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New Killer meta is coming and all Survivors will hate it

Grim Embrance + Dead Mans Switch.

Hook a Survivor, blocks all gens and if you dare to repair gen while getting hooked, enjoy even longer blocked gen.

You can still run it with Pop and Pain Ress, etc. To kick people off gens and then go kick it.

I bet this combo will get nerfed soon.

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  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    I will finally get artist for this. Just 2+ min slowdown, that doesnβ€˜t allow anyone to progress the game.

    Current slowdown always only effects one person or one gen.

  • Member Posts: 259

    yeah, but don't worry... the new "deadline" will become meta and all problems are solvedπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    ...It ain't gunna replace Sloppy or Noed =D

    atleast for my builds anyways. that is just too much work to begin with,

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    The problem is the constant call for nerfs. Both sides clearly say to behavior all the time we only want nerfs and no buffs.

    Very frustrating for me, because I think most things in this game are just as strong as a snail is fast.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    That fine with me. You still need to wait on it. I'll just run surge and still hit that gen.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    The combo will get nerfed especially when getting too popular like this.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    U could already block all the gens every hook with dead man & UW on a fast movement killer. blocking gens for a long time every down just give me eruption flashbacks.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Honestly, they should make gen block perks not stack. One gen block effect at a time, then when it runs out, the gen is unblocked until another effect blocks it. This should be a rule especially if BHVR wants to have killers use gen blocking more instead of constant regression.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I never use slowdown perks so I dont know how it work.

    Grim Embrace gonna block all Gens for 12sec for each fresh hook? Then 40sec for the 4th fresh hook?

    And DMS increase the timer of blocking all Gens?

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I feel like it's going to create a meta on the survivor side were nothing gets done but gens until they are blocked. Heals can be put off until the gens are blocked. Maybe we'll see a few more boons / inner strength / built to last so people have something to do while they wait for gens to unblock.

    I'm thinking about toolboxes and built to last. Blow through the toolbox on the gen, then the survivor just recharges the toolbox while waiting for them to unblock.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    My current build is Overzealous + CoH + Shadow Step + Exponential. So I'll keep myself busy with booning. I think proxy camping will become popular with a gen blocking meta as you can just cycle through hooks and prevent gens from getting done. I hope I'm wrong because that's boring af for 4 out of 5 players, which won't bode well.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    DMS has its own timer that starts from the moment the killer hooks a survivor. If you release a gen 29 seconds later, its only going to be blocked for 1 second.

    So if I understand the math it goes: Killer hooks, DMS timer starts. Killer moves 16 m away from hook (approximately 4 seconds, blight/teleporters being quicker), Grim Embrace triggers. All gens are now blocked for 12 seconds, those gens which a survivor had been working on are now blocked for ~26 seconds (the time remaining in DMS). So DMS is giving the killer around 14 seconds of extra blocking on up to 3 gens, though survivors can still move to one of the gens that hadn't been worked on for when that unblocks after the 12 second grim embrace.

    Being a 4th hook with grim embrace triggers for 40 seconds, DMS has no impact on that hook.

    I'm not as worried about DMS as I am just the strength of grim embrace. It is a little worrisome that there is no way to play around it really: in the game right now you can let go of a gen to dodge a possible pain res, but unrealistic to waste the time guessing when a killer will move away from the hook.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    This version of Grim Embrace is basically old Eruption without the killer even needing to be anywhere near the hook. On its own this perk is gonna be nuts, with DMS its gonna make people with a peanut allergy start to flare up

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    There is no comparaison with eruption that’s absurd.

    Eruption could be applied an infinite number of time.

    DMS is only after a hook. Also blocking a gen is nowhere as strong as incapacitated status.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Isn't this just going to be a repeat of the Pain Res and DMS combo, though? With the only difference being that it's even easier to counter on the survivor side?

    Like, here's how it works, to my understanding: The killer gets a hook, and walks sixteen metres away. At that point, Grim Embrace kicks in, blocking all generators for 12 seconds. If a survivor is working on a generator at this point, they're kicked off it, activating Dead Man's Switch on that generator and blocking it for... however long is left on DMS, depending on killer speed.

    Surely, if you as a survivor just let go of a generator as soon as someone's hooked, that means only Grim Embrace is activating and DMS doesn't get to combo with it? It's the same as the Pain Res and DMS combo, except that you have a much more generous window to let go of the generator.

    Grim Embrace may or may not be an unhealthy perk, but I am not personally concerned about pairing it with DMS. I honestly think it might not even be a worthwhile combination to begin with, considering how easily survivors could avoid it.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I don't know how this combo survived PTB to live.

    A lot people pointed issue but ignored.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Grim Embrace + DMS is problematic and they know it.

    However only Grim Embrace is fine. We need perks that encourage hooking more than one survivor and there has to be a payoff for the Killer. Blocking the generators for 12 seconds is not that bad because you still can do a lot of other stuff and you get a warning before to avoid DMS (this is only a band-aid thou, gen-locking events should not stack).

    Now why do people compare it to old Eruption?

    Old Eruption hit a generator for 6% and then applied a 25 seconds Incapacitated to the survivor. Also it triggered by downing a survivor, to which you had no warning. Overall only 2 events where you get hit by Eruption are already much more miserable than all 4 events of Grim Embrace triggering.

    Old Eruption was much more annoying and could also combo off Call of Brine, Overcharge for the ultimate 3gen kicking build. And you ran it on Nurse or Skull Merchant for the ultimate unfun. People seem to forget the misery from back then pretty quickly...

