what ever happed to the realm beyond (especially for characters)

oh_salutations Member Posts: 212
edited February 2024 in General Discussions

It has been so long since the last time a survivor or a killer has seen a visual overall which honestly is kind of disappointing when you remember that people like hillbilly a day one killer still have not received it. just a remodel of the chainsaw would be great but they haven't, even after his rework which is usually when they also do these visual changes like for Nurse and Clown. it's just sad to think it is a canned project since that means that some of my favorite killers and survivors won't ever see reworks


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Survivors from the looks of it are all up to date. Every realm from Hawkins onwards was significantly higher quality than the rest and the other realms needed a catch up. Now all thats left is the Swamp

    As for Survivors, when Resident Evil came out they reworked a bunch of the models up to Yui with the exception of Steve, Nancy, and Ash.

    And then killers they 100% need to catch up on. All of them so far have been fantastic by still keeping true to their character but making them much more detailed.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Hopefully it is canned forever. A terrible thing that did nothing but erase the visual identity I loved.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092

    Can't wait for Swamp to finally get reworked, maybe in the future we can get Hawkins reworked as well.

    The sooner we snuff out the last remnants of old dbd, the better.

    After that, hopefully all remaining older killers can get their turn as well.

  • oh_salutations
    oh_salutations Member Posts: 212

    there is still tons of stuff for Maps and Survivors

    The first would to finish the survivors, Nancy Steve, Ash, Jeff, Jane, and Zarina's face needs some work whether it be some texture changes or a whole remodel is up to BHVR but these are the last survivors that needs a face rework

    Survivors do not have any outfits updated, so Dwight still has outfits with the old watercolor effect they had when the game first came out, Also many of the hairs can be updated to the same quality they seem to have now. other than just looks, animations could also be updated with new healing and cleansing/blessing totem animations

    Looking at the first updated maps Yamaoka and NOES they are just as outdated compared to Haddonfield and other newer maps, I'm not saying that they should start the cycle again but as time goes on the problem that made them do the realm beyond will come back. also they could do smaller visual tweaks to maps to fix them like changing Borgo's realm lighting so it's not rough on the eyes (That map uses complementary colors everywhere so the whole maps clashes and is hard on the eyes)

    This is more of a wishlist but add more depth to the game, out of all the Slasher games out there this is the game that Visually feels the most Dull which sucks as this IS the best one out there, I mean just look at the screenshots at other games and it has a wider range of colors, the sky box is not a 480p screenshot, ect.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    They messed with Feng and found out.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Jane already got her facelift alongside the others and Zarina looks just fine imo. The others you mentioned tho yeah, they could use an update.

    Expecting them to revisit EVERY outfit in the game is just unrealistic unfortunately I doubt its happening any time soon.

    Never realized how Badham and Yamaoka look in comparison to the others until now. Wouldnt be opposed to see changes there either.