So we gonna nerf killers but not balance survivors

Killers limited to kicking gens and all these changes to nerf regression stuff is wild.

Especially looking at survivor where you can be hit by virtually anything, any type of weapon/injury and magically heal infinitely while running infinitely. Can we open our eyes please? Some of the matches that last forever is because the killer is keeping pressure on the god survivor mode players, which is their only job, now that gets nicked because survivors can't use logic to outsmart and get the last gen out of the 3.

This really sounds like changes based on outcry and not practicality at all. When is the hand holding gonna stop? Killer doesn't get it that's for sure. Unless you're against bots.


  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 932

    Well, and you have to pray you don't get those bots in esteroids that are perfect to loop and win every single chase...

    Tbh, playing survivor is so extremely boring because it's so easy. I suck as survivor, dont get me wrong, but that still is really easy. You barely get any skillchecks, to the point if i get 2 or 3 when repairing or healing i was lucky. There's not challenge at all except maybe run faster than the killer (which i'm bad at and find extremely boring as well)... Everything is handed so easy to survivors, and every update only nerf killers over and over again...

    Sadly, as someone said, the ratio of players is 4:1 for survivor:killer, and that means that keeping the majority happy and letting them have an easy game is more beneficial for sales than having an actual balanced and challenging game.

    I really want survivor to be harder by its mechanics rather than buffing the killers, but nerfing the survivors wouldn't be bad either. Add more challenge to the tasks, more skillchecks, more objectives... idk... do something to not be me keeping my m1 pressed on a gen and waiting for time to pass...

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    No it wasn't, and a lot of survivors who are new to the game need to get some skill because the game was a lot harder a few years agoi before all the survivor handicap settings. It's actually embarrassing for you

  • KoreWaPantsu
    KoreWaPantsu Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2024

    Hi, I'm killer main. Before complaining about all this new gen thingy I'm gonna try it on the field, maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's not and time will tell, but let me be honest here:

    If survivors end the game with three close gens together, they screwed up. Map management (and gen management) it's one of the main objective of the game and, as a survivor, you gotta pay attention to that.

    Not to mention that you actually CAN end a 3 gen situation. You can. Happened countless time to me, but of course it's better to avoid to end like that.

    Survivors can't tap gens, ok, understood. Will the maps shrink then? 'cause most killers can't even cover 3 gens and survivors will repair generators in seconds.

    To be fair, I'm worried about this update. I'm gonna try that, then judge, but as I said: 3 genning is mostly a survivor's fault, let's face it.

    EDIT: for those who say "it's easy", do you play as killer or do you die as survivor? Just asking.

    Post edited by KoreWaPantsu on
  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    The devs do a very poor job of balancing the two roles, but they do try to do both. Mft did EVENTUALLY get nerfed, it took them months, but it happened. But they've now put in 3 major reworks in a row SPECIFICALLY to make things easier on survivors. They're not killer or survivor biased. They're just really bad at putting in meaningful changes

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    While 3 gens can be a result of survivors rushing their objective, if a killer does the same ie tunneling then it's considered a valid strategy and even endorsed.

    If the killer decides to rush their objective they are rewarded with an easy win, if the survivors compensate by rushing gens then they are punished.

    If the game had built in comms then I would agree the survivors are at fault.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    How about you don't beeline for any 3gen on the map and don't leave? How about not relying on 4 slowdown perks?

  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2024

    Another strength of F13 was picking the killer from the pool of players in the lobby. Everyone has to be on their toes. It removes the ability to coordinate and plan ahead which defeats the entire premise and purpose of the game. It's also not perfect because if you're in their with friends it lead to problems but there must be a good way of mitigating that.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

     In my games it‘s only gen rush the fast as you can

    sounds deserved then... Enjoy MMR

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    You forgot the part where that‘s the only way to win right now. How is it deserved, when it’s a guaranteed loose if I stop doing it!? I already loose over 70% of my games, when playing survivor.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    The deva did say using the fov slider will come at a cost. You'll be more susceptible to blinds. So it's a basekit buff, but there's a cost involved that might dissuade some killers from even using it.

  • KoreWaPantsu
    KoreWaPantsu Member Posts: 79

    It's not. It's the easieast way, and doing it means justify killers that shortens the match by using any means. It's a dog chasing his tail. Btw, what do you mean with "winning"? Make points? Staying alive as long as you can? Escape? Escape all 4?

