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Chucky | The Good Guy Feedback



  • Member Posts: 4,428

    Chucky is an amazing Killer, I think however that there are a few things in need of changing.


    This may be a controversial opinion, but I think Chucky should only be able to Scamper during Slice & Dice, this counts pallets and windows. Scamper is really strong and uninteractive when not used in the Slice & Dice attack. This would make him a lot weaker tho, so buffing the Scamper speed for both windows and pallets to 1.0-0.9 seconds from 1.4 seconds iirc would be nice.

    Also to compensate this a bit.


    The cooldown is a bit weird, sometimes it depletes, sometimes not, there are some things that need adressing to be honest.

    • Make Chucky start with Hidey-Ho Mode fully charged by default.
    • Reduce the time it takes to recharge it to 14 seconds.
    • Manually cancelling Hidey-Ho Mode no longer depletes the power gauge.

    You are already warned when Chucky is in play when you see the illusionary footsteps, so the first change would just make his gameplay a bit smoother.

    The second change is to encourage more Slice & Dice plays, and since Scamper without Slice & Dice is no longer a thing I think it's fair.

    The third change is just for QoL, not really fun to have the option to hinder yourself haha.

    However, to make the counterplay on the Survivor side a bit more impactful.

    • Hidey-Ho Mode depletes fully when missing or hitting a basic attack.
    • Stuns deplete Hidey-Ho Mode.
    • Blinds deplete Hidey-Ho Mode.
    • Hidey-Ho Mode only starts recharging when Slice & Dice has ended. (not during Slice & Dice)

    There are a bit more means for Survivors to deplete Chucky's power gauge now.

  • Member Posts: 300

    You folks did a great job on chucky. Alien as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    Agree, but alien got a bit over nerfed. His tail is pain on controller. The faster movement speed after a miss before the nerf, just didn‘t make it feel that bad. I would have buffed the turrets, instead of nerfing it this hard.

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2024

    Chuckie is overpowered, as a survivor and minor killer (I own alien, onryo, etc.) - he has the strength of multiple killers with little downside.

    1. He is the size of a Oompa Loompa, and his red stain is impossible to see when his stealth ability is active, but when he goes into his "scamper" mode, it's removed.
    2. He gets 3rd person FOV, he should have a 1st person FOV, just like alien crawling. If chuckie gets the benefit of being hidden in a loop for mindgames, then survivor has to be given a counterplay option.
    3. He has essentially Weskers charge that can be zig-zagged - it's already bad enough that he can close the distance so quickly but add in a short cooldown, walk under pallets or fly over windows. The cooldown needs to be increased because he closes the gap instantly even if you successfully dodge.
    4. Chuckie also benefits from the best stealth plays with his global incognito. His laughter audio doesn't help survivors, he's already within 8m or charge lunge range by the time that even triggers.

    tldr; chuckie has the strength of every killers focus e.g. wesker and ghostface, but on steroids. He 1000% needs a nerf or give survivors counterplay measures.

    If you're not going to nerf him, bring back standard boon healing, iron will 100% and dead hard in any wound state. See how the killers like that.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I hope he gets no changes. Leave chuckles alone.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Thank you all for the feedback, it's super helpful to us.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I'm not too sure about whether or not he's overpowered but his Power does feel a little too loaded; strong mobility, strong anti-loop as well as stealth , but he becomes very easy to deal with when his Power's down, and his map pressure is pretty average. One thing I find frustrating about playing against Chucky is the paranoia. I know this could also apply to Ghost Face, but Ghostface isn't 2 feet tall nor can he sprint at you and land a hit before you can make it to a pallet or window. I don't think he's terribly overpowered, but the removal of the fake footsteps would be nice. It's an unnecessary mechanic in my opinion and is one of my least favourite things about him.

  • Member Posts: 443
    edited January 2024

    I think dropping the power time to 14 seconds but making the cooldown start after S-n-D is self-defeating. As it stands right now, if you go for a decently-long S-n-D, the time for that and the swing cooldown animation to play out is already 4-5 seconds, so unless you're only using, like, a fifth of a second of S-n-D the cooldown out of an attack is already effectively 15-ish seconds. So it just ends up doing nothing to help S-n-D's cooldown and only buffs using H-H for M1 mindgames.

    Also, this is just a personal thing but I really enjoy being able to speed up my cooldown by using Scamper mid-dish and extending the time I'm in it. That particular form of agency over your power's restrictions/cooldown is a fun thing that very few killers get to play around with.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited January 2024

    Design is great, 3rd person view is unique and fresh, his size makes him tricky to spot and fun to play against. Hearing his footsteps but not seeing him is really unnerving its great.

