Dev Update Feedback

With the dev update out, I wanted to see what kind of changes would be made from the PTB especially in regards to Sadako, Blight and the Hillbilly.
I understand, that her PTB version with locked in condemned did promote tunneling and that this is not what we want. However, this change is pretty terrible because it only promotes slugging even more. Think about it: If you hook someone twice, you can lock in 4 stacks of condemned. That's 4/7th (a bit less because you still need to find and down them after applying the condemned stacks). But when you have that survivor hooked twice, why in the world would you go for a condemned kill, then? It's faster to try and hook them again.
But since Sadako is undeniably weak in chase, she will not focus on that. Instead, you will find players only chasing to get people off gens and then teleport to quickly spread condemned. There is no incentive to end a chase and there is no reason why they would waste their time hooking survivors. Slugging becomes her default play style again.
The 10 seconds cooldown to spreading condemned are understandable but a huge nerf none the less. A nerf that would need to come with some compensatory buffs. These however did not happen. Sadako would have been a somewhat decent killer, had you taken her from the PTB straight to live. But with both of these nerfs, you make her only viable play style (focusing on condemned over hooks) less of a threat and remove any incentive for her to hook survivors.
There were tons of feedback with ideas on how to make her just a little bit stronger and give her a little extra edge. None of that was used. Her second terrible addon pass was not updated. I can only think of this as laziness. Her addons are still terrible and there was enough feedback on it. The Ring Drawing is now more required than ever because otherwise tapes are no threat whatsoever.
Basically you managed to rework her into a weaker version of her original self. With all the downsides but none of the upsides.
C33 is probably in a better spot now. We'll see how it does, once the Blight mains have gotten used to it.
Blight Tag is still awful. Infinite Rushes are a bad design. It feels awful to play against because you have absolutely no counterplay and it's still pretty over the top because good Blight players will guarantee hits every 20 seconds anyway. This one needs a completely different effect.
Adrenaline Vial... Yes it's busted again. Congrats.
Greased Throttle and Thompson Mix will be pretty good with these changes. Although, it makes me question if this is a good idea. Missing a chainsaw should still come with a draw back. Not as excruciating as it is on live servers but this seems like a bad idea. We'll see though.
Thermal Casing and Ragged Engine still won't be good. You are highly encouraged to use your chainsaw as much as possible, so the effects don't really come into play that often. They need new effects.
High Speed Idler Screw and Discarded Air Filter are still useless. These addons are by design not useful in any way. There is no niche to make them at least somewhat good. You could bring nothing at all and you'd still be in the exact same spot because all it takes for the heat to stop dissipating is revving the chainsaw for a moment. These 2 addons need entirely new effects. You could triple the numbers and they'd still be bad.
I am a bit sad to see that there is no change planned for the SFX volume of the chainsaw. We couldn't have possibly been more clear, that it was simply too loud. Please, turn that down by 30% (old Off-Brand Motor Oil value). You cannot expect people to play a killer that even on lower volumes causes earache.
Test it for yourselves. Just go into a custom game with normal volume and then run around with the chainsaw for a bit. After 10 minutes this becomes unbearable. It is a huge quality of life issue that would be quite simple to fix.
Honestly I straight up can't understand the condemned cooldown with PTB Sadako at all. It would make more sense with live Sadako.
If it were just limiting how many stacks are locked on after hook, a nerf but fine, whatever. But adding the cooldown alongside it? Condemned will no longer be a threat because of how easy it is to counter it since tapes have no real downside to taking now.
At this point I'd rather them leave her the way she was in PTB, monitor it over a few weeks and adjust from there. Or just apply the condemned cooldown to current live Sadako. It's honestly a slap to the face for dedicated Sadako mains.
Meanwhile Blight still has infinite rushes. Truly the stats don't lie.
The only saving grace is Billy this patch.
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To add insult to injury, i have a badge that tells me: "we have read your feedback post".
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For those who havent seen yet.
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To address The Hillbilly's Chainsaw volume: While that wasn't in the Dev Update, the volume should be quieter when the update goes live.
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Maybe a dumb question: How did the "lock in Condemed on Hook" promote tunneling? Barring the specific scenario of the hooked survivor already being high on Condemned I don't see it having a specific effect since tunneling someone off hook would limit your ability to Condemn them in the first place.
