The Onryo Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75
edited February 15 in Feedback and Suggestions

In our latest update, we've made adjustment's to The Onryo's Power, VHS Tapes, and various Add-ons.

We'd love to hear your feedback below.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33
    edited January 30

    I agree with the reasoning that hooking shouldn't lock in any more than 2 condemned since that obviously encourages focusing on the survivor that didn't play around Sadako's power. The problem is that this change means you can hook someone three times and they still won't have full condemned lock. I have a solution that can kill 2 birds with one stone.

    From what I gather from the Sadako dev notes, focusing on a survivor with condemned is bad gameplay, but focusing on a survivor with hook states is unpunished. To fix this make hooks only count for half a state, then we can then kill with condem their fourth hook (3.5/6 state) and it will discourage focusing on one person for hook states AND condemned. Win-Win.

    Either that or just remove condemed lock cap. We need some consistency here.

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33

    You're right I forgot about this

    Should also make bleedout takes 30 minutes so killers don't focus on those with low timers.

  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 142

    Horrible idea for survivors, being slugged for 30 minutes does not sound fun, just give sadako to hook survivors on the amount of locked condemn she gets

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    I agree with you on pretty much all of this. I want to touch on a few points though.

    Tape Editing Deck:

    I will say that Tape Editing Deck add-on does have some uses to apply condemn early in the game. It is weak but not useless. It does help in the following ways:

    • By forcing survivors to start with a tape, the first TV they turn off to perform the counterplay will cause them to gain 1 stack. This should net between 1-4 stacks of condemn early spread out between the survivors.
    • If using the Ring Drawing add-on, the first hook will cause all other survivors to gain 1 stack. This will net an additional 3 stacks early on spread out among the survivors.

    It definitely needs a buff as you can see but it does have potential for early game condemn pressure. I believe BHVR needs to make it so survivors carrying a tape cannot see TV auras as it would help address many of the current issues regarding her counterplay while still being fair to new players; if BHVR does do this, then Tape Editing Deck would also have additional uses and be more worthy of its purple rarity.


    The add-on has potential if BHVR is willing to address the issues with it. I think the additional duration for TVs being off when a survivors takes a tape is fine. But this must come with some changes to stop survivors from abusing the new tape mechanics and TV auras. Removing the increased time for TVs to turn on after a survivor takes a tape does not solve any of its issues.

    The main issue with it is that survivors can use the TV auras to rapidly disable her TVs without punishment due to the add-on making her have no condemn threat. Since there are no downsides to taking tapes, and the ability to easily tell where all her TVs are, survivors have a huge reward situation to take tapes and deny her power at essentially no risk.

    I would suggest the following changes to Iri-tape to address this:

    • The auras of all TV's are hidden from survivors, or the range is reduced to 8 meters.
    • When survivors are carrying a VHS tape, they cannot interact with any TV other than their assigned tape drop off TV.
    • When survivors are carrying a VHS tape, they cannot see the auras of TVs other than their assigned tape drop off TV.

    By making it so survivors cannot see the auras of TVs with this add-on, they will have to spend at least a little effort to find the TV before they can work the gen. It also means that Sadako will be able to use her TVs as a chase tool again. The ability of survivors to have perfect aura reading on her TVs with this update makes teleporting in chase horribly weak. Since this is a mobility add-on I would like for them to change that for this add-on at least.

    If survivors do have some TV aura reading, survivors must not be able to see the auras of TVs when holding a tape, otherwise they can just go from TV to TV turning them all off at no cost or risk. The easiest solution however is to make it so they simply cannot turn off or interact with any other TVs when carrying a tape. This would result in them having to do a tape run before they could turn off another TV, and as a result would slowdown survivors trying to abuse the add-on by disabling all her TVs across the map.