    Can't speak to much for his addons haven't really played them all, most are ok middle of the road.

    As for his power, with his turns reduced he's in a good spot. Forces pallet drops not just pallet camping, can be juked and out-run. Still in a very strong position though.

    The fact that players are asking for stuff that was changed back and others are complaining he's OP probably means you hit the sweet spot design wise and he shouldn't really change.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    He’s mostly fine as is and personally I love him for what he is. He is a unique killer unlike any other and it’s very clear that a lot of work and effort was put into making him and overcoming some of the challenges to make him work in DBD like his unprecedented small size.

    If I was going to change him at all maybe slightly nerf Scamper just a tiny bit more but only while it’s outside of Slice and Dice, during Slice and Dice it is fine. I also feel like the Rat Poison addon takes away too much mindgame potential from survivors. To compensate, the power cooldown could be reduced by a couple of seconds (16 instead of 18).

    Then he also has some lackluster addons that could be buffed. Tiny Scalpel, Hairspray & Candle, and Mirror Shards come to mind.

    I know this is a controversial topic, but just to say my opinion on it: Removing the 180 flicks was the right decision and he should not get them back.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited January 2024

    I returned to DBD after ~8 months and bought him with the legendary skin.

    He (she) is very fun to play, and all the survivors I go against say they had fun too. It’s probably because I use plaything, monitor and abuse and the addon that reduce the TR and people like this jump scare playstyle.

    There are definitely loops that hard counter him. He also lacks mobility so it’s easy for survivors to gen rush on big maps so if you nerf his chase power he will become very bad. No mobility and no chase power is the best recipe for a terrible killer.

    Tbh I don’t understand why you ask for feedback here, last time it happened it was a disaster for trickster. Listening to the forum is the worst strategy for player retention. See what happened with dead hard for years defending the broken perk "just bait it out" and people complaining about tunneling / proxy camping. Have a private discord and listen to good players that play both side. Like if you want to improve Singularity ask One Pump Willie for exemple.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • Member Posts: 88

    You're asking them to gather empirical data over a lengthy period of time, measuring it against match statistics and using it to decide what, if any, changes are needed. That's absolutely the right thing to do and it'll never happen.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Chucky's a great addition to the game. Fun to play as and against, props to the DBD team for bringing a Legend to the game, there was so much love, time & polish put into all the visuals, voice lines, And animations. Never through he'd make it into the fog, glad he did.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Things I would do to change Chucky in order to improve gameplay as him and vs him: (Base Kit and Add-Ons)

    - Time taken to perform a Scamper during Hidey-Ho Mode is 1 second.

    - Scamper immediately ends Hidey-Ho Mode.

    - Time taken to perform a Scamper during Slice & Dice is 1.2 seconds.

    - For 1.5 Seconds after performing a Scamper during Slice & Dice, the duration of the Lunge is increased by 0.3 seconds. (This effect applies to a Basic Attack and to Slice & Dice)

    - While in Hidey-Ho Mode, Chucky makes no sound.

    - Successful and missed Slice & Dice hit cooldown is 2.5 seconds.

    - Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown after fully expiring is 20 seconds.

    - Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown after a Scamper is 10 seconds.

    - Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown after performing a Slice & Dice is 15 seconds.


    'Hard Hat'

    - Performing a Scamper under a pallet breaks it immediately.

    - Performing a Slice & Dice attack near a breakable wall breaks it immediately.

    - Increases time taken to perform a Scamper under a pallet by 0.4 seconds.

    - The cooldown for Hidey-Ho Mode is increased by 5 seconds.

    'Iridescent Amulet' and 'Rat Poison' swap effects.

    'Straight Razor' and 'Yardstick' swap effects.

    'Portable TV'

    Once the exit gates are powered:

    - Slice & Dice duration increased by 100%.

    - Time taken to perform a Scamper is decreased by 10%.

    'Running Shoes'

    - Gain a 2% Haste status effect after performing a Scamper for 3 seconds.

    'Jump Rope'

    - Increases charge speed of Slice & Dice by 10%.

    - Decreases duration of Slice & Dice by 8%.

    'Power Drill'

    - Reduces Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown by 15% after hitting a Survivor with Slice & Dice.

    'Good Guy Box'

    - Decreases Slice & Dice hit cooldown by 5%.

