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How many players have to quit playing before BHVR fixes solo queue? Huge drop in players...

Looking at steamcharts, this game isn't looking too good. 28k average players and dropping, the lowest it's been since 2020...

Players, and your community leaders have been stressing that solo queue needs help, weather it be informational, basekit perks, perk chnahes, or major ganeplay changes, yet BHVR has stuck to thier stubborn ways and not only ignored it, but blamed thier own players for the major unbalance in thier game.

I'm just honestly curious to how long BHVR will continue to ignore and punish thier majority playerbase? Does it have to drop to 20k? 15k? 10k? What's the magic number that starts sounding off the alarms at BHVR so they finally start listening to thier own community and do something about how awful the solo queue experience is?

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  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's just the Steam charts, which is a minor portion of the player base, so I doubt it'll worry them too much. Too much weight has been put on this chart for the longest time.

    Also, what drop there is will be due to a number of factors. This drop won't be solely due to Solo Q. Solo Q has been perceived as problematic by players for the longest time, so there's no real reason for this dip to be solely based on that.

    It's not ideal, but at the same time it's not a large enough portion of the playerbase to accurately reflect what is happening. We simply do not have all the figures.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    "Some are just in for the BPs, some want to win and some have a daily quest and only care for that."

    Yep, this combined with mmr means survivors in solo queue have to be severely overtuned to be good. There are games where solo queue actually matches decent players together who are actually trying to win the game, but that's rare. The kill rate was still 53% back in prime 100% CoH, God Dh validiation and IW UB DS meta.

    ALSO, it's likely decently rare to get 4 solos in one lobby. Back before I even started playing they released stats saying I think 48% of survivors were in some sort of swf. With how this game has gone, that number has likely gone up quite a bit.

    Any single survivor could be fishing for flashlight saves the entire game only to come up short, doing dailys/rift, only trying to get value out of their wacky build or even just not doing gen enough or helping. Then you factor how wacky mmr is into getting 4 different players who are trying, what do you expect? The game doesn't facilitate solo queue to do well and neither does the playbase.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Alan Wake would have been a dull chapter whenever it came out. One uninteresting survivor with mediocre/awful perks.

    Alien had a ton of hype, and lots bought it, but the power design was flawed and quickly dropped off, the issue here was design.

    Chucky by comparison was only a half chapter, but was very well designed and well received. It was fairly hyped and lived up to the hype.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    The game was objectivly speaking the most ballanced between mid 2020 and mid 2021. They removed until then the most op stuff like moris or insta heals... you get the deal.

    Since then, killers got their most impactful buffs (big map changes and reworks, deleting of the last remaining direct connected tiles, new very strong perks, longer gen repair times, less distance for survivor after hit, faster break ect ect yadayadayada).

    Since then, numbers went down on steam from 60K to 28K. I firmly think your argument is questionable.

  • Member Posts: 691

    The entire problem when it comes to soloq is the fact you never get 4 equally skilled survivors a game. You also have challenges that want you to throw the game. This MM has terrible agency for a solo player.

    They could make challenges not require survivors to throw the match and have MM based of the players performance instead of the team. Old emblem based matchmaking was miles better on reset compared to what we currently have.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    True but not only that. You as a solo player dont know what every other survivor is capable off. Or what their playstyle is. Even tho in a friendly non tryhard SWF group, everybody knows whats going on, so they can adapt. If someone is a good looper, this person can take the heat while those who are good in finding and repairing gens do that job. Just an example.

  • Member Posts: 691

    You as a solo player dont know what every other survivor is capable off.

    I would think knowing what build you are running would be helpful in identifying what type of survivor you are, but why can't we show all survivors what everyone is running? Well survivors will dodge lobbies if they don't like those builds. But doesn't that then raise a different question in if that is the case why are those survivors even be matched in the first place?

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    Gens and roaming the map while the Killer is elsewhere might seem dull, but the TR and the looming uncertainty of where the Killer is can keep you on alert, and your own navigation and interaction with the Trial keeps you focused.

    However, when an individual survivor is losing: Sitting on hook repeatedly, holding recover while bleeding out. There is no uncertainty as you watch the Auras of all your allied survivors and have only critique available as entertainment. You have little interaction with the Trial, the only agency you have is Killing yourself on Hook, and even if you want to try you may just be killed early anyway.

    In SWF this can be mitigated with the understanding that you're with friends, whom you can chat with and have a bond. But solo, you just get annoyance.

    Though, even if you're killed as a Survivor, if you have a decent amount of chase time and have done other objectives, yeah it can sting a smidge, it's offset by all the other gameplay you had fun with.

    SoloQ's problem is a lack of entertainment when losing hard. It's no longer DBD, the survival horror game. It's waiting/watching sim.

    However, I think the primary concern with regards to overall player retention likely has to do with a lack of core gameplay shakeup(s).

    So I'm glad they're trying new gamemodes.