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Just make it so when a gen is blocked it doesn’t count as the survivor letting go of it. This would make it so only Grim Embrace activates and DMS only extends it if the survivors touches it and let’s go again after Grim Embrace wears off.

    Or alternatively, make it so only the first effect to block a gen takes effect so similar scenarios don’t occur with other future perks.

  • Member Posts: 868

    BHVR unnecessarily nerfs STBFL by weakening it's chase power and synergy with weaker Killers while at the same time making tunnelling/camping more appealing while completely ignoring the obsession (unless the obsession blocks a doorway or smt then Killers will just completely ignore one player which is boring).

    Announces Sloppy Butcher and Mangled nerfs, things that were mostly used by weaker Killers for a bit of pressure with M1.

    Puts a hard-limit on gen-regression, making many perks simply no longer worth using and punishing regular Killers for ending up in a 3-gen that the Survivors created.

    As a result, Killer variety and perk viability/variety goes down and slowdown methods change to the next thing.

    If anybody is surprised then they shouldn't be. The most powerful Killers don't care about those changes because they never needed regression or STBFL because they have short chases and/or enough speed to interrupt repairs efficiently. All this does is make life more miserable for weaker/M1 Killers and SoloQ.

    Hopefully the future makes themm reconsider many of those changes.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Yeah, fr

    Looks like be I’ll extending my current 6mth DBD vacation to 12?πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜„

    ahhh, feels good dude😌

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    If they nerf grim+dms they should also nerf f2p and buckle up

  • Member Posts: 678

    It will be way to counter second aspect of this combination - I mean D.M.S.

    Survivor can wait 12 seconds and then start to repair the Generator. DMS will not activate. Survivors have a counterplay for that.

    Just saying.

    If they want to nerf this combination, they also need to nerf Buckle Up, For The People, Background Player, Ultimate Weapon & Adrenaline. These perks are very unhealthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited January 2024

    Hello there.

    Can anybody pretty please update my lack of knowledge?

    What did i miss? Aren't those perks already Meta?

    Or do they get buffed even more very soon? If so: LMFAO....actually not funny at all 😑!

    A very annoying (and almost unwinnable for survivors) build is

    • Corrupt
    • Dead Mans
    • Grim Embrace
    • Pain Res


    • Dead Mans
    • Ultimate
    • Grim
    • Pain Res

    And no, please dont argue and just trust me - this is insanly powerful with every killer, not only the high mobility ones. Try it out and win every game. I am ashamed but i admit it, i used those builds a couple of games and you simply win, super easy 3 gens up.


    Wait a second... WHAT?

    Are you kidding me?

    This is not going live without nerfing UW + Dead Mans Switch + Pain Res, right?

    This has to be an out of season april fools joke. If this goes live, its time for another 2 years break.

    Post edited by xEa on
  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I’m definitely nervous for this combo.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    It might be annoying, but I don't know how much impact it'll have until it goes live.

    You can play around the DMS side of things by letting go of the gen just before the hook. Which you're probably already doing anyways to counter PR+DMS combo.

    And 12 seconds is a bit annoying, but it's nowhere near old Eruption levels.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    I suppose dbd is just introducing the concept of "half time" that is known from sports. fourth person goes to hook? Time for the obsession to find a locker. - And time for everyone else to go explore edgemap while crouched. Maybe some cheeky people decide to take a lil nap in basement?

    Though, personally, I probs gonna take that combo as a cue to go find a killer, practise some chase and go next sooner rather than later - preferrably without even touching a gen. - But ifr someone else finds the killer first I suppose I will until they get downed.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Glad im gonna be mostly playing billy and itll be with aura reveal. The deadlock,dms,grim embrace, and pain res Meta or something like it is gonna be horrendous. Ill give some of the survivors a break from it. Like they can still do other stuff like heal and do totems. So its not as bad as say old eruption. But it can be quite bad still.

  • Member Posts: 6,340
  • Member Posts: 1,749

    survivors are already complaining about grim embrace, the one perk noone ever used?? ofc they do. and this takes 2 (two) T-W-O perk slots so it's basically fair. can killers not find useful, smart, niche combos with the very few useful perks they have left? are you gonna get all of them nerfed?

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    They don’t stack; it runs concurrently. So a survivor who gets kicked off a Gen by grim embrace will have there Gen blocked for 30 seconds by DMS not 42

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    It will be and I won’t be playing either. It’s absolutely ridiculous that they are letting it go live.

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    A basically guaranteed DMS proc on every generator currently being worked on at once 4 times a game is pretty overtuned. I don't think anybody is complaining about Grim Embrace by itself, it's just how it interacts with Dead Man's Switch.

    Just because something requires two perk slots doesn't mean it's automatically fair either. Old DS + UB was two perk slots but it was still massively overtuned.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    It's guaranteed until people figure out to let go of the generator before someone gets hooked.

    And the 4th time doesn't even count because Grim Embrace would block it for 40 seconds which is longer than DMS. It is a synergy that can be played around and works 3 times, at most.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Aven already said it but this shouldn't be on the watch list. It should be addressed immediately b/c people are going to use the hell out of it and make matches even more unbearable.

    Hopefully the nerf comes quick.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    survivor mains always cry when killers get good perks and they can form very very smart original combos since all other killer perks are bad. won't you stop until you get all killer perks gutted? just wait it out not that hard.

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