    'Strobing Light'

    - Decreases the Terror Radius by 6 meters when Hidey-Ho Mode is in cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Some of his addons feel pretty pointless. He also feels powerless on maps like Lery's. A survivor can basically hold W for every window they can find and make it basically impossible to close distance. Fortunately it's not many maps that makes him feel so powerless. Maybe increasing control after vaulting during slice and dice could fix this, but currently... there's not a whole lot of point in using this part of his kit since you are so restricted in where you can run to after the vault.

  • Member Posts: 2,207
    • Cooldown is too long, makes power drill feel essential. Should be 14 - 12s depending on how much other things are changed/nerfed
    • Scamper should still exist to give him something against predropping, however it's duration outside of SnD is a bit too short, should be 1.8s ish instead of 1.4s
    • Scamper during SnD should be encouraged, and should be buffed to be shorter at 1s-ish
    • Bring back 180s, or increase the lunge angle and sensitivity for both PC and console
    • QoL changes:
      • Possibly increase SnD duration to 1.3 since jump rope is still one of his most used add ons and always an undeniable good pick
      • Small Add on pass (rat poison is waaaay too strong, his purples besides razor are incredibly weak, other add ons underwhelming and should be reverted to their PTB state such as good guy box and yardstick, rework/change any that base kit changes account for)
      • Make footsteps more visible on hard to see maps, on ormond they essentially don't exist.
      • His voicelines are cool, but should happen just a tiny bit less frequently
      • Give manually exiting hidey ho mode a purpose, such as preserving the cooldown you leave it at instead of resetting it to 0

    Pretty good killer design, one of my favourites. If there's one take away please look at reducing his cooldown to at least 14s.

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2024

    Chucky is fine...ignore all the scamper haters they probably like pre dropping pallets and expect to get rewarded for low skill plays.

    Let me go over scamper really quicky so first of all if you scamper it's not a "free hit" as you HAVE to use your power in order to get that hit...yeah on PTB it WAS a free hit. However, because they nerfed the scamper speed slightly + chucky being 110, he doesn't get around many tiles in time to just m1 people unless the survivors pathing is bad. So there are 2 counterplay options: either get the stun or if you don't and he scampers dodge his slice and dice. Every idiot I've seen complain will post a clip where they pre drop a pallet and then proceed to run in a straight of course you got hit dumbass you played badly lol. Pre dropping takes no skill so I think scamper is fair game.

    Only one my suggestion is nerf scamper slightly so that when stunned it takes a chunk out of his power gauge equivalent to like 3 - 4 seconds of his power so he can't immediately scamper after recovering from the stun so it gives survivors more time to make distance and rewards them for getting the stun. Obviously if he's in his power he gets stunned out of power like he does now.

    Note: this would also apply to things like head on, ds, etc.

  • Member Posts: 557

    "Scamper haters" - people having valid criticism over a massively overtuned killer

    So let me run through the scenarios in which a survivor is running to a pallet and what options they have:

    1) Chucky not in power, run through pallet - he stealths as you run through, turning most loops into his favor because you can't see him nor his red stain and he can just m1 you

    2) Chucky not in power, prethrow pallet - chucky stealths, scampers, and you get hit anyway because he gets a dash

    3) Chucky in power, run through pallet - he gets to curve and flick his m1, hitting you anyway

    4) Chucky in power, prethrow pallet - he scampers and continues his dash, curves, and flicks you with m1

    If Chucky is sitting on his power, he will hit you. And his power is on an extremely short cooldown to boot, so he will most likely have it up when he needs it.

    I'm sorry but "just pallet stun him" and "just dodge his ability" are not counterplay. Unless you're playing on The Game, what happens when the 8 pallets available on every other map disappear and you're left with "just dodge," because "just pallet stun" isn't possible anymore? But even besides that point, having to frame perfect drop a pallet multiple times just to avoid a killer power? Yeah, no I'm sorry, no matter what way you look at it, it just isn't fair for anyone on the receiving end.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    That‘s simply untrue. Survivors have plenty of options.

    I have two groups of people I play against.

    1. Where am I; They run blindly around and think I‘m still moving, when I don‘t move and wait that they run into me.
    2. Loop actually good; spin me; prerun and loop me like a blight.

    It’s actually not that difficult to play against him. Is he strong? Shure, but not too strong. Scamper is mainly fine too, but survivors are mostly not clever enough in that situation to just run around pallets. They wait until I scamper and want to vault it. Then I just hit them, but that’s not a killer issue. His slice and dice is also no free hit. There are a lot of places, where you can‘t use it and when you vault a window he can‘t really turn around, so just run to the right or left. Just play against slice and dice like you play against blight.