  • Member Posts: 754

    I believe it’s MMR that’s an issue. Whether it be backfilling or way too lax. I’ve just had a match against a p100 Wesker with 4 slowdowns and his best add ons against me and 3 baby gents….

    the next match a 0 prestige wraith going for adept against 4 of us with 2-;3k hours each. I think they need to be stricter

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    The only further change I feel SQ needs is some sort of option to know if someone is going for the save. Whethet that's a form of basekit kindred that shows the closest survivor within 'x' metres of the hook or an emote like in the mobile version.

  • Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2024

    DC penalty and hanging on a hook not being able to do anything at all makes me not want to play this game anymore...

  • Member Posts: 401

    From the last AMA:

    We always monitor the difference between survivor groups (SWF and solo) and our current stance is that lack of information is not the crux of the problem, but rather that friends work together by nature and solo survivors don't (as much). -Mike

    They don't think it's a problem (or, at least, Mike doesn't.) So to answer "when" - never, probably.

  • Member Posts: 968

    I don't believe they are actively trying to kill their game (that wouldn't make much business sense), but I do feel like they've been complacent for a long because they have had no serious competition in this genre. The model of focusing resources on new content and deprioritizing balance issues, fixing bugs, fixing broken maps, adjusting perks and killer add-ons that are too strong/too weak, etc. has worked for them for many years now. The lack of new interest in the game (based on Steamcharts player count) that the last few chapters brought I think is a sign that the old model is starting to lose its effectiveness.

    As more and more content gets added, this game becomes more and more overwhelming for new players to learn unless they are willing to sink a ton of time into it. I'd love to see BHVR take some time off from cranking out new content (like, a whole year) and solely focus on game balance, fixing bugs, updating weak killers, fixing broken maps, re-working/replacing the majority of items and add-ons that nobody ever uses, and most of all working on adding new elements to the game and/or introducing new game modes. The devs will say that they are working on this kind of stuff in addition to new content, but the fact that it takes months or years for this kind of stuff to make it live into the game shows that they are clearly not putting a lot of resources into these things right now.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    The problems have been the same for years. It's matchmaking and maps. And the devs have been insanely stubborn on both fronts.

    They have an almost abject refusal to put 4 solo survivors on equal footing in the same lobby. Does this cause issues elsewhere? Yes, so address those issues. But don't take the design issues out on the players.

    When they last raised the soft cap, I was getting matched with killers who sometimes got 1 or 2 hooks the entire game in solo queue lobbies. I'm not going to go down to an M1 killer when you give me a a rock filler facing a long wall jungle gym that chains into shack. Don't make that my problem by matching me with teammates who have 4k fewer hours and run into walls to compensate for the fact that you still can't balance a map and insist on RNG map generation in a 2024. It breaks the game for M1 killers. But don't make that a problem for solo queue players.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Show builds in-game on the offerings screen or something, at the very least.

  • Member Posts: 968

    I agree - there are definitely ways to give solo queue more of the information that SWF teams get for free. It's a very common suggestion for improvement on this forum. Unfortunately I haven't seen any mention by the devs about any plans to work on adding these to the game :(

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    We kinda did this to ourselves with the MMR. Every time they ask this community if they prefer queue times vs. quality matchmaking, the resounding answer is always queue times. Their system gets one shot at a fair-ish trial, and then that gets borked when there's a dodge & backfill. So much of this problem is on us.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I see the incentive vary throughout the day between killer and surv. So I believe it strongly depends on region, MMR, and time of day as to what we see.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    The player count will go back up when whoever the decision maker is gets over their "killer must be the power role" design choices. Everyone I used to play with has quit because they think survivor has gotten way too hard for casual players. I am the only one left from my group and I play far more killer than survivor these days.

  • Member Posts: 5,949
    edited January 2024

    I agree. There isn't much else BHVR can do at this point.

    However, there have been a few suggestions for a chat wheel such as in Dota 2, League of Legends and CS:GO. That would come with some of the perks that SWFs have but way less drawbacks than a voice chat would provide. Combine this with the ability for all survivors to see their team mates' perks during the lobby and during the game and solo queue should be in a better spot.

    Overall though, this would not fully bridge the gap between solo queue and SWF. Because the main difference isn't communication but that everyone is on the same page. Meaning, the Nea won't just disconnect (or hook suicide) because the Huntress hit her with a hatchet, the Claudette knows better than to self-care in the same corner for over 40 seconds and the Dwight won't be hiding in lockers for the whole match while Feng uses Lithe to run into the killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited January 2024

    The problem some might find in showing all the perks is as @Trollinmon mentioned that people will dodge lobbies more frequently because they dont like certaint builds.

    I dont really understand what a chatwheel can do for the game. I guess in DBD case it would be more emotes. But frankly, how should that help? Unless we are talking about across the map, which should not be in the game, since it is destroying the core design philosophy of DBD as a whole.

