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Please do something about people giving up on hook

Please do something about people giving up on hook

It's almost every game in my solo games the team mates are doing it some times its every game in a row while on stream getting worse each passing day can not have a normal game as soon as it starts 1 2 or 3 people decide to instantly give up


  • blithes
    blithes Member Posts: 84

    what you and everyone else who complains about people giving up on hook do not seem to understand if that if bhvr removes hook attempts, people will always find another way to get out of the game and go next, because if they don't want to play, they won't. they will afk, and then if an afk timer is added they will throw themselves at the killer, and if the killer wont kill them they might throw the game (ie throw all the pallets down etc) to ruin the experience for everyone else.

    bhvrs mistake was increasing the dc penalty after they added dc bots. they should incentivise dcing over giving up on hook, so at least the remaining 3 get the bot who is somewhat more useful than a 3v1. not saying remove the dc penalty completely but they implemented a fix that no one wants to use because no one wants to sit through the ban timer.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    Until these devs actually make survivor a fun role to play again and quit making killers so oppressive this will continue to happen. Clearly they haven't understood that yet, or more likely they just don't care.

    This needs to keep happening until the devs are finally forced to fix their game or just watch it die and probably never make another popular game ever again.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 608

    On top of that, they removed the ability to spectate matches that you DC from, which gives even more incentive to choose throwing on hook over DC'ing.

  • mugi
    mugi Member Posts: 54

    I don't think many people want their accounts banned. Sure, there may be a temporary increase in trolls, but they will leave the game temporarily when we report them. And they will cool down.

    But if too many people are killing themselves, maybe we shouldn't provoke them. Because the developers won't be able to handle them.

    This is an aside. I'm probably matched with people in East Asia and I rarely see people commit suicide after a cap increase in MMR. I know this is difficult, but I believe that raising one's own MMR will greatly reduce this problem. For now, though...