    The last part is not a Chucky problem more a map problem.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • Member Posts: 557

    If only saying something was untrue made it so. 😂

    You say survivors have plenty of options but refused to give any, which is quite telling in and of itself. Of course you can't guarantee a scamper hit when approaching from unfavorable angles, but you will only get an unfavorable angle 1 in 10 times you go for a scamper play.

    Also, play it like blight? As if that's any better? So I have to hope my loop has an alcove I can hide in while the blight is trying to moonrush, hug tech, and 720 flick me all in the same rush? Or just run through the pallet and hope the game doesn't give the killer the hit anyway because the hitbox is extremely forgiving when they swing through the pallet? You can't be serious right?

    Also I don't know what it is with people saying this, but "too dumb" survivors? Knowing how to counter a blight the way you're suggesting is something only higher skilled players know how to do. "Too dumb survivors", if you're following the standard bell curve when it comes to the skill distribution in this game, is 83% of all survivor players if you account for one standard deviation from average and everything to the left average. 83%. Do you think it's fair that someone can throw on a killer and 4k most of the time because 83% of the playerbase has no idea what to do? Because 83% of the playerbase doesn't want to invest 30 hours a week playing the game, watching every new "tech" guide to keep up with a killer that gets so much in his kit for free?

    To a certain extent sure, survivor skill issue I will give you that. However, the majority of it simply comes down to avoiding the obvious and instead pushing an unrealistic expectation upon all survivors in order to feed someone's ego. "My character isn't broken, you all are just too dumb, and I am smarter than you." Last time we went down this road, we got 1,500 win streak blights because survivors can't do anything against him. But surely that's a survivor skill issue right?

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    At first I gave some ideas, what you could do and there are more. I‘m just too lazy too write a long text.

    Secondly, I didn‘t say that people are dumb in general, just in the scamper situation. I changed the dumb part to fit better. I‘m sorry if I attacked someone personally, that was not my intention. I have so many survivors that just wait on the other side of the pallet and then I scamper, but they refuse to move, which then gives me the „free“hit.

    Chucky is far from broken, yes strong, but not broken. You never played him, he has some scenarios, where he really struggles, especially on big maps.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • Member Posts: 557

    I don't believe you were directly calling anyone in particular dumb, so you have nothing to apologize for. The reason I brought that up was simply because dumb is relative and subjective. A "dumb player" to a comp player could be any of the 99% of the playerbase below them. A "dumb player" to an average player could be someone only 40% below them, which is what I was getting at. At a certain point, the knowledge you need to counter the killer gets increasingly higher, especially bringing up blight counters, that saying "too dumb" could very well be talking about a top 5% player with 8k hours.

    And sticking on the idea of subjectivity, the same goes for the line between strong and broken, as it's all up to one's personal judgement. I know a handful of players that think pain resonance is broken, but many killers would be quick to refute them. Who's right? Is anyone right? I have played Chucky multiple times, and there are very, very specific tiles that he does not thrive in, I agree. But he will eventually catch up to you, either through bloodlust, a mind game, etc, and it won't be as painful as it would be on any other m1 killer, speaking from experience.

    Like I said, the line between strong and broken differs between people, and it looks like we have a different definition of that line, which is perfectly fine to have. Ultimately I just hope the devs have enough anecdotes from the forums along with their own internal data to make the right call with a buff/nerf.

  • Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2024

    i think scamper need to be nerfed a bit i play Chuckey every day for a bit and i can tell you scamper it way too strong as well as how far Chuckey can moves while using powers to rush forward i think when Chuckey is in rush he should be force to only be able to turn 45 degrees from the rush position and u need to fix scamper so they can't drift around stuff either it the same issue everyone has with blight their no counter play, u through a pallet he scamper under and free hit EVERY TIME the if u do manage to make some sort of distance he can just drift around walls going backwards yeah it is very broken and on top of all of this his MINDGAME ARE SOO EASY IT INSANE a little movement it all it takes because Chuckey is unable to bee seen on most if not every loop in the entire game and on top of everything he his undetectable built in he has everything thing a killer needs to be easy to use and mind mumming easy to use IMO i feels like they just want to release a killer that everything can roll any squad over with ease i mean his power would be so bad but it way to easy to killers to respect pallets now a day their need to be some sort of suction in place so it just not easy like it is now i think it would fix half if the killers complains about pre drops pallets all game they would pre drop if pallet were to easy to respect so it goes both ways and btw yes u can see his foot steps when the lopo has a short wall but if have any sort amount of ping let just say 75 because that what most people have even the illugarnary foot steps take too long to register and u have no time to react at all

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Thanks all for adding your feedback, it's been super helpful!

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