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Who are you and what would you do in a horror?

Mushwin Member Posts: 4,576

So you are in a horror movie, or scenerio.....................what would you do and which one are you?

Who are you and what would you do in a horror? 31 votes

Nope! Will throw you in the way, even a loved one to escape, you are a survivor!
gothiclolitiaFoxmare 2 votes
The dumb one, who runs up the stairs, instead of out the front door, the killer wont expect it!
NAERUUUEmealglitchboiBbySugaryOreosmomisplayingdbdRareFantom47leon_helpTheSingularityares_theos7 9 votes
I am the hero! I will shoot, stab, use a banana if need be to defend those I love!
Atsuka_AnarchyHerInfernalMajestyaeonskulQwQwGuiltii09SHARKBOSSTommyDorkelson 7 votes
The one who hides: Yeah no, I am hiding, where I can't be seen is good.
duyguCorvusCorax86jonifireBlightedTrapperAstelBlue3x5SoGoGrandmasterChuloMaddo 9 votes
The one who dobs everyone else in it, loyalty means nothing! You will talk and fast!
GeneralVScary_Punk_Ghostsugarycentaur83BOFH 4 votes
