they don't like, the hooks right there. Gone in under a minute. Killers don't have that option
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you get penalised for that thru bloodpoint loss/depipping etc, you don't get penalised for lobby dodging
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I have 4 p100s and soon 5, I don't sweat at all either. I just play for fun and laughs. Not all of us are sweaty and toxic. :)
Most of my other games (mmo) I am very into, and I do hardcore end game content, but this game is my escape for that.
I want to hide my prestige because it attracts killers to tunnel me, they admit it in the end game chat. They're cruel or attempt to be cruel to me. I always bring an anniversary cake too, and the thanks I get is tunneled out asap. Only focused on me.
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The cake is a lie!
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ik =D
i had to add towards that post, =D
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You get zero points or pips when you lobby dodge
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because you're not in an actual game????????? what are u on about
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I still have 7k hrs of experience, P100 or P3. I don't care who I play and you should neither.
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Either that or survivors who complain why you were not looping the killer for 5gens.
Or people who say you got no life.
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Yap. It was added in the midchapter after the 6th anniversary, July 2022.
I managed 30+ prestige levels during last year's anniversary event. And I know that others accomplished way more. So people who don't need to unlock everything first like new players have to, can very well have at least 1 P100 unless they rather level up all characters evenly like a friend of mine. Her main is P25, but all other survivors as well as the Killer's she owns are P11. She has almost 4k hrs.
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What other multiplayer games keep the identity of any player a secret until after it's over? That's not rhetorical. Of the games I play, this was the only one that does that.
We don't need to see what killer is going to be used, but we definitely need to see the username at a minimum.
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You do realise eventually as more time goes by more and more p100's will show up, it's already becoming common as it is.
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And it's my right to play or not if I don't want to. Survivors can leave a sweat fest at any time via hooks. Killers are locked in and have to sit there sweating every second, or afk until survivors let them out
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Not always, but more p100s are sweat fest games than not
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From my experience, the majority of p100 Survivors rage quit or try to do the dumbest stuff and end up throwing. The only time I'd say dodge a p100 lobby is if they have Toolboxes and Medkits; you can expect Engineers with BNP and Rangers with Styptic/Syringe.
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Meh, not too big of an impact. Honestly. If you lose pips you don’t have to worry about going down in the rank for example iri4 to gold1 etc.