Do you have fun against chainsaw only Billy?

How do you feel about unique Killer playstyles? Do you enjoy playing against chainsaw only Billy Killers? What about only shock Doctor? Jump-scare Myers? Which ones do you have fun against? Which ones aren’t fun?
Some of them are fun.
Chainsaw-only Billy is fun, Jump-Scare Myers is fun, the old Spooky Freddy build was fun, Bamboozle Nurse is fun (haven't seen anyone do this meme since, like, 2019 but it was pretty funny) and this list goes on.
It mostly depends on which killer we're talking about. A Trickster that, idk, never uses a basic attack would still be unfun to go against.
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Whats only Shock Doctor? I was thinking about a subscription service for Doctor
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Tentacle only nemesis is my favourite to play against usually people who do that are super good at him
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They have to be good enough to actually pull it off which is fairly rare. Watching someone bump against a wall for 2 minutes isn't that fun
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I'm one of those few people who absolutely hate chainsaw only billy as well as engraving billies, even before the second billy rework, i've said more than once that billy along with Blight & Wesker were my 3 least favorite killers in the game.
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Just going around shocking people without injuring.
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Wesker is not one of my favorites either 😑
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A billy who goes for curves and all that are some of the highest skilled players in the game since with billy rn it is so hard to pull off. If I get hit by a billy curve it was 100% deserved.
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yes, not the ones who holds W, hug you in the open and chainsaw, i like the ones who actually tries to down you mid loop
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I enjoy most M2 only killers - so long as their M2 is actually somewhat.... involved. So Billy, Demo, Nemo, Wesker, Huntress, Ghosti and Piggy come to mind as the fun ones.
There's also Trickster, Chucky and Pyramidhead that technically belong in that category as well - but I despise Chucky (people saying his size doesn't give him a huge advantage must be taking something - because how is not being able to see a killer and not being able to gauge distance somewhat accurately not a huge advantage for the killer?! - But I digress) - and as for Trickster; as long as it isn't bouncy blades he's alright too (does new trickster still have the bouncy blades?). And idk, but the only Pyramidheads I've seen in the past year or so have all been hard tunneling, which kinda disqualifies them.
As for some of the more... unique things; jumpscare Myers, Undetectable Huntress or Shocking only Doctor.... depends much on the vibes. Like, some do it for the memes and the match as a whole is just a big meme - and then there are some who take it to some kind of extreme that's just not particularly funny anymore. If a jumpscare Myers isn't about jumpscaring anymore but all about using the Mirror to tunnel someone out asap... that kinda spoils it. Same for undetectable Huntress. - And if Doctor has the goal to make completing gens as annoying as possible... well. It is pretty annoying already.
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Good for them, however that does not change that he's still one of my least favorite killers to play against.
I have more fun playing against SM, Knight & Nurse than i do when against Billy.
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if they are actually good at m2 only billy or demo or whatever killer then yes if not then no not really its kinda boring
i was also talking with a friend just the other day about how after i got a certain amount of hours sm myers became really boring to play vs because anyone with more then x amount of hours is just gonna roll him because t1 is garbage it doesnt matter if he has wallhacks and no tr if the survivors have a brain
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Chainsaw only Billy is fun.
Jumpscare Myers is super lame and boring.
I love playing Sniper Doc (Interview Tape + High Stimulus Electrode) but playing against it is thankfully very rare.
Bubba with Iri Flesh and Speed Limiter is also pretty fun, either way.
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You're joking now, right?
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I'm dead serious.
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No. I dislike this killer and chainsaw only are one of the most boring ones
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The chainsaw killers actually using their power as their down tool is accurate and i love it. M1 simulator is boring. If people want killers to just smack them normally. Thats their choice. But i will always find bubba and billy the funnest killers for actually using their powers all the time and not relying on m1s. Obviously theres some loops that force their hand anyway but thats how it be.
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No, playing against Billy is the most boring game of DBD you can play right now.
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Amandas letter - jump scare Piggy on Lerys?🔥🐽🔥
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I like it its free points and a guaranteed 4 man escape, and relaxing games are kinda fun so I enjoy it.
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Inside of Billy, there are two wolves.
One wolf is extremely easy to loop and playing against him is like playing against an AFK killer for 3 out of 4 survivors. He helicopters around a small wall for five minutes and then all gens are done before he gets a single hook.
The other wolf has a chainsaw and if he ever catches you out in the open, you're just dead. He proxy camps hooks with no counterplay possible.
There is no middle ground where you have a fun and engaging chase, you're either bored out of your mind or you get caught out and instadowned.
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Wasnt it the devs changes that forced billy into curve only style anyway? They removed so much of the basekit flow that noone wanted to play him. From addons being ridiculously restricted. To a mechanic they even said is a controversial change looking back. As well as making the saw louder and fov changes. We had 3 years where he was basically bottom barrel. Im interested to see how he plays now that he actually has some flow back. The new overdrive is the icing on the cake. But to have him actually feel like he used to is the big win for me. (Also i dont get the caught out in the open arguement. Like most killers that can easily down you in that case? Hell theres more opportunity for loops in current dbd compared to old you should always have something)
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Normally Billy's tend to chase a lot. Really good billys love to curve objects. I feel like there are a lot of great chases with good Billy players.
Btu that's my experience against yours.
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That thing scares the hell out of me. I'm a grown man, but she is going to give me a heart attack one of these days!
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I do only shock doctor only if I have his daily ritual. I max out my hunting and Deviousness categories, then let everyone escape.
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In my experience, people saying they have great chases with Billy is because Billy is so bad that it makes them feel like they're good at looping.
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That's possible.
Hopefully that's gonna change next patch.
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Once, I faced a Hillbilly who sent everyone to The Game and tried chainsaw only.
I think he got one kill, but that was probably the most respect I have ever had for an opponent. Absolute G.O.A.T.
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I LOVED the pre-rework Freddy. I also loved release week Freddy. That was when you could string together putting survivors to sleep and it was only 5 seconds I believe. He lasted all of one week before the very loud minority became too much to ignore.
Anyway, I had so much fun sneaking around. Survivors couldn't see him and the lullaby wasn't directional. I "lost" a lot of matches just running around putting people to sleep and chasing them off generators. It was also fun tracking them with the aura reading from a distance. Original Freddy was just fun to play and I was entertained.
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I personally do not enjoy facing mirror myers.
If they don't have an indoor map offering, then the match is just too easy and unfun, because scratched mirror is a joke without an indoor map.
If they bring an offering to choose the map, it's going to be scratched mirror myers camping behind walls waiting for you to position yourself poorly, so the game becomes camping checkspots and open areas and not looping, which is also not fun. It is also very common that they camp near hooks waiting to force trades...
I can appreciate the "jumpscare" meme behind it and why some may enjoy it, but when you have 3600 hours in the game it loses its appeal.
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This is what I like to read!
Sadly I wasn't here for his release, only joined in 2018. But he was the very first killer I played and definitely my favorite thing DBD had to offer! I miss my favorite killer so much and I desperately want him to return.
It is the reason I joined the Forums, actually.
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If only they were to spent time fixing his animations that they broke(Unless its confirmed intentional changes to them) and left it how it is now then billy will be amazing to play besides his overdrive. they got broken in patch 3.7.0.