    I agree on the last part. It is much less likely that survivors give up when they know each other and are in a party. Nothing we can do about this.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Steam charts are not the numbers to go off of. DBD has been added to epic games which is another PC platform that is going to take away from the steam charts. I agree that solo survivor could use some love, but the steam charts don't tell the story you think it does. Seeing load outs of teammates prior to match would be a nice QoL for solo survivor and I would love to see it implemented.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Don't put too much stock in steam charts for this game, people take regular breaks between content. The numbers constantly fluctuate, and not to mention with how old this game is, it's normal for some to completely drop it or numbers to dwindle down outside new content.

    That said, SoloQ does need more assistance. But we need to be careful not to just add buffs that can be exploited. My suggestion is more information in-game about things like killers, their powers, addons, items and perks in a neat and organized compendium instead of having to go through loading screens and between killers/items to get the information.

    Also, cutting down on a lot of complicated explanations of powers would also help. There's still people who think Skull Merchant's drones are the same as they were on release, and making it more streamlined and explained with proper in-game notices about reworks would do wonders.

  • Member Posts: 388

    I wholeheartedly disagree. BHVR nerfed decisive strike because killers are entitled to winning and devs are oblivious to their game and blindly do what the community (killers tell them). Yes, they do a little here and there to help survivors but this is more of a ---look here, we are doing something ---. Take 3 genning for example. If they are trying to solve a problem of killers abusing a strat, why did they buff killers all over again? The 5% gen regression and increased difficulty of stopping the regression is a huge buff for killer. Another exploit of that non-thoughtout buff will be: how will survivors cope with a doctor that prevents survivors from being able to stop the regression. 8 times x 5% equals %40 regression per gen without any additional perks.

    So why?

    There is complaints everywhere surviving is next to impossible without being in a pro team. Why did devs just make it even more difficult? And, they are allowing a broken combo to go live that will basically prevent survivors from completing gens.

    I would like to be wrong but this sounds like devs are trying to kill off the game.

  • Member Posts: 303

    I agree. The anti facecamp was a very killer sided change. The 3 gen nerf coming up is also killer sided

    The issue is that both sides are starting to feel powerless. Killers don't feel like they have any pressure unless they tunnel because survivors don't feel like they have anything useful to do but camp gens until someone is on hook. I say the solution is to buff the everlasting heck out of the current perks killers have that aren't getting used. Make hex perks worthwhile. Make anything but slowdown/gen blocking feel useful.

    On the flip side, make boons great again. Give survivors more options than the second chance perks they all run

  • Member Posts: 5,949
    edited January 2024

    You could say simple things like: "Hey, I need a heal.", "Help me repair this gen.", "Killer is near me.", "I'll go for the unhook.", Come towards me." etc. Of course some of these commands would need to reveal your location to your team mates. It would work across the map. Otherwise there wouldn't be much use in it. They could even add the risk of you being revealed to the killer, if you use it too close to them (like 12m or maybe less).

    The core design philosophy of DBD is a bit all over the place. On one hand we have the game as a party game with killers like Chucky flipping survivors off, Naughty Bear and certain cosmetics (Mr. Puddles doesn't exactly scream "horror" in my opinion). On the other we have DBD as a horror game. The player base is also divided between people who want everything to be casual and people who want the game to be more competitive. So I think this isn't really a strong argument against a chat wheel.

    Edit: There is a simple solution to lobby dodging. Apply a penalty of maybe 2 minutes before their queue starts again. Then raise it to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes for multiple games, if they repeat it too often. This is how LoL handles it iirc.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Honestly if they kept it where only survivors can hear each other, and these changes brought up SoloQ to near-SWF levels since SWF would never reveal themselves with in-game vocals, it would pave the way for better killer buffs across the board to compensate any drop in killrates.

    It'd take years though, which is the major issue.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Why would the declining player count trend be any different for other platforms vs Steam? I'm not sure how Epic would "take away" players from Steam - why would people switch to Epic if they already bought the game on Steam??

  • Member Posts: 968

    That response to the SWF question was absolutely laughable. Everybody knows that information is what makes SWF stronger and pretending that it's not is why the issue has go unaddressed for so long (other than the status indicators which helped some but still are nowhere close to the info you get with SWF on comms).

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    You're right about that part of SWFs not revealing themselves. It was just an idea. I hadn't fully thought that through yet.

    The thing that I don't get is, why it would take years. This isn't that hard to code. Just as survivors seeing each other's perks. So I can only assume that it's not very high on the list of priorities. But honestly, I think most of us would accept, if some other things were delayed a few months for this.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    I also question that statement considering it's not uncommon for most players that they don't know about reworks, killer powers and how to deal with them, and how to work with your teammates effectively. Information is absolutely a problem, both the lack of it and the overload that a lot of killer powers have a lot of moving parts and are more complicated.

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