    Killers need to play too, if you find the easiest way to shorten the game, expect the killer to do the same. I'm not justifying it.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    The problem is they are balancing around player feedback surveys rather than balancing through the stats, like they said they would not do. Killers that statistically didn't need any changes got changes. A playstyle that killers had that was valid given the asymmetrical nature of the game was removed while survivors can now utilize any sort of strategy without any restriction. You need someone like Patrick in there who understood what fun was and what dbd thrives on, the drama, the fast death game, the ultra chaos and mental tribulations that comes with dbd. You see the anti camp mechanic is exactly like the early game change mentioned in many q and a's through out pre sbmm days, while I agree with Patrick on this he deemed that a corrupt basekit idea would not be fun whatsoever given how much they tested the damn prototype. Well he was right, the same as the anti camp we have now, removing a lot of the fun in the game overall. They need to stop balancing based off of one players struggles (the killer, or say an individual survivor). Doing this promotes a lack of variety and no reason to further play the game, DBD used to feel so free but now it feels like I'm in chains playing the game and it has become so predictable to where the killer is a generator sorcerer while the survivor has became a hand held experience for the sake of bad players who regardless of any help would end up still losing the game regardless.

  • KoreWaPantsu
    KoreWaPantsu Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2024

    Rushing and 3 gen are completely different things, if you rush and end with three gens (aka "you screwed up") you chose the shortest way to make points with minimum risks. You're just confirming that it's not the only way to win, but the easiest way to "try to win" and you're part of the problem, like every killer that slugs, tunnels etc because you're shortening the match to seek victory, just like them.

    You're just fighting the fire with gasoline.

    PS: yesterday I played three games with Chucky. High MMR. Big maps, Chucky is slow, gens all over the place. I'm not a killer that tunnels or proxy camps or 3 gens or whatever. Survs rushed anyway, exploiting (it's their right, right?) every single safe loop of the map, with the shack right in the center that made playing impossible with good survivors. Short games, I didn't have fun 'cause I didn't play. Quitted and switched to The Finals, a little frustrated, but chill, I know myself and I know the game. Until this game is seen like a competitive sport and not just a game played with others (the killer too, yes) then we'll always have problems and no update will change the situation. It's not a problem of the game. It's just... People will be people. Just don't be the people, it'll help.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    You could be blinded without shadowborn from outside of your fov too, so Idk why this is a big deal.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131
    edited January 2024

    True, but this makes it worse. Like, if you could be blinded when the light is 10% out of your view, now it could be 15% or something.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Yeah that was always the case with shadowborn. Now it's just basekit IF you want. How convenient.

    Yes exactly, "survivors screwed up because they rushed their objective." But killers "done good" when they tunneled at 5 gens. They are the exact same thing. Objectives being rushed.

    Surivors exploiting loops? You meaning playing correctly? Must be tough.

  • Lurkzerker
    Lurkzerker Member Posts: 12

    Don't forget the new Shadowborn gives a haste effect if blinded so you can catch up to that person who had the bravery to blind you before your haste ends if you know the direction they went.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    That's not true, at all. The amount of near blinds out of the corner of my eye is not insignificant in number. With fov adjusted, they would have worked. Survivors misjudge all the time.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't gen rush and manage to get out, or someone out of my team quite well.

    You need to gen rush only when you get downed too fast...

    as soloQ gen rush is not effective so effective and if you are doing something wrong if you need it as SWF.

  • KoreWaPantsu
    KoreWaPantsu Member Posts: 79

    And that's why I said "it's their right". c: For this legit right, 1 of 5 people didn't actually play, didn't enjoy the game and quitted a little while later. This game, like everything in life, have it's problems. As a player (and a killer) I think is my responsability to play fairly as much as I can to let people have fun and play the game too.

    If you rush (and justify rushing) you're justifying the killers that tunnels, slugs and 3 gens from the start, 'cause you're doing the exact same things, I already said that. Of course it's your right to use a map badly designed (three times in a row) against the killer, doesn't mean it's healthy for the game or fair for the other player (the killer) in the same measure as it's not right to tunnel a survivor right from the start and not letting them have fun at all.

    Even if we play against each other, we play together. That's what I'm saying from the start. If the game lacks of balance, you can intervene as a player, playing with and for the others. But, as I said before, if you fight fire with gasoline... You got toxic games with toxic people and toxic matches. c: That's it, and that's all.


