Survivor is not fun

TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248
edited February 6 in General Discussions

Survivor gameplay is so stale, most of the perks are situational, the good/decent ones get nerfed into the ground.

With each new killer they have new mechanics for their power and addons. Survivors get... a skin with 3 mediocre perks most of the time.

Survivor gameplay has been practically the same for the last 7 years, the only new thing that was added was boons... wow.

Playing dead by daylight feels like a toxic relationship (for me) I want to quit but I still come back from time to time to check in and I'm just disappointed every time.

Looping is a thing of the past, half the new killers can hit you through them. Flashlights have been nerfed, med kits can't even fully heal you anymore, (edit, I meant to say that medkits heal slower now than before) a toolbox last 5 secs. Meanwhile killers have endless tracking perks and counters. Fine looping was crazy back in the day but that was a survivors only way to stay alive and buy time. The maps are smaller and killers have more tracking perks.. make it make sense.

This game desperately needs new game modes or fun casual modes where people aren't so sweaty and have some variety for BOTH killer and survivor. The game is great and exciting when you first get into it and that's what reels people in, but at some point most people will hit a wall and the game just becomes boring and repetitive. (On the survivor's side at least)

I'm don't think the devs really care, because if old players quit they will just be replaced with new ones and the cycle continues. So why bother improve when you have the formula?

Post edited by TangledNoodles on


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,430

    Nah, they stopped doing those. The last few maps haven't had any.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,430

    There's enough killers to keep things decently fresh if you're not COMPLETELY against playing killer. I like to jump around alot, so I'll play a game or 2 as one killer, then swap to something else. I feel MOST ppl have several characters that they more or less completely disregard after lvling them up for their perks.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,430

    Backfill could be the cause. Anytime someone leaves a lobby, the matchmaker throws MMR out the window to find a replacement. You might have replaced a lower MMR killer in those screenshots.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I wish there were more ways to interact or feel engaged. It's either chase or objective. Nothing going on outside of that.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,092

    all them map and keys addons just sitting forever taunting me. Wish I could sell them for even 5% of the orginal price Haha

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    After playing blight no other killer is fun. I've tried to pick up my old mains and even plague, but nullifying the boredom of holding w after someone is unique to blight. Blight also has the highest skill cap by such an absurd margin it would take someone unhuman to achieve it.

    But then I go out of my way to play against the best survivors possible only to only get 2 out of 4 that are really good and then what? No increase in anything visible?

    There's no progression, I sit on blood points because prestige means absolutely nothing. There's no draw to getting better and no reward for getting better.

    My macro was better than 99% of players at 350 hours and I've only gone down since then because it that would mean gg every game without a chance for survivors. Now I play like a mechanically adept bot and I'm put in a lose lose situation.

    I am a one trick until I get bored or find something more entertaining in every video game I play, 70% of killers are very uninteractive for both sides. On the flip side I already found my interactive killer main and playing other things would just be boring.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Preaching to the choir, here… totally empathize w you

    Been on that vibe for years

    Feels like empty sex toward a slow, useless death.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    This may be due to every killer running sloppy? Hemorrhage is brutal.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    I'm pretty sure a med kit can only fully heal you now if it has addons now and it's way slower than before anyways considering you're wasting a whole item to heal yourself it shouldn't be so slow considering the pace of the game is much faster these days.

    Tell me how many times you see flashlight in your lobby and how many people even know how to land a blind? Also lightborn these days doesn't make it take longer to blind but it negates it completely.

    My main point of the post was survivor game play and how stale it's been since the game inception.

    Also you're just justifying using items with the help of perks and addons. Why waste so many resources to make something good?

    You don't have to take my post serious I'm just a casual dbd player that has been playing for years. I just wanted to voice my POV on survivor gameplay knowing that nothing will change and to see if others feel the same.

    And lastly My main point of the post was survivor game play and how stale it's been since the game inception. All a survivor can do is run and do gens which is fine but it gets old and that's why games have different game modes. But the devs are so fixated on making mediocre outfits that they forgot to keep the game fresh.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248
    edited February 3

    I know that chases were crazy back in the day, I played through it but now it went to another extreme we have killers that can hit through pallets, walls, teleport, rush. But survivors got boons... which are quite useless unless the killers is literally blind and cannot spot the totem. You can even see the blue particle in the air and that's a dead giveaway of the general location of the boon. Last game I played I could see the blue particles from across the Knight's map, then next thing I know that person's boon was gone and quite frankly boon cons outweigh the pros imo.

    You clearly missed the part where I said the game needs new game modes. I did not say to change the BASE game but it would benefit from having variety and fun game modes that are not as serious.

    As for game modes it literally could be anything, 2 killers 8 survs, lights out (that they are working on now), special in game power ups.. ANYTHING maybe new surv Items.

    I am speaking from the POV of a survivor. As a killer you can easy switch killers to change things up but as a survivor they're ALL the same.

    Also like I probably mentioned before I just play casually these days usually if a friend wants me to join them, I just wanted to voice my opinion as someone who's been playing since the early days.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,277

    I don’t think they are worried about their player base. Too much, they recently hit over 69 million players. There isn’t a ton of marketing that they have to do because there are so many streamers that Market the game for them.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,686
    edited February 3

    I'm pretty sure a med kit can only fully heal you now if it has addons now

    You are wrong.

    it's way slower than before anyways considering you're wasting a whole item to heal yourself

    How is it a waste when it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do? Self-healing is powerful, always has been, it's why Self-Care and CoH and medkits were nerfed in the first place. If it's easy, it's unbalanced.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    I can tell you mostly play killer if you think doing generators is interactive. You think smaller maps and more tracking tools means less time doing nothing? Again more reason for me to think that you only play survivor once in a while. Most people get downed even faster and the game ends faster.

