Faced the Knight...

I went up against a Knight this morning, even though he's still killswitched (as of the time of posting). Idk if he was briefly re-enabled and then killswitched again or what, as I didn't check the roster right after the match ended. I didn't see any unusual glitches or behavior from him, however.
I just thought it was odd...
Either that's a cheater, or they didn't turn the game off once in all the time that he has been killswitched.
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IMO either way a person who is doing this should be banned. (Same with the Flashlight-Glitch from some time ago)
Even if the person is not a cheater, they at least keep their game open to abuse something which is killswitched. And this is banworthy in my opinion.
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i think its a cheater. even the people running the nightlight website for dbd is running into knights. you can check it on the stats
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I almost forgot this killer exists.
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So have the devs...
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I do recall reading on the PTB patch notes that he was still killswitched due to ongoing issues. I thought maybe they had fixed them and maybe I missed the announcement, so I didn't report the player.
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It's absolutely ridiculous how long it's taken to fix these bugs. I enjoy the game and want to support it, but I'm reminded over and over again why I can't bring myself to spend money on it. I don't feel like I'm valued as a customer at when bugs (especially ones that affect some of my favorite parts of the game) just get ignored for this long.
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The Knight perk is also disabled, but people still play with it...
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Could be a cheater. Could be devs testing fixes if the issue is more about server oddities more easily tested one the live environment.
How were they playing?
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Either a cheater or this person somehow kept the game running for almost a whole month lol.
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Yep, it's de-prioritised due to Knight not having a high pick-rate and being unlicensed.
If a killer like Wesker had an issue that would require him to be killswitched, he would probably be back online within a week at most.
Having a character disabled for over a month is simply not acceptable.
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Cheater can use killswitched stuffs ?
Wow, that is crazy (don't cheat kids, that's not cool)
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Apparently. I didn't report them, because I wasn't 100% sure that he was still killswitched. Other than using the character, they didn't play real cheaty from what I could see...
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Source: look at the characters that have been killswitched in the past and how long it took to get them fixes.