Reworking the Anti-Camping System.

I've had multiple games where this system just DOESN'T work.
The game I've just had, one person tunneled out, one person alive, one downed, and myself on 2nd on hook..
The downed person was a like 2 pallets away from me and the killer ontop, yet the anti camping system goes SO slow that I died before It even got half way.. dispite her hard camping!
The progress could not be any slower if it wanted to...
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??? So you're telling me If I'm on 2nd and the Killer Is literally next to me I should be able to die on hook without missing any skill checks? Makes sense, I've seen it work differently sometimes, for example when the killer isn't camping at all it'l randomly go to halfway lol...
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The other survivor should have crawled away.
Also it's intended to be anti-facecamp, not just camping in general. Hence the detection being only 16 meters.
Post edited by MrPenguin on5 -
Ah, another "I don't even understand how the system works, but it must be made stronger as it doesn't do anything" post.
Next time the killer is camping you tell your teammates to either trade, unhook you or simply get out to the other side of the map so the AFC can do it's work. And remember that you have to unhook yourself manually once the bar is filled, it doesn't go automatically.
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Thats the fun thing,.killers could just abuse this mechnaic by dropping a second survivor at the hook. Free kill.
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if killer has two downs next to eachother, survivors screwed it massively. Why would you try to loop around hooked survivor? It's kinda funny to try blame killer / system, where survivor clearly screwed it.
You can also crawl away... just saying
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So you do understand that the timer paused, while a survivors i carrierd and it pauses while a survivor down near the hook? ITs just an abuse of this system possible, and ive seen enough killer doing that. Its not a matter of survivor screwing up.
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You know what is the real funny thing? That the AFC stopping if another downed survivor is in range was implemented precisly because survivors abused the fact that it didn't in the PTB to loop around the hook and force the killer to end up giving a free unhook after a chase.
Everytime a killer drops you it grants you a 25% of wiggle progress for free, so if a killer even try to do the dumb thing of using a downed survivor to stop the AFC just crawl out of the range, forcing him to either grant your hooked pal a free Deliverance, you a free wiggle escape, or simply stop camping and hook you. Super abusable, indeed.
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Maybe you got some misinformation from somewhere, there is no anti camping system in the game. There anti facecamping, but that's entirely different.
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The system is only meant to address face-camping, tunneling and proxy camping is still things you need to deal with as survivor.
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It should pass. Otherwise it wouldn't be possible to get more than one survivor into basement.
Plot Twist would become lose lose situation for killer.
Those situations are simply something survivors should have hard time recovering from.
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It needs some change for sure. Ppl even dont allowed to use it in comp.thats already alerting