Blight will be "revisted" again?!

I mean everyone should have expected it. I've been saying it was going to happen for a long time and i'm glad to see that I was probably right. This killer is ridiculous and absolutely deserves whatever nerfs he gets.
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lmao hell yeah, zero viable killers here we come!
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Blight isn’t the only viable killer in the game and balancing would be better if killers would be closer to eachother anyways..
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Haddonfield getting change! thank god
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We have Nurse, Spirit, and now Hillbilly as "viable" killers for sweaty matches that do not happen nearly as often as you might think, plus, Blight is still amazing even after the 7.5.0 changes to his addons
A revisit does not instantly mean the killer is going to get nerfed into oblivion, we go through this exact same song and dance every ######### time a rework/change is mentioned
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You can win with every Killer against the majority of Survivors you face.
I love it, now the Forums will be on panic mode for a few months, Blight will be gutted and whatever and in the end, the changes will be minor. Because BHVR loves Blight.
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Yeah, the Map needs some work. Less strength for the houses, more strength for the rest of the Map. At least this is what I hope.
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There is probably no reason to panic. Blight is rarely ever nerfed.
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I just don't get why they wouldn't do the changes now??? like what do they need a seconds ptb for. I am just really confused.
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Probably it will be buff. Like this update. They buffed Adrenaline Vial to busted level.
And his add-ons are still so strong and this supposed to be nerf but it was not.
So i won't surprise if they buff his base-kit to justice add-on nerfs (?).
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A change on the Blight? Have they realized that they've rendered its pink add-on completely useless?
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That's true, but there's only about 3 of them right now. So with blight being unviable it will bring us to 2.
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And here you bring up the same thing everyone always brings up "the majority of survivors"
Pit the best survivor team in the world against the best killer player of each killer in the world. And the only ones that MIGHT win, will be nurse blight and spirit.
That is a problem.
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Blight base kit is one of golden standarts for strong but fair killer powers.
I quess Nurse S tier only it is then hmm. Will be fun for survivors too in variation matches.
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Yeah this is kind of concerning actually. Blight is one of the last killers that needs a full-on update or rework now that his add-ons got updated. There are other killers out there that should have been considered for an update (numbers tweaks mainly) alongside Twins, desperate for help.
I would assume they're going to attempt to rid of his hug tech which is fine (it was fun while it lasted), but I'm hoping they don't touch his base-kit whatsoever.
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I can only speculate, but I think it is easier for them to see the result of the Add On-changes first before changing the Basekit as well. They probably wanted to change both (Basekit and Add Ons), but only pushed the Add Ons to Live for now and the impact of this will determine how much Blight will be changed. If Blight keeps stomping Survivors left and right, the changes will be more significant than if Blight is noticeable weaker than before due to the Add On-Nerfs (which will most likely not be the case, lets be real, he still has many strong Add Ons).
That being said, even a change to Blight should not happen as long as Nurse is even more busted.
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Watch every build and get the rancid abattoir nerf. I'm talking one bad window per house and that it hahaha joking.
The only problem is you can see every thing in the street so adding a bunch pallets in the center will cause chain looping. I don't see what else they could do
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Lol. Who do you think they'll be coming for once they're satisfied with Blight? Enjoy nurse while she lasts.
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his dumb addons have rly ruined the perception of his pretty balanced but strong basekit. if you wanna argue 4.4, i guess, but i think if they patched out hugtech, i rly dont see an argument for nerfing anything INTENDED in his basekit.
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Yea...IDK. His basekit is fine to me. Bouncing wrecking pinball. I hope they don't remove that power or rework him entirely. His problem has always been the addons IMO.
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Make him 4,4 and there will be only sweaty P100 players on him. Bad and average Blight players are already most fun players to go against. Who will win from this?
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yay this is not happening. that is a perk that i am waiting for a buff.
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yeah, I agree with you. I really am kinda fine with his basekit.
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Meanwhile I'm crying with Sadako in her well...
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true, but I rather bring everyone else up than bring the top down.
then they are doing this backwards. basekit changes have a big impact, so starting with them and changing the add-ons later as needed would be the best option.
now the changes will be, add-ons, basekit, add-ons. which is more time devoted to blight instead of another killer.
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That would lead to power creep though and I would rather not have every killer at Nurse/Blight level and have survivors then buffed.
though lower tiered killers do need to be brought up of course and not only high ones down.
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Sure, but it's not a problem for you, me, anyone on this forum, or anyone in the wider matchmaking pool for Dead By Daylight.
It's a problem for people who play in tournaments, nobody else. For everybody else, you can win with almost any killer in the majority of your matches. Slight exceptions made for Trapper, who I think is much harder to win with even in the average match, but pretty much everyone else is absolutely viable.
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My prediction is more dead zones
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I love changes to good characters instead of buffs to bad characters and buffs to survivor basekit to balance each other out and close the solo queue swf gap a little bit, lets go
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Doesn’t surprise me because Nurse and Spirit have both received changes over the past few years and Blight is right up there in terms of strength so this is not shocking.
I do expect the changes to be similar how they changed Nurse/Spirit where there are slight base-kit changes and probably more add-on changes. I still expect him to be an S/A tier killer, just not as strong as he currently is :/
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Similar to spirit and nurse, they probably gonna somehow still keep him as one of the top killers, just will make him way less fun to play as.
Classic, brilliant move from bhvr
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Most killers think they're the best killer in the world. And want Devs to balance them to able to 4K against the best survivor team in the world.
That is a problem of average killer's mindset.
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balance by everything being strong is more fun than balance by everything being mid.
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When everything is strong then nothing is strong and it will feel mid again. So you are way more limited in designing new stuff.
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The game would also be a lot less fun if the killers were all close to eachother in terms pf strength
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Watch them literally just remove the BP bonus from Distressing.
Ya know, just to remove 1 of the three people using the perk...
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Is there not a manager at bhvr?
Surely a manager would say " What, you're redoing it again, you just did it? " and get annoyed at the wasted wages doing the same thing over and over.
Look at sadako.
The amount of manpower lost on doing things over and over is crazy
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I still don’t think he needs basekit changes.
Adrenaline Vial should be nerfed again though.
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Yes, in the next update the devs will be giving him Skull Merchants Drones that will be equipped with grenade launchers that insta-down survivors. He will also get a T-Rex mount that shoots a nuclear beam of energy that destroys generators, preventing survivors from ever escaping.
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But the best trapper player in the world SHOULD be able to win 50% of the time against the best survivor team in the world. The current situation though is that there are only 3 killers of 34 that are able to do it. And that trapper will likely win 10% of the time (mostly due to luck/bad mistakes by the survivor)
How do you not think it is a problem that only 3 killers of 34 are actually viable to play? Why is it ok that top tier SWF teams/players like Ayrun/Hens/JRM are allowed to run amok and be able to win nearly every game they play. But for some reason a blight doing the same thing is a problem? You cannot possibly hold both of those things in your head and think that the blight is a problem but the survivors are fine, or even vice versa. Both are a problem, and BOTH need to be addressed.
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not when everything is strong in different ways. look at dota 2 for example.