How you would change Decisive Strike?



  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    If someone really think DS is a weak perk - you are crazy. That's all what I can say...

    The idea of 2 stages & 5 seconds it's crazy.

    The maximum buff this perk can get is to increase stun duration to 4 seconds.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
  • Verlaeufer
    Verlaeufer Member Posts: 51

    Why does everyone play DS?

    "Of the record" is much stronger because it can be used twice and you don't make any pain sounds for a long time. Why are people so fixated on DS? It feels like it's just because it fills you up so that you can ram something into the killer.

    But I personally also think that DS needs a buff. If you're in an area where there's not really anything, you usually don't get far, especially killers like Nurse, Blight.

    In my opinion, it should also be usable twice, because the killer already knows what he's getting into after the first time and the killer's ability has to recharge first so that killers like Nurse and Blight don't get you right back with a hit.

    "DS" and "Of the record" should be perks that also bring a lot, because if you don't get tunneled, you only play 3 perks. 

    "Of the record" should also be usable if you get a hit directly after the unhook, as there are some killers who hit directly before you can really move.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,836

    DS working after both hook states is too much, it just needs the 5 second stun back.