Why are there so many nerfs for survivors?

The game has 4 players on one side and just 1 on the other. So what's worth more? satisfy 4 players or just 1?
Of course, on the other hand, the assassin should gain more bloodpoints or another benefit so that there is still interest in playing assassin. perks like iron will and DH suffered meaningless nerfs making the game dependent on just breaking pallet and running, without looping.
I’m guessing you weren’t around when Survivor Queues was 10 minutes on default in early 2022 and it was pretty obvious that not a lot of people were playing Killer
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If Killer Mains aren't getting their 4K the devs have to coddle and make sure Killer players have it easy.
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Yeah just like when a survivor is not getting a escape they cry to the devs for another basekit perk
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Give us a killer bot queue gaming option, problem solved.
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Didn't killers just get basekit shadowborn?
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If I'm reading this right, you think it's perfectly acceptable to make Killer players miserable For the Greater Good(TM), to the point where they don't want to play the game, and then bribe them to play the game again?
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You need five people to make a lobby, and the game is, on the whole, more balanced than it has ever been, really.
It's not a matter of making one side suffer to satisfy the other, no matter which side that is, nor should it ever be. Saying one side should suffer but we'll make it up to them with a pittance of bloodpoints is openly admitting that there's a balance issue that needs addressing.
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The difference in that is Survivor hasn't been given what they asked. Devs gave Killers the Perk nerfs they been asking for. Only a matter of time until Devs handhold further and nerf Windows of Opportunity.
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Many killlers' gen perks(Ruin, Eruption, DMS, CoB & OC, Pain Resonance) are nerfed and STBFL is also nerfed in PTB.
Sloppy and UW will also be nerfed in the near future while DS will be buffed.
HUD for solo survivors and Anti-Facecamping update to reduce survivors' frustration are made.
These things would not happen at all if survivor actually hasn't been given what they asked for.
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Ah, some Holy Survivor's Rulebook advocates, it seems.
I wonder what would satisfy your entitlement and power trip hunger. Should they bring back insta-healing? The god-mode healing combo? The infinite loops? The insta-blinds? Maybe be able to trap the killer in a hole until the server close up? Make those base mechanics changes for the only sake of survivors any more abusable and broken?
This game has being so survivor sided for so long that it being somewhat balanced in the last years makes some people believe that it is "killer sided" now.
Oh wow yeah, you are right! After 7 years on the market the game received a FOV slider for accessibility reasons, a basic feature in any FPS game since the 2000, alongside an "anti-3genning" in form of a safe net for those survivors that do generators without putting some thought in it.
So stop with the OP basekit changes for killers already BHVR! What other balance breaking feature would you add next? Them being able to see how many hooks a survivor has? I think is time to add another basekit safe net for survivors like "Anti-slugging" or something, as obviously they don't have enough of those.
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Most who play survivor play alone. An assassin doesn't depend on anyone to play, just him, and regardless of how bad he is, he can take at least 2 without making an effort. the survivor depends on 3 more companions and the killer's obligation not to pursue just 1 survivor. not to make a tunnel
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Just a complete guess but I think they are using a translator and copying and pasting, text box and all.
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Didn’t survivors just get anti face camping?
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There are some hilariously poor and biased takes in this thread... but to answer the question seriously.
It's quite simple really. 4 players on survivor side means they can take the same perk 4 times. If you have a perk that is very strong and consistently causing problems for all/majority of killers in the roster whenever anyone takes it, the perks overpowered effects are amplified by a factor of 4. This means if survivors have a perk that almost everyone runs consistently, especially if it's an aggressive perk like Dead Hard or DS, it's effects have a very strong pronounced effect on the game.
Similarly there are 33 different killers in the game. If a single perk is being used by majority of the cast, regardless of skill level or playstyle, and consistently seeing higher win rates across the board regardless of killer or playstyle (like Eruption, CoB and Pop), these perks too needs to toned down.
Nerfs and buffs happen on both sides when they need to happen.
Also Yay for 1993.
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and are getting anti gen regression.
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Most players are not going to use it, that's really not BT level. This is optional feature, not basekit change that would affect games in major way.
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Deathslinger: nerfed.
Spirit: nerfed
Spirit addons: nerfed
Nurse: nerfed
Nurse addons: nerfed
Kick gen meta: nerfed
3-gen: soon to be nerfed
face-camping: nerfed
Skull merchant: nerfed
Sloppy butcher and UW nerfs are coming this year.
