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Came back after a little break...

I am having fun! Chucky is such a fun killer to play and go against, and don't get me started on Alien. But I have to ask...what is up with Skull merchant? How do you play her? I hated her old style of course I just wanted to try but I don't understand it. Do you use the drones at loops now or just gens?


  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 670

    she´s now a set up anti-loop/area control killer , if you need tips you can ask me anything about her

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    What do the drones do now? I know they got rid of the insta down which is fine tbh lol we have a lot of insta down killers.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    She can be quite stealthy with the right upgrades, getting undetectable for 8s after placing a drone. Her drones can also damage a survivor after scanning them 3 times and this will often lead to random survivors getting damaged around the map, giving you some unforseen opportunities at a quick downs should you run into them.

    I still think that her claw traps are underutilised, you basically never have a read on a survivor when you need it, but just at random times. I like playing her every nite and then and survivor's still hate her. Be ready to get a lot of hate directed your way just for playing her, even if it's pure Chasemerchant. The hate for her seems to be hard baked into the community by now.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703
    edited January 16

    Basically when a survivor gets scanned they get 1 stack of Lock On, after 3 stacks they get a Claw Trap, which makes them Broken for 45 seconds (and if already injured, become deep-wounded) and while in this state any subsequent scans reduce their movement speed by 10% for 6 seconds. (The old effect of Claw Traps breaking vaulted pallets was removed.) If a healthy survivor gets injured by a claw trap they do get a speedboost as if they were hit, but they don’t if they were already injured.

    Every time a survivor is scanned they also get shown on the Skull Merchant’s radar for 12 seconds (and they are shown for 45 seconds when they get a Claw Trap); this still increases her movement speed like it did before.

    Survivors can’t be scanned if they are crouching or not moving (including while doing objectives), and can’t be scanned more than once within a 3 second timeframe.

    When drones are placed, they start in “stealth mode” which makes the scan beams invisible but survivors can see the rotating lights on the drone to identify the scan beams’ positions. Once they scan anyone they go into “scouting mode” which makes the scan beams visible but the drone rotates faster.

    Hacking a drone no longer applies a Claw Trap and just disables the drone for 45 seconds.

    The Skull Merchant can also freely change the direction a drone rotates (clockwise or counterclockwise) and gets 8 seconds of Undetectable when placing a drone. Drone placement has a 10 second cooldown.

    The movement speed penalty for checking the radar was removed and the maximum number of drones was increased to 6 (instead of 4).

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 16

    her drones works really differently, after putting a drone in the map, she receives 8 seconds of stealth, the drones have a new mode, the stealth mode, survivors can´t seee the beam and itps harder to see the effect area, after hitting a survivor, the drone goes to the active mode, it spins faster, and has a bigger radius, if you get scanned 3 times you will be broken and revealed for her with the claw trap, for each survivor detected by the drone she gets 3% faster, if you have a claw trap and gets scanned again you will be hindered (slower) and she will see you via kiler instinct

    she also had some QoL changes but they´re not that important

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    All really interesting. Thank you everyone!