30 days no knight ;(

i hope they bring back my boy in alan´s patch, and now, oficially, we can say ´´nurse is too strong, so i think we should kill switch the knight´´ instead of ´´we should nerf the pig´´ haha
Same. Knight is one of my favorite killers, both aesthetically and from the perspective of gameplay. I love playing a killer that can initiate two chases at once. Knight being absent for over a month is definitely felt, at least by me
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They already confirmed that Knight and Nowhere to Hide would return on the 30th along with the midchapter.
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Theyll probably be back, it reminds me of when Nurse got disabled with the Killswitch, it's just about being patient.
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I was not seeing Knight so much in my games and i was not playing him so much either. But he will come back very soon, a bit patient.
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thank god
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Its gonna be Knight Night when he comes back.
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Or my personal favorite popping up "Rework Sadako"
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´´freddy is so weak, we should rework the onryo´´
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100% agree man
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Knight needs a lot of work but I doubt they'll address him anytime soon. Remember when they buffed his guards' gen-kick to 5% to make it feel more meaningful? Now the base gen-kick is 5% for everyone. Doubt they'll do anything for Knight though.
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It's sad that this is true. On topic I one of my friends bought knight the day before he got killswitched and didn't even get a chance to play him.
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A shame that Nowhere To Hide, with the ill-thought out new gen system, will be a shadow of it's past self.
Why waste kicks for info you might not even get if Survivors are far away or using some kind of aura-reading defense?
Perk got killswitched for a month, came back after it's been indirectly massively nerfed.
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Good, knight and skull merchant players are the worst. 🤢🤮
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the saddest news in history
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Bold statement, Skull Merchant players are by far the worst.
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On the contrary, I'd like to volunteer Artist & Skull Merchant to join Knight in the shadow realm.
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Knight is the one killer I actually felt like playing but he's been killswitched for a whole month.
Aside from that, there's no excuse for this. A character should not be disabled for a whole month, maybe a week and a half at most but a month is beyond ridiculous. A patch should have been released solely to fix Knight prior to the mid chapter's release.
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"This character will be restored as soon as possible" is not true at all I think.
If you compare other online games, when something very important (like characters) get broken to the point of being unplayable or very game breaking, usualy it takes DAYS to solve it, not WEEKS.
They allready fixed the bug long time ago on him but they are waiting for the big patch with I find super limiting and frustraiting for players. Why other games can push mini-updates to quickly solve gamebreaking stuff but we are the only game that it takes month+ just for waiting bigger updates. I don't belive they can't separe or implement such fix without needing to push the whole update in.
It's insane.
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Many bugs need to be fixed so it takes time like always. But it's a really bad look on BHVR just having a killer people have bought not available for so long time.
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I can’t really say I missed him
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There's no problem with the legalities of it, the character is bugged and needs to be removed from rotation. That also affects custom matches, our kill switch is designed in a way that it removes the bugged item / character / map etc completely from rotation. That isn't planned to be changed.
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Since the knight has been killswitched the following has happened.
my hair grew back
my blood pressure is normal
I quit smoking
I repaired my relationship with my parents
I went back to school
i stopped drinking 300mg caffeine in the morning
My depression was cured
My cat, Marsey came back home
and i now do volunteer work
This will all go away if they enable knight, don't do it bhvr.. think of the children
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I have a question about why it took so long for these bugs to get fixed. Did it really take over a month to fix them, or have they been fixed for a while and we just have to wait for a game update. If the latter, why couldn't there be an interim update so that as soon as the bugs were fixed so that people didn't have to wait so long for their characters/perks to be restored?
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While we have someone here, do you know if any of knights other bugs have been fixed as well?
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Id rather they left him killswitched and reworked/fixed him fully. Might aswell go all the way and get him done.
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I propose trading the Knight for an actually good Sadako re-work.
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pls guys let´s not start another 3 billion posts argumentation here
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probably something to do with the way updating works on consoles.
so bundle it with the other update so you only have to deal with it once.