What changes did you expect for the singularity ?

Tell me :)
Soma family photo basekit, not partial but actually whole either basekit or make the add on lower rarity, like yellow.
And most importantly for me as a controller player, camera sens is too high and I wish it could been lowered or maybe even manually set up. I need max sens on melee hits, yet its too high sens for camera control.
And lastly I really wish you could just fast scroll between cameras in the order you set them up, simply by going into camera mode and then pressing button and camera will switch to next one without need of you looking at it.
If both of these options to scrolling camera view would be possible, it would be great
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Yeah, I also had an idea like that.
Like an motion capture camera / biopods, maybe an overlay who appear on screen when an survivor is detected by biopods :)
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Quality of life for the tagging. It feels awful to be one pixel off and the survivor doesn't get tagged, while their whole butt is on screen.
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I only expect that he'll end up being worse for singularity mains.
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Number 1 change for me - EMPs won't start printing before previous is not used. It's not funny how free they are right now, survivors literally always have EMP in their hands. Retag 2-3 or even 4 times per 1 chase sometimes make your chase longer than with m1 killer without power.
Soma Family Photo basekit. Or his Overclock should be like 30% longer, because now you barely make it to survivor after tp.
Also welcome back!
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Make it so you can refresh a disabled biopod by just shooting at it instead of having to shoot it to remove it then shoot again to place another one.
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imagine that, even if an biopods is disable, you can still shoot trought it, AND it take a LOT longer to teleport :) (or you still can't teleport).
But, yeah, please, nerf EMP, the counter is TOO easy for the effort you have to do with this killer
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Hopefully they won't change him too much. Singularity is very fun to play against.
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Honestly singularity seems like one of those killers that’ll get changed in 3 years
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make it so that hooking someone does not remove infection.
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They were probably working on a full-on rework which is scary to think about considering how well-designed his kit already is. I hope they can that idea entirely and scrap it, tweaking the Singularity's kit instead of fully reworking him.
Many people suggest Soma Photo base-kit but I personally think the initial slowdown after teleporting should be a bit reduced (he should recover from it a little faster), give him 2 extra biopods base-line, and applying slipstream should be slightly faster.
Singularity is just too damn awful on indoor maps due to survivors easily breaking LoS, so making his overclock more instantaneous (but not to the point where there's nothing a survivor can do) will make him more capable of navigating through indoor maps and corridors in chase, and being able to apply slipstream faster will be helpful against LoS breaking.