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New Sadako is hot garbage

Can't say I am suprised. I tried one game with her and I think I had enough. There is no reason to play her. She is worse Wraith. Her condement, yet again, does nothing. Only thing she has is worse stealth and map presence that can be in hands of Survivors.

I read the patch notes. They buffed by 50% both interacting speeds for Survivors (putting and giving tapes to TVs) as well. What a joke Killer.

Hillbilly on the other hand my man, so fun, so good so faaast. Him I will be playing way more for sure. This Killer? Rather Wraith, thanks.


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    To be fair, plenty of us played a ton in the PTB and knew the drawbacks/rewards without these restrictions. It's not hard to play a couple matches with the nerfs and know how god awful it is compared to the PTB, which we gave feedback about and ultimately ignored for pre-planned changes.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,157

    I thought Sadako was returning to how she was upon release? Is this a brand new rework altogether?

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I got Lary's map which I would say is one of her better maps. Condement? Joke. Nothing. Teleport? Whatever. Chase? Basic M1. TVs now give circle UI info around themselfs telling you wheter you would get hit by condement or not (and if TV is near by just in case). Tapes are so easy now with 0 punish.

    Reasons to play her over other killers for even unique gameplay? Zero.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,190

    Wasn't that objective of the rework to add aura reading on TV's and buff TV insert time by 100% because she was to oppressive?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    They reworked her in the PTB to be more similar to the initial version and then decided to add some weird adjustments that nerfed her pretty badly after the PTB.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,966

    Not quite. They look similar but their effects were quite different.

    Old Sadako's main issue was survivors just ignored her TVs, because it cost Sadako more to use it herself. She needed to predict and push survivors into TVs to build condemn on the TV she ported to, but a good player could make it work with the right add-ons, and there was one iri add-on that turned her TVs back on when she caught a survivor. This allowed her actually be reasonably potent and generate decent pressure consistently, though she did tend to have to slug a lot.

    The PTB version had some things massively improved like the teleport CD sas now in Sadakos favour, and Sadako could now generate Condemn to all TVs that were powered. She could also lock in condemn, which had a lot of potential to really bother survivors, meaning survivors couldn't just ignore her tapes anymore, they had to grab a tape and do her side quest once they started building condemn. However to compensate, she lost the passive corruption from tapes, and survivors had much better warning about being in range of TVs so couldn't be pushed into and condemned so easily.

    PTB Sadako was still an upgrade from old Sadako though, her power now actually had the slowdown she needed to work as a stealth killer, afforded the time she needs to commit to chasing survivors down and apply pressure... but now they nerfed the condemn lock in and the condemn spread, she is now actually worse than before. She can't push people into condemn stacks as readily as she did before, survivors can grab tapes for free shutting down her teleport (which they could in PTB), but even when they don't, or their TVs come back on, they still aren't really penalised, because she can'tquickly build up condemn. Then ofc she doesn't even have her iri add-on to allow her to quickly turn on TVs and build up condemn pressure on someone anymore to account for it.

    I don't think she was perfect in the PTB, but she had the potential to be a decent killer. Not particularly strong, but at least unique, threatening and fun for those so inclined.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    At this point, her condemn has 0 lethality, and she still has no chase power. And since the heartbeat was added she has no stealth either.

    Why they need to do is either:

    1) Buff her condemn back up again, which they seemingly don't want to do.

    2) Give her some kind of chase power, maybe she can phase through pallets/windows while demanifested, i really have no idea honestly, but something. Or maybe while demanifested she just sees the aura of all survivors nearby or something.

    3) remove the noise/heartbeat/lullaby she makes while demanifested and turn her into a stealth killer.

    Right now she has basically nothing other than a decent teleport that gets her around the map, but even freddy has a better power than she does at this point.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,944


  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    We knew she would be when the changes to the PTB version were announced. I recall they've already said that they are going to revisit her again shortly (after the reaction to the announced changes/nerfs).

    It shouldn't have come to that, but at least there is some hope. Just another case of the dev team demonstrating an inexplicable lack of understanding of their own game.

    Onryo has been my most played killer since she dropped, but I've essentially had her on the bench for months now as they bungle the hell out of reworking her.

    Yes, these are close to my own thoughts. The one really good idea from the latest round of changes were locking in the condemnation on hook, but limiting it to two stacks effectively nullified any use that had (because they don't seem to understand tunneling at all). Revert that back to the PTB version.

    Remove the lullaby. I've been saying this since she launched, she's not a stealth killer with it. It seems so obvious.

    Make bloody fingernails basekit

    Maybe reduce manifestation time add a haste effect when manifesting to give her something in chase.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Behavior was so close to perfection with this chapter, but this change to Onryo/Sadako just leaves an ugly stain on it considering her balance during the PTB looked good.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,730

    i played none (never will) and i also can tell you this killer is s for sh** tier for absolutely sure. her counterplay never was this easy, effective and risk free ever but no, casual survivors couldn't understand the most basic concept so they needed to destroy the killer.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,333
    edited January 31

    The monkey paw strikes again

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124
    edited January 31

    Ive been casually playing Sadako in the past as my main killer, and at first the changes looked like all buffs. (Ive never really bothered with specifically building condemned, if it happens it happens)

    But apparently she now initiates chases while demanifested, which made me go #########? Whats the point of demanifesting then if the survivors are going to get chase music warning that she is near? PReviously I loved to surprise survivors with it, now its like stealth that isn't a stealth? This feels like it completely undermines the whole character?

    I guess this is in line with devs always destroying whatever killer I used to love playing. First nurse, then spirit, now onryo..

  • HeavyPress
    HeavyPress Member Posts: 29

    Chase while demanifested is actually something that was removed during her first rework, and was demanded back by most long-term players of her. It's useful for Sadako because she lacks tools like Wraith's stealthed speed. This way, she can gain bloodlust while demanifested, which means you can use her stealth actively during chases and survivors can't abuse window vaults to avoid her (as they only become blocked by the Entity if you overuse them during chase).

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    It also meant survivors could infinitely vault windows if you even think about demanifesting for mindgames.

  • NickMilian
    NickMilian Member Posts: 81

    I’m still astounded they pushed these changes live and were happy with them.

    It just makes me worried what else they’ll do with Sadako in these “follow up adjustments”.