    We have Freddy, Oni, Spirit, Onryo, etc etc who can literally teleport or sprint across a shrunken map. Most of the tiles with pallets are literal traps because weather you try to loop it or drop the pallet you're stuck in an animation and the killer gets a free hit no matter what you do.

    Also just doing generators is not fun tbh, I personally don't find gen rushing fun. Why would I go into a match sit on gens the whole time and escape?...It's boring. I (and many others judging from the responses) need something that freshens the game it's not always about escaping or getting the 4k you have to enjoy the process otherwise what's the point? It would just feel like a chore or work.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,389
    edited February 4

    An advice i got from posting a thread on the same topic was to take a break from the game.

    But really this game, is just a tunnel simulatoer mixed with guess a cheater now.

    Post edited by Unknown2765 on
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,752
    edited February 4

    If you play the same against all killers then you clearly do not understand the strengths and weaknesses of each killer. This also explains why your matches are boring. I mean, you just immediately die because you didn't actually play around them.

    The only 2 killers with a teleport are Singularity and Hag. Hag is a completely different beast. Play against her like you would with a M1 killer and your match ends in 2 minutes. That's the equivalent of trying to apply Nurse's (although very limited) counterplay against Bubba. It doesn't work that way and constantly losing is probably pretty boring. But that is your own fault. You choose to play that way.

    If I were to play M1 Nurse, I would lose all my matches as well. Does that mean Nurse is a weak killer? I very mich doubt that.

    Every killer has a unique power. You need to treat them differently. I don't understand how that would lead to the same gameplay every time. Unless of course you're just hard set on playing one particular way with no variation.

    I agreed that a second game mode would be pretty nice. Not sure why you think you'd need to convince me. But you said and I quote: "Survivors desperately need new objectives or items." This was not directly tied to potential second game modes.

    Ok. Let's count all killers that have Shift + W as their only counterplay. That's Trickster, Knight, Artist, Skull Merchant, Chucky and Dredge. That is 6/34 killers (~18%). 18%<<80%. That is not debatable.

    It's more that Shift + W is a counter to most killers. Even when these killers already have other counters.

    LT walls are a good point. They are completely useless for someone who can't do the basics of looping but painfully strong for really good survivors. Win the mind game and you get out on top. Isn't that what loops should be like? Whoever plays better wins?

    I am not a fan of the good ol' Ormond table pallets and other pallets that weak either. It's the opposite of shack. You don't have a right play as survivor. Nut let's be honest, there are at worst 15 such pallet spawns across all maps.

    Survivor skill expression is definitely not dead. Gen progress always 'crawls'. Unrestricted gen speed is pretty much a guaranteed loss even against bad survivors and it only gets worse when survivors actually know how to loop. However, I am completely against the combination of DMS + Grim Embrace. This should have never gone to live.

    I covered tracking perks before. Do you really want to hide all game? I don't understand how that would be fun. There is no interaction in hiding. Tracking perks mean less time spent doing nothing for killers and survivors. So, more time spent in chase. How is that a bad thing?

    Empty dead zone maps? You mean like Ormond, The Game, GoJ, Asylum, Chapel, Shelter Woods, Toba Landing, all Badhams, all McMillans and all Azarov's maps? Yeah. Huge dead zones. You only have pallets everywhere and the mandatory main tiles.

    The few maps with actual dead zones (like Haddonfield, Thompson House and Cowshed) aren't much better for killers either. Because they also have huge safe zones. Let's take Haddonfield for example. The streets start off as risky and then become dead zones as the pallets are depleted. The houses however remain huge safe zones the entire game. There are videos of survivors looping killers for all eternities around them. Cowshed is the same in that regard. One half is a giant dead zone, the other is filled with long tiles, Jungle Gyms, a Cow Tree, shack and more strong filler pallets. These maps are horrible for both sides.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I agree but for a completely different reason, I feel like everyone plays the same 4 killers. I only ever see Blight, Wesker, Legion, and Chucky. It's made worse by the fact they all do the same gd thing and it's just killer that moves fast which isn't the most engaging thing in the world to play against.

    I don't even blame the devs entirely because we have interesting killers like Singularity, Huntress, Executioner, Cannibal when they're not camping, hell even Spirit is more engaging. But no it's game after game of "Oh wow I wonder if the killer is just going to run at me really fast with nothing for me to engage with" because people are lazy and can't be bothered learning any mechanics more complicated then running in a straight line.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068

    Sure Sadako has been nerfed to the ground to deal with SWF.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,804

    Usually I'd suggest playing only killer to encourage the devs looking at the problem (if many players decide not to play survivor anymore).

    Did I miss something with the flashlights? Last time I've played they had been considerably buffed. Timings were so generous my mother could probably manage them.

    That being said, I'd enjoy fun game modes. I plan to come back to the game for the "Lights out" event see how it goes.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,943

    Surv has always been stale. Its always the same second chance perks and exhaustion maybe every few months some stupid perk combo because of oversight or bugs. And I can already see a rise in wire tap given a certain video made on it when regarding the regression changes.