Has MMR been changed again in the last 2 weeks?

Did BHVR do another change to MMR over the last 2 weeks that is just now becoming apparent? All my killer games this week have been awful. I can barely get any hooks, survivor looping ability is much better than usual and they are doing nothing but gens all game. I know that there was a change that occured a month or so ago. But I should've adjusted to that by now. This feels different.
Anyone else having difficult killer games this week that are more difficult than usual? Survivor has been pretty much the same as usual.
I hope its not just me being really ######### for the week. I am an average killer not god tier with anyone.
I haven't really noticed anything unusual on killer. Still complete potatoes who barely manage a gen followed by a team of sweatlords the next game. Rinse repeat.
Honestly, I've barely touched survivor in the last month or so. Whatever matchmaking change they made on Chucky's release made it unplayable for me. It was like a switch got flipped overnight. It's a complete waste of time if you care about performance or results at all
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Honestly I think we periodically experience rubber banding from the algorithm. There’s constant movement of people going up and down in rank and I think “bubbles” manifest until they even out then clump up again. Depending on where you are relative to this bubble may explain what you are experiencing.
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I literally have teammates hiding in the corner with self care. SoloQ has only gotten worse on my end with occasional crack teams sprinkled lightly in.
i don’t even have tome challenges to blame this time.
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Maybe this is what happened? My games tonight (1/24) were much more "normal" for what I'm used to going against. My last match was against a bully squad who made me feel like crap so I ended my session after that game. Hopefully games will be more "normal" in the foreseeable future.
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It's a mixed bag for me. Sometimes I get potatoes who do my job for me so much I'd swear they were bots. The type of ppl who will cleanse against Plague, only to immediately a touch a dirth gen. Other times I have to assume I got backfilled into a lobby I clearly wasn't meant for.
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It's back to being completely random for me. I think at this point they should just do away with the system entirely. I actually did test the system once and my main takeaway was that MMR only seems to do anything at the extreme low end of the spectrum. I played exclusively as trapper and intentionally let as many survivors go as possible over a large number of games. Then on trapper I would get brand new players 95% of the time. Although once you reach "average" MMR it feels like the game just puts you in with whoever. I eventually raised my MMR again and got matched with the same opponents on my trapper that I do on killers I almost never lose with.
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Yeah, I am done with killer lately. I have gone from 50 / 50 to survivor main.
I am ash 4 killer still. Usually I get iri for both by now, I am iri on survivor.
I just cant do it. MMR is killing the game for me. And it doesnt even do its job. Look at the latest hardcore series OTZ and JRM did. Literally 1st match on a brand new account, they get a Prestige 40 myers double iri full teachable build.
I actually just want to go back to the old system. MMR is #########. I really cant bring myself to play killer anymore.
Problem is MMR sucks for survivor too. As a duo with my friend it always puts us with 2 noobs to help them out. I was put with someone who had literally 9 minutes yesterday,
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I was above the softcap before, I am still above the new softcap. Haven't noticed any change. I still mostly get solo queue teams that just flop over and die at the slightest pressure, sprinkled in with a few teams that actually know what they're doing. I wish they'd raise the softcap again, games are still too boring.
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Recently got weird matches. Playing as Survivor I got stupid team in a row 5 matches! They get slaughtered, no teamplay and if I follow them I mostly get more trouble then dodging the Killer and doing gens. Then I switch to Killer. And what I got? Total pro teams who make my match a nightmare!
It's like no matter which side I play I got better opposition.
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We have not made any recent changes to MMR - certainly not in the past few weeks. The last change was some months ago now when the soft cap was increased.
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No, what you are experiencing is perfectly normal and par course for SBMM. There are 1-2 week periods where all your matches are going to be absolute sweatfests and then they are going to go back to normal from one day to the next. Been dealing with this since SBMM was introduced. My best advice is to take 1-3 days of break and check back to see if the system collected itself. Don't try to lower your MMR, you can lose 20-30 games and still go up against seal team 6s when this is happening, probably some kind of glitch in the code.
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Have you had a good run lately?