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33

    but then survivors would get punished for not playing around a killers power

  • GhostSlasher
    GhostSlasher Member Posts: 21

    Please revert Sadako from before the ptb =/

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,156

    I wrote all this while we were playing games earlier! 🤣🤣

    Some of it, I copied and pasted! lol

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited January 31

    Behavior please bring back OG VHS Tapes! It doesn’t even have to give them a stack of condemn when they pick it up but the passive condemn is a must! 😭😭

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Honestly I would be perfectly fine if they changed her so condemn only spreads from the TV she Projects out of again and added ticking condemn back into the TV tapes. Might actually be a lot more fun and balanced when combined with the small buffs from 2.0 and 3.0 like faster TV cool-downs, a reward for hooking and the anti-stun while demanifested. Survivors don't have old Iri-tape or Ring Drawing slugs so I think it would be balanced.

    I always thought with her original release version they just needed to reduce TV cool-downs or make Iri-tape part basekit, while giving an incentive to hook and she would be fine.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited January 31

    I agree 💯!!

    Thank you for your thoughts! I’ve been playing Onyro today. P100. Lost most matches. I have to slug 🐌 to stand and tunnel to stand a chance. It’s so awful

    Post edited by MechWarrior3 on
  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383
    1. I'm okay with the condemn cool-down. I think if it is what BHVR feels they need in order to reduce how strong her counterplay is for survivors, then that is an acceptable trade-off. It is quick enough that it isn't a huge issue unless you are really teleport spamming. The biggest issue with it was their justification for why they added it which showed a completely lack of understanding on BHVR's part in how survivors will approach her counterplay. BHVR must address the issues regarding her counterplay though, especially if they intend to keep changes like this in her kit.
    2. The TV auras must be addressed though. A good compromise is to hide TV auras aside from their target drop off TV when holding a tape. That way survivors can grab a tape to start the counterplay but once they enter chase with Sadako she has options to spread condemn.
    3. The Lock In hook change nerf was way too far. The cap needs to be at 4 stacks locked in per hook at the very least. Otherwise Onryo is better off slugging. Ideally remove the cap but if it is decided there needs to be a cap, it needs to be set high enough that Onryo can mori before 2 hooks or slugging becomes preferable.
    4. Tape times back to 2sec are a must imo. Specifically the insert speeds. If they want to have the tape grab duration be 1s its not as bad. But Inserting a tape in 1sec just allows survivors to wait till the last second and then insert it in your face. 2.5s I think is too long though.
    5. I would be fine with the OG Iri-tape coming back. It would give Onryo a way to counter survivors trying to turn off her TVs as she would have some control over when to turn them back on. If not the OG Iri-tape they need to make the changes that I proposed in my main comment above. Mainly that when running the add-on, survivors wh are carrying a tape cannot see TV auras other than their target drop off TV and not interact with TVs other than their target drop off TV. Otherwise the add-on can easily be abused by survivors to leave her powerless.

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33

    Sorry BHVR disagrees

    Now let's work on getting hook states and bleedout timer removed too. Consistency is important.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 248

    I think the main issue people have is that having the cooldown just Isn't Fun With Onryo, it felt SO NICE to have it gone, and now it's back.

    If you do spam TPs, they are at least on Cooldown for a while and that more than balanced it out imo.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 248
    edited January 31

    I think having Yoichis Fishing Net add 3 Meters to the TV Condem Spread would make it more on par with what it used to be, or perhaps have it add passive condemn to tapes very slowly.

    I think there needs to be more Condem Add ons since they are really fun to use gameplay wise!

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,156

    All I wanted was OG sadako. As she was. All tvs condemn instead of the one. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    (The no stun on demanifest is nice)

    and obviously a proper add on pass.

  • Reckall
    Reckall Member Posts: 10

    Also, a bigger TV Remote radius.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 248

    The really sad part about these changes, is that they are probably going to be reverted to what it was on the PTB but wont receive any of the actual changes people wanted, especially if they thought she was OP on the PTB. I looked through that thread many times, and nearly everyone was asking for some slight buffs (I.e. 1 second insertion being super unfair and unfun as you watch all your work go away in a minimal effort counter).

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,950

    I just don't know why this happened...

    They painted a beautiful painting, just to ruin it a few days later.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,156

    I agree 💯 I miss so much the old Yoichis fishing net.

  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 127

    Nearly so bad I'd ask for a refund because of how BAD you made her.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Lot of people saying here she was fine on PTB but I will go and say she felt weak allready on PTB so yea...