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Adrenaline is being added to the perk watchlist for potential changes (nerfs)

Interesting that Adrenaline is a problem to the dev team and apparently needs to be changed.

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  • Member Posts: 2,475

    That's why I also suggested to make it not work if you're being carried or on hook. Basically it shouldn't 'save' the effect for when you're unhooked.

    Adren is an incredibly-strong perk BUT it only works at endgame, which a survivor may not make it to, or they may be out of chase and healthy when it kicks in, in which case it's not really doing much. When it -does- get value though, it's one of the strongest survivor perks in the game. Insta-heal and Sprint Burst mid-chase is bonkers.

    Currently though it's ALSO really strong if you're on hook or getting taken to the hook, because when you get unhooked you're instantly healthy, which usually means there's nothing the killer can do to down you again before you make it out.

    This change would still keep it's potential for being super-strong, while forcing you to play around it's effect more.

  • Member Posts: 969

    guys i think you forgor about freddy, adrenaalin wakes you up guys, GUYS

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    After this last PTB, I would assume anything can get past it...

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Yeah I’m not surprised Adrenaline is on the roadmap, I know a lot of people are freaking out. But you never know maybe it will only get a few minor changes.

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2024

    i guess i'm sleeping on the perk or have the "well, they deserved the effect at last" mentality but i really don't see the issue with adren.

    edit: it also is a very risky perk. you can simply not make it to end game, you can be healthy and not in a chase to get its value, you can be on the killer's shoulder and they know how to counter the perk in that scenario. honestly even if you are injured and it heals you, unless you are already in a chase or do the gen in killer's face that heal is not important at all unless it's a 2v1 or 3v1 with someone on ground/hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,667

    Can someone please link me to the official watch list 🙏 I'd appreciate it 🙏

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Because the perk is on the list for tweaks doesn't mean is a necessarily a nerf.

    Adrenaline activates only in end game and most games don't even go there.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    One of the countless mistakes from patch 1.8.1, but I doubt this is the only thing they will change about the perk.

  • Member Posts: 178

    Not surprised, but I hope it's not too harsh. Just make it not wake you up from Freddy's dream world and maybe make the healing happen after 20 or so seconds instead of immediately. Anything else would be overkill.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited January 2024

    But it is canon from the Freddy universe... it works that way. Remember the scene when Quinton takes the adrenaline from the hospital and uses it to inject Nancy with adrenaline which brought dream world Freddy into reality in the 2010 remake? I see it as a wink and nod in-game and that inspiration is taken directly from The Nightmare on Elm Street universe.

  • Member Posts: 562

    its basically noed, so does noed need a -real- nerf too?

  • Member Posts: 135

    I agree. If on hook or carried when adrenaline triggers, then immediate struggle off or kick off. And maybe exposed for 8/6/4 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 187

    The only thing I can think of that needs to be changed for adrenaline is to not wake up survivors against freddy and give a heal after being unhooked. Outside of that maybe not getting a speed boost when your already exhausted?

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    It was actually added together with patch 1.8.1, which was already a massive nerf to Freddy. Perhaps it fits thematically, but it has always been overkill.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I'll be honest... I completely forgot this perk even exists. don't think I saw it ever. not even someone trying the adept;

    the important part depends on the situation really... sometimes is the speed, probably most times is the heal, but most of the adren activations are away from the killer, so it's better kinda by default. because the speed is kinda meaningless in those scenarios so getting a heal is at least always something.

  • Member Posts: 185

    If it’s an end game perk, then it should be strong. That’s like making the NOED hexed totem visible map-wide the second it activates. “Well it’s too powerful if you give a free 3k win to a bad killer that didn’t perform well.”

    I wish they would stop nerfing perks and just make characters/ perks to counter existing perks.

    I also feel like killers are not just concerned with winning the game, they want to make the gameplay miserable for the survivors.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    If they nerf Adrenaline and dont give survivors new strong perks, a lot of people will quit playing survivor. It’s been two years since survivors post most good perks and got shadow nerfs dressed as solutions like the gen nerf which is supposed to be a 3gen solution

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    Solo Q is awful, they not only ignore us but put the blame on our back, and yet keep nerfing all survivor perks and giving us really bad new perks like Alan’s

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited January 2024

    Yeah, I totally understand the complaint, believe me. I just appreciate that little detail about it since it is thematic. I had to go and look at those old 1.8.x patch notes, and man the things that were added/removed in that time had me going down memory lane. I got something cooking up in the studio for ol' Freddy I've been working on. I'll buzz you later when it's done.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    It's a strongnperk that mostly affects weak killers and benefits genrush sfw comps the most, I hate it, it's straight up broken in the current genrush meta where gens fly.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I don't know about that one, cause if you remove the recovering from 1 health state, it's like hope?

  • Member Posts: 6,342
    edited February 2024

    I'd say the only real change Adrenaline needs is the waking up part gone, as it's one of the very few "screw you in particular" effects left aimed at just one killer, and Freddy needs lovinz badly anyway. It might be lore-correct & even makes sense while asleep, but gameplay-wise it should go.

    As for the rest of the perk, you bet it's strong, however the surv has to get to endgame on three perks to even see it go off. That part alone warrants its strength.

    What I would like to know from the devs is how effective Adrenaline actually is. How often it does pop when run, and at what MMR. Are we debating it's too strong overall? Or that it's too strong at higher MMRs, where everything is busted anyway, but only a tiny portion of the playerbase reside there. Imo we need more info and context.

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