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C33 - pretty much not worth running, It's slightly better than double turn rate after 3 rushes which was never ever worth running. With umbra salts it'll be kinda fun but not good which I guess is fine.
iri tag - Should have gone with my suggestion of making it go by normal cool down standards when breaking a pallet or missing. Wasn't going to use it much anyway but def not now. As you said it'll feel bad to play against but on a good blight it's just a self nerf.
Adren - is definitely the big winner
Back to alch ring/green speed and adren/green speed and now ring/adren
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That's a big thank you from me and probably every other Hillbilly enjoyer on this planet.
Next time, include such details in a dev update. Pretty please.
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The global condemn can go yeah (cant believe im saying this since all it takes to counter it is holding a goddamn tape) but the rest? i dunno about the whole timer and instant teleports though, id much rather keep the 10 second cd then.
How am I supposed to tunnel someone knowing my target is about to be fully condemned? I still have to teleport giving my target ample time to adapt and run to safety, feels wierd
didnt play the ptb though since i was planning on getting spoiled when the rework hits, read great things about it tho but now? idunno man
not every sadako player tunnels 24/7 ;)
give her the ol' chess-merchant treatment then, award players that dont tunnel and punish those that those then
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I said this before and I’ll say it again - condemned needs to go.
Sadako has map mobility and stealth, but she’s terrible during chases. Condemned wasn’t really all that strong, and now that it’s been nerfed, it’s really useless. Who cares about locking in condemned? There’s not going to be any time or justification to use it as a means to get kills.
She needs something that will help her along throughout the match. Stacking condemned doesn’t match the lore anyway. Sadako is the only killer with a status effect that does nothing unless she downs a survivor after meeting a demanding criteria.
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That is wrong. Her PTB version was mostly fine. Not top tier but pretty decent. The only thing needed were some twists to her base power (twists that have been thoroughly discussed and explained in the PTB feedback section) and another addon pass. A real addon pass this time. Because most of her addons are genuinely not good.
They had her in a pretty good spot but then for some reason this whole mess happened.
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Absolutely not.
Condemned isn't the issue. The way I see it, half of the problem is BHVR is too scared to make condemned a decent passive threat, and the other half is survivors who refuse to touch tapes out of either ignorance (just not knowing, not a negative way) about how they function or trying to greed generators. More killer power information accessible in-game would be beneficial for the lack of knowledge.
Even if you remove condemned, the suggestions for Sadako are honestly busted in return that I've seen:
- Sadako with remote-pallet breaking. It would make a lot of loops into complete death traps. Front desk of RPD comes to mind, heck most of RPD would be a death trap.
- Sadako could demanifest-walk through pallets and walls. Aside her lullaby giving her away so walls wouldn't be a real scare tactic, demanifest through pallets would also be a horrible idea outside any small loop. Besides, the counterplay would just be to greed a pallet without even looping until she demanifests or breaks the pallet and create a stalemate.
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@ChaosWam @Xernoton thanks for your responses guys. We can all agree that if they were to make condemned something that can even be called a threat, we’d be pretty happy. It’s just not useful anymore.
If they did replace condemned, I was thinking more along the lines of a haste effect whenever she “condemns” someone. Or maybe give an exposed effect; something temporary each time she triggers it. It would work a lot better and would make more sense. Going through pallets would be a little strong, but I’d be willing to test it.
After doing some testing though, it seems that the Iri Tape with the Iri Remote might be the way to go now. Since condemned is a thing of the past and doesn’t help, I’m able to teleport and see auras constantly. TV’s don’t turn off so I can be super aggressive. Combine that with lethal pursuers, I might continue to go this route.
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@ChaosWam @Xernoton thanks for your responses guys. We can all agree that if they were to make condemned something that can even be called a threat, we’d be pretty happy. It’s just not useful anymore.
If they did replace condemned, I was thinking more along the lines of a haste effect whenever she “condemns” someone. Or maybe give an exposed effect; something temporary each time she triggers it. It would work a lot better and would make more sense. Going through pallets would be a little strong, but I’d be willing to test it.
After doing some testing though, it seems that the Iri Tape with the Iri Remote might be the way to go now. Since condemned is a thing of the past and doesn’t help, I’m able to teleport and see auras constantly. TV’s don’t turn off so I can be super aggressive. Combine that with lethal pursuers, I might continue to go this route.