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I should want skill checks when repairing?

I've never been into YouTube videos but I am watching some tips today from Otz for the very first time.

He says we want skill checks when repairing with a toolbox, but do I?

My understanding is that a Good skill check just progresses the generators at the same speed anyway, but a Great one give you an extra 3%.

I play on Switch and I never aim for Great ones as I'm afraid I'll miss the skill check altogether.

I have never brought in a toolbox without this add-on that he says is no good.

What do Y'all think? Do any of you use the add-on to avoid skill checks too?


  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    You answered your own question there. Great skill checks give you extra progress on the gen. So if you get 5 skill checks it gives 1% more on the gen. So you get a free 5% of a gen done right there just by hitting the greats.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465
    edited February 1

    A great skillcheck on a generator gives you 1% progress or 0.9s bonus on a gen, you have an 8% chance every second to get a skill check aka every 12.5s, if you got and succeeded this skill check every time on average you can save 5.4s on a gen with no items, when they add up you get a lot of bonus progress even without any items across a match

    Now missing a skillcheck instantly removes 10% of a gens max progress or 9s worth of repairs + stopping repairs for a second or two

    For ok - good players just trying to not miss skill checks is usually enough to get by but if you want to be just a little bit more efficient hitting great skill checks can speed up matches especially with toolboxes which give you increased repair speed and a 40% chance to get a skill check every second easily giving you tons of extra progress on top of its speed boost

    If you can hit great skill checks go for it, but if you aren't confident in your abilities to hit them or even regular skill checks its not a bad addon but its mostly a skill dependent addon aka if you are good its bad and if you are better its a debuff

    TLDR great skillchecks are good if you can hit them, only use it if you can't

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 516

    To add to this there is one more incentive, BP. 300 Bonus BP per great skill check adds up, and if you have any modifier like a bloody party streamer that alone pays off for a green item.

  • chocolnr
    chocolnr Member Posts: 19

    thanks, where did you learn about those numbers? its helpful, i knew that Otzdarva or Truetalent said once that you loose 10% if you miss skill check on a gen but i didnt know about those other numbers.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,163

    I genuinely don't remember a time when I brought the 'no skill check' addon. I even forgot the name, lol.

    Always go for them, you'll mess up from time to time but once you get the timing and consistency down, you'll never look back.

    Pre-nerf Ruin was great practice for this as well.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,954

    I think greats only give 1% I remember years ago they did 2% but it got nerfed

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    I know it because I was there when they changed it ~4 years ago and read the patch notes

    wiki has some good numbers but its not perfect so take their info with a grain of salt

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,019

    No need to take the wiki's numbers with a grain of salt, they're all datamined.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,399

    So I used to play on the Switch and in that situation I'd say it doesn't matter. Any time I hit a great skill check on the Switch it was purely by accident. But at least having them there means you have the opportunity to hit a great, so it's probably better than nothing.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,137

    Is it true that when you repair with a toolbox that you are guaranteed skill checks during repair until the charges are depleted?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    Since patch 4.7.0, the chance of getting a skill check per second using a toolbox was increased from 2x to 5x (16% increased to 40%)

    Its not a guarantee you will even get a skill check but odds are pretty good that you will get a skillcheck even with a brown toolbox with 16 charges you have a 1/165 chance to not get a skillcheck and just for fun numbers 1/2126 with a yellow toolbox and 1/45585 with a commodious, its not 24/7 but odds are very much in your favor to get multiple skillchecks

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,019
    edited February 2

    I asked the wiki admins about this. These are copy-paste errors that they're still in the process of fixing. They recently completely overhauled how they store descriptions on the wiki and had to more or less manually transition and reformat nearly 800 addon descriptions. Mistakes are bound to happen then. As you noted yourself, the page for Rusty Flute (which has the value added manually) still had the correct value.

    The wiki admins would really appreciate it, if people noticing these typos could let them know instead of not saying anything. 800 addons are a lot and they can't remember all of their values off the top of their head.

    Edit: I also asked them if they could check the skill check values again. They let me know that those are still correct.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    Right but what I'm saying is take the values with a grain of salt because just because they are on the wiki doesn't mean they are perfect some things aren't changed / updated properly 24/7 so use it as a resource don't use it as all of it being fact

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Some perks will make you REALLY want skill checks, like Hyperfocus and Stake Out, otherwise it's not that big of a deal. If youre really good at hitting Greats then more skill checks can save you a few seconds on a gen but it's much more important to simply not fail skill checks. 4 Greats and one Failed is far worse than just 5 Goods.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    It really depends on your ability to hit them. Great skill checks give 1% bonus progress, so getting more of them and hitting them consistently can certainly add up. Meanwhile missing the skill check will knock 10% off of it and prevents the generator from being repaired for a few seconds, so missing even one can more than offset any benefit you would have gotten from a bunch of great skill checks.

    If you can reliably hit greats, or at the very least hit goods, you'd probably want more of them.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    since console frame rate is not great. don't bother.

    care about great skill checks if you ever go to pc.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045

    YES you do.

  • BlackMindPrime
    BlackMindPrime Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2

    yeah except I NEVER hit once a blue moon I get lucky somehow and hit great but often the game either doesn't give it to me and blows up my gen or I just continuously hit good *sad face*. Skill issue...yeah I know...I know *cries in a corner*