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General Discussions

Does anyone at BHVR even care about about the survivor aspect of the game anymore?



  • Member Posts: 303

    It's not stronger than when you could just bap a survivor fresh off hook. The push for only doing gens and nothing else has made it one of two viable strategies left for the majority of playable killers

    It takes 90 seconds to do a gen from start to finish, if you can run a killer for 45 seconds your team can finish gens before the killer gets to them. M1 killers (almost the entire roster) can't compete anymore. There's no reason to look for bones, no reason to look for chests, the few killers with side objectives are pointless. When was the last time you bothered to grab a vaccine for semi.

    The rise of tunneling and camping are a side effect of the meta being dumbed down by both sides. Killers nerfed healing, survivors nerfed hex perks, ect. Do not sit here and tell me the devs aren't listening to survivors when they do almost every time

  • Member Posts: 48

    Uhh, the new Alan Wake flashlight perk seems pretty dope. Plus survivor had MFT for months. What are you even on about? The game is a lot better balanced than it was years ago.

    Play on a SWF is survivor isn't fun enough for you. I'd agree BHVR is lazy and uncreative but that goes for all aspects of the game.

  • Member Posts: 48

    Not even the worst boon perk lol (which isn't saying much but still). If they were to buff it just a little, like say to show pallets and to have a lingering effect once leaving the boon (Otz recommended both of these), it would be a very decent information perk.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2024

    Edit: Nevermind. You just proved that tunneling is harder than pre 6.1.0

    Survivors could not sit on 80sec Gen with more powerful meta and escape before.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    It is true that some things could use reversions, though certainly not MFT, DH or COH.

    But that isn't really the issue being complained about. Tunneling being the strongest it has ever been combined with some unnecessary changes and the existence of MMR creates a very frustrating experience.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    I disagree. I’m excited for the new survivor and his new perks! I’m also excited for Onyro since I main her.

    Survivors have tons of perks to choose from. This is an all survivor dlc of Mr Wake and you’re still not happy because the perks aren’t exciting aka OP? COH certainly was.

  • Member Posts: 131

    Saying tunneling has never been this strong is wrong. The game incentivizes tunneling a lot more now, so you see more of it. It hasn't gotten stronger, survivors have just gotten better and mmr has gotten more strict, so more killers tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 88

    I agree with everything you said. There's just one problem: SWF. The root of every problem with any perk, add on, killer power, or map had been because of a SWF group abusing it. BHVR has no choice but to try and caudle players who only use killer and punish survivors who only or mostly play solo.

    I haven't played in months after having this game since late 2016 because of these ongoing problems. You have people in this forums defending lazy gameplay with their lives now.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Tbh SWF is the only thing that saves survivor gameplay. I think if it were hampered in any meaningful way, people would likely begin to really stop playing survivor.

  • Member Posts: 368

    Some of this is true even at the non-vet level. I am, at best, a mid level player, but get put in numerous matches where I was the 'best' on the team matched against Killers that were at or below my general skill level (sometimes higher, but that seemed rarer). Yes, I can avoid/outmaneuver the 20 hr Nurse/Blight player or even one at roughly my level, but they can just switch to easier targets (and often do) who oftentimes had less skill than the Killer. While I might be better-than-average, I cannot do gens, rescue, heal, and take chase all at the same time because one teammate is already out, one is on hook, and the other just got into chase and is going to go down in 10 seconds.

    Just to note, I am not slamming my teammates. It is not their fault they get into matches with Killer players who are much stronger than they are. I feel the same for Killer players who get chucked into game with survivor teams who individually are more skilled than the Killer. I've had those matches too as Killer and they're not fun or informative.

  • Member Posts: 897

    man, the survivor entitlement in this forum...

  • Member Posts: 972

    It would be super easy for BHVR to implement a ranking system based on something simple like average time in chase with a killer before being downed. Even something like that would be far better than the terrible "SBMM" system we have now. It's incredibly frustrating that we haven't gotten past the "escapes = skill" and "kills = skill" system that everyone can see is incredibly flawed.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Exactly. I don't mean to slam anyone either when I voice my concerns with matchmaking. I get that the devs are extremely concerned with queue times, but you can't have such a relative skill disparity in lobbies that players would do just as well hiding and doing nothing than if they had tried their hardest. The best player in that lobby could slam gens, try to take chase, and the game would be a 4k at 2 gens. Or they could literally do nothing and the game would be a 4k at 4 gens.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    IMO BHVR should just bring back the Ranking System with a hard Rank Reset.

    I agree completely.

    Ranks weren't perfect, but they were far better than anything MMR has to offer.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Yep. While Ranks were not perfect, they never felt that frustrating as MMR feels.

    Also, working towards getting Rank 1 on both sides was far more engaging than getting to Iri 1 with Grades. (Especially since you dont see your grades anymore in the Lobby, you have to do an extra Click to see your grades)

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    My thoughts exactly.

    I'm honestly surprised both MMR and the grades were actually implemented into the game, especially after all that negative feedback they received.

  • Member Posts: 368

    Very much agree. It's just frustrating. And, for me at least, it's just as frustrating on the other end when I get put into lobbies with survs and killers that are so far beyond me in skill level that I am now the determent to my team. Sure, I will try to avoid chase if I can in those situations and slam out gens as fast as I can, but the game is not designed to have any surv not take chase at all. It is likely that at some point, I will have to take chase to either buy my team time or keep someone on death hook from getting chased again. I can try to make the chase last as long as I can, and I will, but chances are that I am going to go down quickly. Of course, that's assuming I haven't already been tagged as the weak link (fair) and tunneled out.

    The thing that gets me the most about the second part is that generally it's against Killers that are WAY above my skill level. To the degree that I can't even say that I learned anything in the chase or had the opportunity to improve. They're just over too fast. And so it feels like even more of a waste.

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