Adrenaline vial shouldn't be buffed

Who on the bhvr team thought it would be a good idea to improve this addon?
This patch was supposed to nerf blight's addons and not make this one still good
I've saw my friend play with this addon and he got 180 hits every time because there is no more penalty for turning which was the only downside this addon have
This addons still gives 2 tokens for Blight which already is a big buff for him, and they came back with the speed like what?
Imo they should remain this addon like it was on the ptb because it's ridiculous that they buffed this addon just because they thought this addon was weak on the ptb
5% speed is the only good effect 2 extra tokens doesn't really do much other than give him more space to make an error and have an even longer cooldown without any token regen, its still a mid addon but the speed makes it slightly usable
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You forgot that they removed the 55% turn rate penalty and the addon still have the 20% hit turn buff
he can basically do an 180 hit with this and I don't think it's ok
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I agree. The penalty needs to be brought back.
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You can already do a 180, turn 90 degrees while rushing then attack and turn 90 degrees more, I didn't forget it since its just a pointless number without the turn rate limiting, now you can do a 200 degree turn yippee other than no one is going to use it for that
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The thing about flicks, especially the full 180's is that they are predictable and dodge able. What made adren so extremely strong before was double cd reduction. Don't get me wrong, a top add-on after the buffs but the flicks are irrelevant.
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yeah i don't see anything wrong with it. blight's 180 flicks are possible to mindgame. Blight is weaker than before, but he is not terrible. I think the player that complain about his add-on's want his add-on to be useless. not good, not average, just useless.
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They may want blights add-ons to be useless but I think they just don't understand how reactable flicks are. Anything but shoulder flicks are able to be played around from the survivor pov but people just don't know that.
C33 is mid even in blights current add-on states and iri tag is worthless even if tunneling. Alch ring is fun for certain things but in the old add-on set it'd be B+ tier. It kinda irks me watching vets talk about these add-ons, sorry for the rant.
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i like running shred notes+adrenaline vial. The only other add-on that seems decent in isolation is Alchemist ring. So i think add-on that are going to be meta on blight will be adrenaline vial+shred notes or Alchemist ring with some other add-on, probably c21.
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I think you are right about shredded notes+adren and it only goes to show that adren did get nerfed heavily as that combo would have been considered terrible pre patch.
Alch ring I'm not so sure about. You don't really need it when playing around tiles and the map traversal isn't huge considering it's blight, I can already go from corner to corner on ormand base. Guess I'll have to play more with it before I state a final opinion.
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Guess we should remove the penalty from spirits amulet add on, and also give it a speed increase and extra reappearance duration. You know, since just adding 40% power duration "doesn't really do much". Come onnnnn
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Yes sure it deserves some love especially since its been heavily nerfed with all the other spirit duration addons because of the "oversight" and is basically a dead addon like all of the duration addons on spirit because they used to increase recharge to match base recharge time of the power to actually be an upgrade now they are all sidegrades or downgrades which doesn't match the rest of her addons which are all upgrades so they are pointless
Heres how the addon currently works
5 second duration increased to 8.5s duration, not bad
7.04m/s speed to 6.12m/s, absolutely garbage
maximum power cooldown increased from 15s to 25.5s, and its worthless, not only is it not a side grade its basically a straight downgrade especially since you have to spend longer phasing due to the decreased movement speed, the max distance you can move is increased so yeah you can patrol the map slightly faster in... 25.5s intervals, great but that doesn't matter because the important thing is how good it is in chase
Lets say you are 5m from a survivor and start phasing, you spend 1.5s charging they end up 11m away and you have a speed difference of 3m/s without addons so you catch them in 3.75s without it simple enough, with this addon it you spend an agonizing 5.5s to catch them, in a straight line, from 5m away, your reward the same and now you have a 16.5s cooldown, great addon do tell why it should have no changes and shouldn't be buffed, even at its best you have throw on another addon to cancel out one of its penalties and either have an ok at best movement speed of 7.7m/s with even more downsides and a 25.5s max cooldown or have a slow power with still a long cooldown at 18s maximum cooldown
Its not 2019 anymore this addon sucks
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You guys talk like it was the most easy killer to outplay like what?
Sorry but I don’t think 180 hits are predictable like you guys said so much, you know he can fake the 180 and his hits hitbox are the size of a truck and it’s impossible to dodge
this addon still gives you 2 tokens which is the insane parte and gives speed, just stack this with blighted crow and boom its better than double speed
they should at least give him the penalty for turning like it was before and that’s it
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A killer with a basekit that is way above average should have weaker addons than others yes.
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no killer should have weaker add-on than others. every killer deserves good add-on set and good base-kit. blight included. Blight has good base-kit and his add-on's are still decent. my only issues is that i dislike iri tag and c33 as add-on concepts. The whole near almost guaranteed hit is not a fun concept for survivor to play vs. other than that, I have no issues with blight.
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his hitbox is only the size of a truck for the first ~0.05s of his attack, after that its actually pretty thin in a straight line, you can slide against a survivor and not hit them after the initial part of the attack its that small
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If every killer has addons of similar strength, while having basekit of various strength levels, we end up with some being way stronger than others.
That's what we want?
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Whats the point of even complaining about speed now when the max you can get is 288%.
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>and not make this one still good
I have no respect to anyone who advocating for killer has bad or useless addons. All addons should be good at any killer. But problem of Adren was recharge speed. Any good Blight player doesn't care about turn rate on this addon too much, since bump logic is their weapon. This addon buff barely make any difference in most scenarios, but don't worry, seems like they already nerf it back in today's patch.
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GOOD news guys, they already are nerfing adrenaline vial
the effect still is the old one but this will be changed in the next hotfix probably
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well that was fast.
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I'm going to be nice here.
His hitbox on rush is essentially his model hitbox for the first 1/10 of a second after m1ing in a rush, after that it's extremely thin and the max turn rate makes it dodgeable to a high degree. This is what's known as a shoulder flick. Thus any flick is dodgeable but requires any prediction on the survivors part.
Start counting rushes my man, start looking at the collision around the tile you are playing. Predict the blights options based on his current rushes.
The add-on is worse than it was by a solid margin even if it's still good relative to current blights add-ons. On any good collision map the turn rate was completely irrelevant. The cd reduction is what made it so strong before. I do agree double speed should be better than adren+crow but I don't see how you change that correctly.
Oh? You don't know the collision in the game? So you don't really understand the killer? Understandable, that takes too much effort.
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Yeah I dont know why they are so committed to stroking off blight mains. Just wish they actually followed up on what they said they were going to do and make it so 4k'ing on blight actually took skill.
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So true man, blight went from a 400% total increase in power level from add-ons to a 150-160 max if I am being generous. The basically didn't nerf him, you for sure know what you are spouting.
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If no killer should have weak add-ons then no killer should have busted base-kits like Blight and Nurse. Blight is tolerable without add-ons, his add-ons should be weak to mid. And he will be alright. If we are asking strong add-ons for him, then he should get base-kit nerfs.
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His add-on are mid now, so I guess your wish has been answered. Also blights base kit isn't comparable to nurses. Blight went even or potentially exceeded nurse before because of how insane his add-ons were. That's no where near the case now.
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blight's base-kit is where every single killer should be at in the game. it is just that everyone is so used to every killer being clown-tier base-kit that a well balanced base-kit looks out of place. Nurse is a big oddity in the game so I'd prefer to avoid talking about her.
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Except 2 add-ons, yeah. Adrenaline Vial needs penalty back and Iri Tag, 100% deserves nerf, it makes Blight tunnelling monster. But i am fine with his rest of add-ons.