Is it possible we can get a knight buff or rework.

Y'all know how knights guards follow survivors exact paths, like literally. That's really bad and his guards are just not it. I feel like you should have to press the power button to make guards destroy something, you should be able to go to a gen and just press a button that orders the guard to do so and the knight can be on his way. It sucks that knight is only good at ending loops and rarely sandwiching people. Sometimes ending loops sucks because the guard never catches them. I was hoping ptb would have did something with knight but I guess not, he's still cool though but is only truly good at 3 gen and all the camping stuff it seems like.
Never survivors find him boring so he'll get nothing that's how it be
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Exactly my point on how the game is survivor sided
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While I love his design, sound and animations, his power and add ons are meh to me. Therefore I wouldnt mind even complete rework if hes fun to play.
I always wanted medieval soldier in armour killer
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I do think he's fairly fun to play with the CTA addon, but he's certainly never going to be fun to play against in his current iteration.
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He suffers from a couple addons being basically mandatory (Map/CTA) that need to be base kit while "most" the rest of his addons bar a couple are trash.
The guard bug where they run around a dropped pallet.
His guards should have increased move speed based on proximity placed to a survivor (requiring a minimum distance of drawing to prevent just tap drops). This raises the skill ceiling which he needs desperately while only buffing the more skilled Knights and not the lower ones.
Don't show the green circle around guards to survivors.
Post edited by Blueberry on0 -
He is so boring to play as and against he should get reworked especially cause of the 3 gens wich is his only viable strategy
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Whatever buff he gets, it better not give survivors even fewer options for counterplay than they already have.
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If you don't like playing against Knight you should be happy because he has basically been deleted from the game indefinitely.
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Knights pretty easy to evade
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A rework would be nice to he's more interesting to play as and against cause right now he is meh in both departments
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Y'all know how knights guards follow survivors exact paths, like literally. That's really bad and his guards are just not it.
1: Not sure they could really address this given that the AI in the game is very basic.
2: If the guards were actually good at chasing down survivors, the Knight would be way too strong. His power would need to have significantly more cooldown.
I feel like you should have to press the power button to make guards destroy something, you should be able to go to a gen and just press a button that orders the guard to do so and the knight can be on his way.
So the Knight could kick gens and pallets without even breaking chase? I don't think that would work out very well.
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Lmao what how much more counterplay could you want? Lemme list some for you
You can see the knight's patrol path
You can see the orb if its near you
You can see which guard is next
You can run in a straight line and outrun most of the guards
You can drop a pallet and the guards will go around it because the devs refuse to address the bug
You can get a banner that not only gives you a speed boost but endurance as well
You can unhook someone and a guard will stop chasing
You can see how long the chase is going to last for
You don't even need to unhook stand near someone on the hook and the guard will hit the person on the hook instead
If you're in an SWF you can purposefully trigger a patrolling guard especially the carnifex while the knight is chasing someone else so he has literally no chase ability
Knight probably has the most counterplay options out of any killer
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Ik, knight is horrible
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Exactly, knight is way to easy to evade and is just basically skull Merchant but worse. Knight is only good at camping, your better off naming him the medieval camper. His guards are horrible and glitch Alot. I'd rather load in a game as nurse and vault and not respect pallets than play another game as Knight in his state.
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I agree!
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well that solve that....
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Guess i have an idea :
- addons pass (yeah knight player HAVE to use one brown addon every times who have to be basekit that)
- QoL changes, this killer is bugged, like really
- Give to the knight the ability to remote guard by far (remote them when they are in patrol or in chase would make him A tier, i'm not joking)
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Yes! And i hope they keep it like this, I've the most fun in the game since
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This is a W opinion, compared to all the other people yapping because they might lose a game or two
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Thanks buddy, I think that, the main problem of this killer is not the " AI ".
It's that, you can have big, big cooldown, like 30 seconds, so, remote guard at distance is good, an you can use it more often.
Some addons HAVE to be basekit or ... the killer is just useless ... I mean, the " hold w or give up " meme sentence with this killer is true, but if you are not in chase, it's not a meme, just a sad joke.
Btw most of the addons " even some 2 guards times in a row addons " are pretty bad and useless (even exposed iridescent is terrible)
The BANNER idea is good (but give haste OR endurance, not both, those are the strongest effect in the game for survivors, yeah Made For This trauma).
And yeah, QoL changes, this killer is unplayable on some maps, can go though obstacles by glitchs (like in HaddonField) etc.