Huge surge in knockout/slug gamers, any solo q gamers experience this?

And how bad/unfun can solo q get before you quit playing?
what are they playing?
if it's singularity, then that's based af
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I would say playing anything super strong against solo q and not super effective vs swf pathetic af. But everyone is entitled to their opinions.
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A Wraith with sloppy too who sent us to RPD. It was closer then expected though, another reason I insist survivors need to run more healing perks.
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I played 2 games of Survivor yesterday and both of them were killers who slugged me and the last guy for no reason. Crawled under a hook just to show her I couldnt wiggle and still, just let me bleedout
Also had a couple of them a week ago, but I aint gonna complain about 2 games in like 30/40+ games
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Fair enough, I just had 3 out of 5 games of killers running knockout and slugging, 2 onryo and 1 singularity, all different players. Just wondering if anyone else is having more games like this.
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I mostly see it on Onryo or Wraith, but not often.
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I use nurses calling, forced hesitation, sloppy and infectious with Bubba.
I have a great time, not sure about the survivors tho...
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Its because of BP event, theres always people like this
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i get them sometimes but when the killer is playing to BM, i just go next.
i also run UB now in solo queue to counter the slugging
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I dont encounter them that much and I also have not noticed any increase on those.
Sometimes I encounter Killers who run Knockout, but (aside from old Sadako for example) most of the time they are just there to BM. But despite a Bloodhunt going on I did not see more than usual.
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I'm not sure why knockout is even still in the game. It's completely useless against SWF and only exists to torture solo players. I've never seen anyone use it for reasons other than slugging and bleeding people out. There is a wraith on NA east who does this for fun. They just bring RPD and slug everyone without ever hooking.
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Never get slugged and 8/10 games as solo is quite fun. I do get some potatoes which is about as bad as my games get. Tunneling isn't that common, unless we flew threw early gens. Camping is super rare for me. Must just be a British thing (fair play) 🫡
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I really hope they get rid of knock out and even blindness blocking slugged auras
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it was a joke
i asked what they're playing
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If you're playing a killer that doesn't have a chase-based power, then playing for knockdowns is what's going to build pressure for you. You have to create time for yourself to get everybody killed and making the other survivors have to search for a slug is better than putting somebody up on an aura-lit hook for quick rescue + activating off-the-hook perks that wreck your pressure.
From my experience, unless the team isn't on point, people tend to spend roughly the same amount of time sitting out on hook as they do on the ground.
Plus if the killer is playing stab-tag and going for knockdowns, you get more chances at getting caught before you're dead.
If you're really concerned about it as a loner in solo queue, you can run bond and pay attention before your teammate goes down.
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today me and my swf were discussing how for the last two weeks games have been miserable. slugging over and over and over. face camping. noed/bw/nwo combo (which i haven’t seen in foooreverrrr). idk what it is but it seems like killer mains are collectively having a tantrum.