What is the use of raising your MMR?

Everyone who is complaining about this game is doing it from a high MMR standpoint. Or at least they claim high MMR. The matches I have in medium to low MMR are amazing. Sometimes a killer player is overskilled and probably backfilled. Sometimes it's a survivor player that doesn't belong. Our matches are mostly balanced. DBD at this level is really fun. I am legit worried about winning too much. I love NOED because I can get through a whole match and still get sacrificed. At my level, the killers that win the most are the killers high MMR players scoff at. Unless you're someone like Hens or Skermz, high MMR must be awful. And it seems that Hens genuinely appreciates players better than he is, and Skermz just likes to bully players that aren't as good as he is. So I have to ask. What is the use of raising your MMR? Not the point, not why you do it. What is the usefulness of it as a game mechanic? If it gets you out of my lobby, ok, I'm good with that. Go. Play. Have fun.
Best Answer
What is the usefulness of it as a game mechanic?
I think there isn't one.
you probably wanna be in the middle road of mmr otherwise low low mmr you’ll get stuck in rank hell
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I think matchmaking in solo queue needs looking at, and my issue is mostly with the team mates i get matched with. In general I find if I don't play to win, I tend to get pretty chill games. I've said a number of times I don't see alot of slugging, tunnelling, or camping in my games. So I guess a similar situation to yourself.
I've also said a couple times that I don't understand why some people play so competitively when all that awaits you in high MMR is misery. Some people sweat so hard for these wins, then when they hit high MMR they're facing people with the same sweaty energy and they run here to complain that something needs to change. Who did they expect to find up there, newbies? The game doesn't go full circle and restart once you've hit the big leagues lol
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why some people play so competitively when all that awaits you in high MMR is misery.
To brag about it...
- Wait until you are high MMR
- Wait until you play against good players
- Looks like you never play at high MMR
The most funny part is all of them dont know where their MMR are.
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What is the use of raising your MMR? Not the point, not why you do it. What is the usefulness of it as a game mechanic?
One of the key reasons that MMR is hidden is its not supposed to be a mechanic that players think about. MMR is not a reward or a penalty, its purpose is to try and create balanced matches. Given the game is not just one of skill but sweatiness, it thus balances on how well a player plays along with the intensity of their playstyles and build.
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Yup, very true. I'll humour anyone who believes they're in high MMR though. I'll agree to take their word for it. But they need to realize that the folks in high MMR are supposed to be a challenge. So if they believe they're in high MMR, then they need to believe they're getting the right opponents.
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To answer your question, I think the idea behind raising your MMR is to be challenged by players that are at the same or above your own skill level. Most people enjoy being challenged when playing games or they get bored quickly.
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Middle MMR is where the fun is for both sides in my opinion. With Killer, you can play low tier Killers using weird builds and "play fair" and still win (or at least have pretty close games). And on Survivor, you get decent teammates that have some degree of experience and game sense. Nobody is stomping the opposition. Good times.
Low MMR Survivor is the worst experience you can have in this game. 20 hour newbies too afraid to touch a gen in the terror radius, teammates having Sub 10 second chases, endless stealth / farming Killers, nobody going for end game saves, players hiding on death hook and then playing for hatch are just a few of the frustrations.
This is how my Survivor games have been going recently and I can definitely tell you, I'd like to get out of this MMR bracket as soon as possible!
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I've never seen a post where the replies were so on the same side!
Mid MMR for life! :D
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At a basic level, mmr keeps new players away from experienced players. But DBD even fails at that at times.
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Yes. High MMR is try harding and low MMR is a hellhole of bad teammates.
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On survivor, being not below the threshold is a HUGE deal. There isn't a ton you can do even as a crazy survivor if the killer ignores you and gets rid of all the new people first.
On killer as someone who played mostly alch ring blight only until 6.1.0. for like 4 months prior, you have to play at specific times or be lucky to have any use for it. But when I do play killer I play past 12:00am because I mostly get matched with actually good survivors, people who know the game at all. I have 0 fun playing vs the typical survivors who are grouped up or not before that and if I did I just got lucky that I was chosen.