You were saying?
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One thing that would be wonderful for this game is if some players would finally stop with their "Us vs. Them". I think this would be the best for the game. Even though the developers fail sometimes, they do their best to make their game fun and fair for both sides because both sides are necessary for a match and we, the playerbase, play this game in our free time and should have a good experience. As a result, some nerfs are necessary and this on both sides like other users already explained. Just because the developers nerf perks for one sides does not mean they love the other side, it's just that these issues are faster to fix for the metagame - and then in the next patch there are some nerf for the other side (Also just because they nerf something does not mean it becomes useless: DH is still in the top then of most used perks). This also works with buffs and QoL changes for a better experience. The developers added Shadowbornbasekit because some players suffer from the current FOV, the developers added basekit BT because they saw the issue back then. Soon they will rework DS and UW for a more balanced game.
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I feel completly different, surv has ftp buckle, plottwist power stuggle combos... Still really strong items...etc soo it needs more nerfs. Killers on the otherhand like, theres some really strong killers who can keep up with the survs and even anhailate then. And the rest is okay or good with addons and the other half should be on the rework list cuz they succ. Oh and dont forget anti camp and mft.
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I think part of why we see more survivor nerfs is that we used to get so many killers nerfs patch after patch after patch.
And I think after those nerfs BHVR shifted towards the survivor side because they saw how low the kill rates were so they needed to try to give the game some more balance for both ends. Which is hard to do in this game but every update is an effort.
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Kill rates were never that low, even when there were really broken things on both sides in past. Except for Nurse it was always above 50%.
Bigger issue were queue times for survivors.
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BHVR said prior to the perk overhaul update the kill rates were low.
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Fps? Dbd isn't a fps.
The 3gen mechanic will do nothing just like all the others.
Yall cry everytime but when it comes to live it never helps and then you guys just hold it over heads like it does.
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Fps? Dbd isn't a fps.
Do you know what "FPS" means? First Person Shooter. You know why? Because the camera perspective is in "First Person".
Now, what camera perspective killers have? Yeah...
The 3gen mechanic will do nothing just like all the others.
Yeah, and the AFC also do nothing to those that wanted to have their saves always guaranteed for free.
Yall cry you want the game to have mechanics that not allow "unfair" tactics even if they already have gameplay solutions, but when they implement them you keep crying because what you really want is for the game to cover every single mistake you can make so you don't lose, so it's never enough.
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Killers have a "gun", survivors don't. Fps games are not asymmetrical games.
Mistake? What mistake? Ending up on hook?
Why you complaining about afc? Are you just waiting at hook for the next survivor?
Why are you complaining about anti 3gen? Are you just waiting at the 3 gen?
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Right? Seems like a lot of players forgot about this. It’s all about balancing the game.
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Shooter. Killers have a "gun", survivors don't. Fps games are not asymmetrical games.
... and? The FoV slider affects the perspective. But fine, I would change it to "Having a FoV slider it's a basic feature in any game with a first person perspective camera since the 2000". There, happy now? Would you be able to sleep well this night?
By the way, "FPS games are not asymmetrical games"? I think Overwatch would disagree to that statement...
Mistake? What mistake? Ending up on hook?
Any mistake that make you ending up on a hook, yes, and any mistake that your teammates could made trying to get you off that hook. You obviously want for the game to cover up survivors in any of those situations so it's impossible to not get an unhook for free or you won't be saying that "those mechanics do nothing".
Why you complaining about afc? Are you just waiting at hook for the next survivor?
I'm not complaining about the AFC, I think it does pretty well it's job in not allowing face camping. Survivors like you are the ones complaining about it, implicit in your "the 3gen mechanic would do nothing like the others", and the only reason you think so is because what you want is a system that doesn't allow the killer to defend their hook in any way or form while granting you a chance to do a save, you want your saves guaranteed so you don't lose.
Why are you complaining about anti 3gen? Are you just waiting at the 3 gen?
Again, it's not me who said "the 3gen mechanic would do nothing like the others", so yet again it's you complaining for the same reasons I already said.
But I have to say, with fallacies and mental gymnastics like those you are going to do great on this forum. I know someone that could be your best pal here for sure 🤣
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I didn't come here to argue in text with a deranged individual.
Your the type to back and forth and say nothing of relevance.
I'll not waste my time.