Decouple Disabling Licensed Music From Anonymous Mode; Make it a Separate Option

I feel like it's a very reasonable ask to de-couple playing anonymously from removing licensed music.
They're two completely different things!
Having a setting to remove licensed music with the upcoming Iron Maiden and Slipknot collabs makes sense!
However, there's a lot of players who harass each other in this game, that's no secret, and a lot of people don't use Anonymous Mode as a Streamer Mode but rather as a way to stay safe online.
Players who are simply trying to play an online game safely and in peace shouldn't be punished for that by not being allowed to listen to licensed music.
yeah this feels like a must. idk why they did this to begin with. lots of strange things this patch and it makes me wonder if they truly understand their playerbase or what anonymous mode is for at all
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Whats this about? Having anonymous mode on while also wearing skins I payed for, will disable licenced music now?
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Anonymous Mode is being treated as a “Streamer Mode,” so they made Anon Mode disable the Iron Maiden licensed music.
It doesn’t make sense to couple these settings together and to treat Anonymous mode as a Streamer mode, as plenty of content creators wish to play anonymously but do not care for DMCA Strikes when they are making non-monetized content, such as when they are simply showing off skins and products for the sake of reviewing or showcasing.
I recommend that it would be smart to change this setting now/ASAP before a broader audience pays for the Iron Maiden skins next month and THEN discovers that the licensed skins they paid for have music disabled.
This was complained about in the PTB three weeks ago by the few people who noticed it then, it’s being warned by players and some content creators/Fog Whisperers now that it’s going to be a wider complaint later.
Is it game-breaking? No. But players will NOT appreciate this change, I am certain, and the main menu UI changes have already been bothering players since PTB.
There is still almost a month to change this before the new skins release and it becomes an actual complained-about issue that is affecting players.
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Yes, especially streamers that like to advertise their stream will not be able to play the Iron Maiden skins if they want to avoid a DMCA strike on their accounts?
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I play anonymous because I'm somewhat asocial and don't appreciate being harassed on profile comments. I don't stream. I'd like to be able to hear licensed music.
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Thankfully, in the latest PTB, this has been addressed. Disable Copyrighted Music is now a separate option in audio.