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I enjoy raising my mmr on killer because it gives me better opponents and I can learn how to improve. Games where I just kill everyone at 4 or 5 gens are really boring and there's nothing I can learn from it. If there was an option to queue against swfs only, I would do it.
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It really depends on the person.
Some people are more competitively minded, and in their case, they might want to have a higher rating so the matchmaker gives them tougher opponents. Others are more casual and don't want the stress of those high end competitive matches. For them, going out of their way to increase their rating would be counterproductive. A higher rating would give them tougher matches and feel more punishing unless they play seriously.
At the end of the day, it's a number that tries to find you a roughly even match. A big part of the reason why we don't show it is because we don't want to pressure people into going out of their way to raise it. It's meant to adapt to you, not for you to adapt to it.
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You forgot to add SWF part, wait until you faced with toxic SWFs.
And then i have a lot killers who called me and my teammates SWF but we were just solo players.
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The problem i see is that probably many want chill rounds but are experienced / good enough to win frequently. I know this sounds like the opposite, but i really think it is here not the case.
I think that is why many would like to have MMR removed. The core playerbase of DBD is probably more into funny / goofy rounds then sweatfest.
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Can you mention again publicly (even here) how few players are at the MMR cap? You told us before very few players are high MMR but it seems like every nearly every player on this forum claims they’re at top MMR.
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>> A big part of the reason why we don't show it is because we don't want to pressure people into going out of their way to raise it.
Why is that?
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What's the use? So you can stream your matches and create content with a TOP MMR tag, deluding yourself and fooling others into thinking it means anything at all.
But seriously, I appreciate what the system is trying to do, but it doesn't do it well at all. Better than nothing? Yeah, but still a crapshoot unless you're only playing at peak hours.
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I think it kinda works well (or at least better) when matching SWFs up with Killers, since there's some degree of consistency for the system to work with, so long as there are enough players available and there's been no lobby dodging. But for Solo Q it's just a roll of the dice. All I want is for the system not to completely disregard my MMR and drop me instantly into the next available lobby, regardless of its suitability for me. I don't want to be the obvious weak link to tunnel out or the only teammate willing to touch a gen or go for a hook save. Feels like I get more extremes than decent match ups a good chunk of the time.
That said, if the system actually worked my low escape rate would no doubt put me consistently in the lowest possible MMR lobbies. So I guess I ought to be thankful it screws up sometimes to put me with Survivors that know what they're doing from time to time.
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So that it functions as a valid gauge of how likely a player is to kill/escape. That doesn't work if everyone sees MMR as a reward/goal and tries to raise theirs intentionally.
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With SBMM you just get lucky on whether you’re actually paired with teammates and opponents of a higher/lower skill level. SBMM would only make sense if we could all see our MMR. Since we can’t it does more harm than good to everyone playing.
With Emblem Ranking pipping was more important than simply escaping, and getting multiple kills. If you camped/tunneled after a certain threshold you didn’t pip. The same for survivors who gen rushed. They didn’t pip. So you didn’t rank up, and face more challenging opponents. Emblem wasn’t prefect, I know. The thing is Emblem was healthier for DBD in the long run than the current MMR. The way the game is now is proof. Everything changed for the worst after SBMM came.
On top of that if escaping is all that matters bring hatch escapes back to prevent the loss of MMR for both sides. It does take skill to find the hatch with a killer on the loose, and open it with a key. Since killers actually SEE survivors that bring keys into the lobby. They’ll target that person, and possibly bring Franklin’s to stop them.
Instead the devs remove/rework hatch… That’s why we don’t even see keys being used anymore… Not even for the Amber add-on to see the opponent.
DBD is actually utter misery now. They’re covering this up with all the licensed killers like Alien, and Chucky.
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People are prone to "Bigger is better, number go up" syndrome.
Even if it's counterproductive to their own experience.
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sorry for the post necro, i was going through some discussions and i found this post to be very interesting!