  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    I'm assuming you don't care about cool things, but strong things so

    we had: rebecca perks (oh my hyperfocus), renato perks, gabriel soma perks (oh my made for this), nicolas cage perks, ellen perks, anti FACE-camp, old borgo, skull merchant´s map, toba, new BNP, new anti 3gen, new garden of joy (literally stronger than before) etc

    and remember, not being meta competitive OP crutch power doesn´t mean being bad, vittorio perks are amazing

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I am basically with you in that regard. The amount of times I got some bs answers like "Because survivors only rush gens" or "because I get tunneled too" to my question "Why did you tunnel at 5 gens?" is just sad.

    I think that we all should be fair to each other, but I can understand players wanting to win.

    For example: what am I supposed to do if I start the match right at a Gen? Go away and waste time by "looking around"? That would be dumb. So I do the Gen. If the killer does not interrupt me, that Gen will be finished. The killer can only chase 1 person and as nobody is hooked, 3 people do gens. Worst case: 3 gens are done after 90s into the match.

    How is the killer supposed to win after that? Believe me it is really difficult to do so, especially when on a bad map or against good survivors. If the killer wants to win, they have to remove a player asap, but usually it's too late for that at that point. (you can still manage 2 or 3k very well but that is not enough for some people and it's very exhausting to do often) So they start tunneling at 5 gens, even if the team does not sit on gens that efficiently, resulting in an unfun match for that survivor. I am not against tunneling at 2 or less gens (especially if they were completed fast) or camping if someone is nearby.

    I usually try my best while being fair, as long as the other side is. Then I don't care anymore. Same goes for survivor too.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    windows of opportunity need nerfed, pallet vacuum needs to be removed, and there needs to be some beginning mechanic to help with gens (I believe the devs scrapped this one because they said it was "boring" LOL. This should prove theyre incredibly survivor biased. i don't know about you but its boring af as killer to have gens done in 5 minutes.)

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    hyperfocus and reassurance are super strong what are you talking about man, yes, i was talking about background player, troubleshooter anss scavenger are really good, and mft is not even bad now, it´s just not super OP like before, you can still get the endurance and its a really good anti tunnel, plot twist and dramaturgy are insanely good, but it looks goofy so you probably don´t notice it (scene partner is ok), lucky star is decent, trap is really good if you´re in a dead zone or need to make a lot of distance (like the new alan wake perk) and lightfooted is not bad, it´s decent and works well in the firsst step of a chase

    anti face camp is indeed a good thing, it makes proxy camping harder too, old borgo was really good for survivors, not that strong but not weak, toba has a lot of random trash and some really good loops if you know how to run them, not that strong but not weak, new BNP is not just a nerf, it´s a rework, and the 10% you remove from the gen can´t be regressed like the old bnp, new anti 3 gen is not that good? it literally removes the 3gen holding, how is it not good? and goj changed a lot, the main building is even stronger now

    i don´t think i said that vittorio have strong perks, i said that they´re good and i liked them, you should stop using only meta stuff (or something like that) and try to use the potential of other perks friend :)

    and this is not an ´´us vs them´´, the game is in a really good state now btw

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    If you're kicking the same gen 8 times that might be why you are struggling at killer. I've played this game for years, mostly killer, and I can tell you killer is the strongest it has ever been generally (specific killers can fluctuate with changes ofc). If you play on PC and you have the means to record your matches I'd recommend it. You can watch back your match and notice things that you couldn't during the match. Catch any mistakes you may have made. I enjoy playing killer and I don't understand the complaints about it being too hard. If you are not enjoying your time as a killer consider playing survivor instead.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    really would like to know how this has any weight to it, where show me how WESKER makes killer easier cuz it doesn't in most cases. You know what's also so laughable is the cop out responses like yours, instead of in general discussion surrounding the core elements of survivor or killer that are unbalanced and poor that could use fixing. How you gonna compare looping sim to killer? you don't have stamina or a health bar and can heal forever if you get away. please wake up

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491
  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 429

    I said SINCE Wesker's release which means every patch after.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    this feels like a draw back from any type of "buff" you say killer got

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Survivor definitely can't heal as quickly as before during the CoH meta, thank goodness for that.

    And you're forgetting survivors have to commit to repairing 5% of a gen to keep it from regressing once it's regressing now. That's pretty big and it means no more gen taps.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    It's literally almost nothing, it got rid of gen tappers thats was the only good part but its not a long time at all.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491
    edited February 2024

    Well if you break it down this game is very simple and it could use more features in the horror aspect to kind of match the cinematics feel and give off. i feel it would greatly improve the game