You may have just jumped a bracket and you'll need to eat a few losses to re-adjust.
I find its heavily influenced by when you play too, the players mid afternoon are a different breed from those at 11pm.
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Games the last 2 days were much better than they were earlier in the week. More on par with the type of teams I'm used to. Maybe it was just a glitch or something. I play killer pretty much exclusively at night since survivors during the day are much better than what I get at night.
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Me too. I think it's a sudden loss in players. Since Chucky came out there was a drop. I went from a daily player to maybe 2 to three times a week. It's just unbearable to play. When I play killer you either get massive squads or potatoes there is no in-between. I have another account too with maybe 20 hours and I am being paired with Prestige 100's and I am not even Prestige on any characters lol. So yeah there is something off. Maybe not intentionally done but maybe accidentally.
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So true. It's the same with weekend vs week day. Week day afternoons are so chill while weekend afternoons are so sweaty. I like to think it's all us stay at home mums playing together during the week while the kids are at school lol
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I have a strange feeling MMR may have some hiccups occasionally, or something with matchmaking.
The past few months I've been winning 8/10 matches with my mains Sadako and Deathslinger with quite a few wins as well with other killers like SM, Singularity and Pyramid Head. I swapped to some of the killers I rarely touch like Freddy, Trapper and Huntress and I noticed something very strange. Keep in mind I have 1800 hours.
On my mains, I get a lot of survivors throwing, not knowing mechanics of even deathslinger, low hours and not very good at loops to the point where I sometimes give hatch out of sympathy. On the killers I barely touch, I'm getting survivors with double and triple my hours and know every counterplay to whatever build I decide to run.
I understand MMR between killers is different to an extent, your highest killer MMR is soft-shared with the others, but it doesn't explain why on my mains I get matched with newer or clearly lower MMR survivors compared to killers I don't often touch.
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Every time I have a question about MMR I have to ask and find out on the forums lol.
That's really stupid. If you make the MMR public, players will never have any doubts.
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Solo survivor - Fell off a cliff. Played with seemingly newbies against killlers who have only just picked up the game. Genuinely eye openingly bad last night.
Killer - Games been pretty much the same, slightly easier than sweatfests.
Definitely feels different though.
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I have seen it myself on my free epic account. That account has less than 5 hours and every match as killer has gone against full squads with teachable perks, P50+. That account still gets the new to game loading screen. So we are suffering through MMR and the noobs arent even benefitting from it.
Not to mention on my main I get noobs to help bring them up, then switch to killer at the exact same time of day and get godly survivors to go against. I always think to myself where are these survivors when I am playing survivor? Its very rare me and my friend ( we play duo, 3k+ hours ea, both 100% challenges / achievements ) get put with others like us. usually its 2 noobs to help them out, then the MMR takes the average MMR score and gives us a killer it thinks is balanced.
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What we experience is the system breathing.
It’s a dynamic system and nothing about it is static. People jump in and out of playing this game and not everyone plays to the same level of ability every time. The system uses the players’ MMR to match up with other players in a similar MMR range. That range increases the longer it takes to find a game. After a game the MMR ratings go up and down for the Survivors and Killer respectively.
All DBD players in the player pool get matched up according to their MMR. Sometimes Survivor MMR and Killer MMR grind against each other going in opposite directions and sometimes in complimentary directions at different rates.
Because of this there will be some scrunching and stretching in the total MMR pool as people log in and log out. There will be clumps (or multiple clumps) of a certain MMR and skill until it gets siphoned off by ranks above and below it. Sometimes a certain type of player will be good against a player with a certain MMR but bad against another player with the same MMR. This would create a wave or ripple effect that contributes to this phenomenon.
The system is highly highly fluid and dynamic. The weird wonky games we experience is a result of this phenomenon. It still mostly keeps a player in the same area of skill that they belong to but there will be some skill spread with hiccups that periodically occur.
An MMR of a certain number may not always represent the same skill as it had before. The actual hard skill moves up and down the numbers. A certain level of skill may be one number today and another number tomorrow. It’s just the nature of a living breathing system.