MMR is one of those things that i think a lot of people put way too much stock in when it comes to its numbers or what they consider to be 'top mmr'. technically, there is no use in raising your MMR because the matchmaking is supposed to serve as a way to follow your increase in skill and is intangible. it's not a statistic, nor is it a trait of the player. it's just the game's way of trying to cater your experience to your baseline level of play.
now that MMR has been tweaked and has been put out for a long time, i'd say it does a very good job at consistently keeping you around your baseline. it scales accordingly if you show significant growth or regression from your previous matches, but not so much in a way that you're consistently getting extremely good or extremely terrible players. in a way, it seems fairly balanced out now! i can count about 2 really good players and 2 weaker players each game on average now at the level i play at. if you want to change your experience to surround yourself with more challenges, or your playstyle enables you to raise your skill ceiling, MMR allows you to do that based on what your personal performance is like.
this is its usefulness as a function in dead by daylight. it's not meant to be any more than this.
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I'm perfectly happy with being medium MMR particularly as a controller player which limits how well I can perform. Also means I can play any killer or run some fun perk builds and still be dcent most of the time. I don't know why people are so eager to get to high MMR from what I have heard and seen it sounds like hell and you really need to amazing at the game on both sides.
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It would be a good system if you could opt out of it. Like Peanits said, some experienced players want harder matches.
As it is, there's almost no way to play (besides being an absolutely useless teammate) where your MMR doesn't creep up, and not being able to play the game without "harder matches" means not being able to play a fun match without every opponent being the sweatiest possible players.
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At some point when you have over 100+ winstreak on your main account you know you are.
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Then they're doing more than fine at high MMR to ever complain about "killers are struggling at high MMR"
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According to survivors, most killers in high MMR are trash and don't know how to play the game... after hundreds/thousands of hs.
There's a probability of 90% you'll see "tunnel" in endgame chat. And they're right with that, even just both sides tunnel their objectives. But i wouldn't blame the players for that. The game is balanced around KILLS and ESCAPES now, it is what it is. And on top MMR is a funsponge in almost every multiplayer game. It's just even worse in an asymetrical MP game with alot of RNG.
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I don’t think that is what OP is saying.
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Well, I didnt say OP said that, just most killer mains in general.
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This is funny because its true. The 'survivors are way too strong' and 'watch as I still win' combo is one of my favorite types of posts.
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Im struggling with 90% win rate at high MMR
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What if I have competitively mind but I dont want my opponents to be the same?
I mean, I may play Blight with strong addon, stacking 4 slowdown and tunneling, but I dont really want to play against SWF stacking strong perks and items.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
So you are answering to nobody but what you think other people say. Litteraly talking to yourself.
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That's where the comedy sits.
"I have no idea what my MMR is but I've reached a point where games are hard and I keep getting beaten so I must be at high MMR, wow high MMR sucks"
Guess no one is willing to admit they hit their ceiling in mid MMR or even low MMR and are getting creamed by the average player.
"Are you at high MMR?"... "I don't know but my ego is" 🎉
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Please forgive my poor English; this has been generated by a translator, which is not perfect either. I usually struggle with English writing.
What I don't understand is, a high MMR usually means better opponents, which makes sense. (Certainly, long waiting times may also result in being matched with others, and this also makes sense to a certain extent). But if I get 2 kills, then I have a balanced game (if you look at the kill rate, not like I do) and stay in my rank. If I kill more, my rank goes up, and if I kill less, it goes down. It means that if I play the way I want, I end up in many games where my performance feels right for my playstyle. For example, if I hang twice first and then start killing, then I'm in the right place if I average 2 kills. If I achieve more, I eventually face better opponents until it balances out, or worse opponents if I kill less.
Another example is if I focus on the first hook and then play normally, I'll probably climb MMR faster because I'll often get more kills. But it also means my skills are lower, and I have a tough time, so I feel the need to complain and continue playing "unfairly." That's why I try to hang every 2 times and then start killing, except for my top killers. It feels like I have good games where you can play things other than the meta. With top killers, I want to sweat and prove something to myself.
Now the question is: Why do so many people complain? I believe it's often just misunderstood. As a killer, I've only killed 2, so I haven't won. If I and someone else don't escape (or only I don't), or if the killer isn't destroyed, I haven't won. For me, if I, as a survivor, performed well, it's a win for me (escaping is an extra point). And as a killer, if I had good chases, then I've won, even if everyone escapes, but I have 8 hooks. Since I've adopted this attitude, games are usually a lot of fun, unless I end up with really strange people.