Does solo queue seem more miserable than ever now?
I play about 50/50 survivor/killer and killer seems much easier after the last update and solo queue seems much more miserable, definitely the worst it's been since the status indicators were introduced to the game (it was certainly worse before that when you had no idea what teammates were doing). Seems like just about every one of my survivors matches is against Billy or another top-tier killer bringing the newest meta build and maybe 1-2 gens get done before one or more teammates give up.
Anyone else feel the same way?
Yes, survivor is not a playable way to play the game.
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Yeah that's pretty much it, must be intended. I guess the devs want solo q players to play killer, SWF, or quit.
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mm-hmm, it’s a absolute garbage time, anymore😔
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My solo games have fallen off a cliff. I'm an average player but I'm carrying team after team atm. I upgraded to PS5 a few months ago and unlocked a Vittorio during the winter event. All I face are baby killers and low level teammates.
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After the introduction of MMR and countless other unnecessary things, Solo Queue is worse than rolling a dice each game.
Or perhaps you still roll that dice every game, while waiting for GE + DMS to expire.
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Yep. Probably going to drop the game for a long while and hope its in a better place sometime in the future. Most matches are just miserable and not fun for me.
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I think that DS change need to come out sooner rather than later
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Yep, solo q SUCKS
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Just said it in anothe post: yesterday I set new antirecord since chapter release: 50 surv games with only 1 escape. Survivor games are getting more fun each update.
It's 100% because Sadako is too strong and need nerfs.
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nah you´re just having a bad luck
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Yes. I have over 4000 hours and get destroyed routinely. I will get 5000 hour killers running quad slowdowns and teammates who can't last more than 20 seconds in chase. The other day I had one of my worst stretches of survivor ever. I lost nine games in a row. In my last game of that losing streak I got an 8700 hour P100 Hillbilly. How is this even possible after losing that many games in a row? I am convinced at this point that MMR doesn't even exist. I have no issues winning consistently on killer. I want to see the official kill rates and I want to see the escape rate for solo queue players.
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Something is off. I’m getting matched(as killer) with under 100 hrs survivors and survivors my hour count. It makes no sense.
on survivor the same thing. I got paired with a 14 hour Nea, and we went against a p100 Nurse(who slugged and bled us all out). What are we meant to do with this?
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My first day playing since Monday and of course the new update. Yeah, solo queue seems absolutely awful. Almost feels like they switched off any match making at all. The survivors I'm playing with don't seem to be doing anything to help at all. It's an absolute slog playing it today.
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I'd consider solo queue to be a complete waste of time more often than not. You're better off playing another game. There are days where matchmaking actually does a decent job and you can escape half your games or more. But something is just off about the the skill differences between survivors in lobbies. They're either allowing for too great of an MMR range or the system is really struggling to quantify player skill and game sense. I believe it's the former.
I said this a while ago, but I think the devs just straight up implemented a matchmaking algorithm based on other symmetrical PVP games, and it fails to account for the asymmetry and uniqueness of DbD. A survivor doesn't have the carry potential another player might have in a symmetrical game. The killer can refuse to engage a relatively skilled survivor and focus on a relatively less skilled survivor. And so many perks related to survivor objectives trigger off of hooks+downs, so a relatively less skilled survivor actually inhibits any carry potential a more skilled player has to begin with. On top of all of that, you can't necessarily hide a player like you can in other games. A player with 500 hours is going to be significantly worse at positioning and avoiding the killer in the first place than someone with 2000 hours.
That's all to say: I think there needs to be a bit more nuance here. I'm sure these matches work out numbers-wise, but they feel really bad gameplay-wise. It's not that people are losing. It's why they're losing. If I die to a great killer player and all my teammates have about my skill level, fine. GG. If I die to a killer that can't catch me but wins because a couple teammates went down instantly to that same killer? That feels terrible. That's a waste of time. It feels like your loadout doesn't matter, your choices don't matter, and your gameplay doesn't matter.
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The current state has little to do with balance, it is because of being too perminicious with bad behaviors such as DC, suicide on the hook or deliberately sabotaging games. The introduction of bots was nothing more than a way to get away from the underlying problem.
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Also are other survivors thinking that Billy is the second coming of Skull Merchant or something? He must have the highest kill rate in history at the moment because every game someone is killing themselves on first hook at 5 gens making it an unwinnable game. Maybe if they stayed and learnt how to play against the updated version of him instead of ruining it for everyone else?
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And it will be even worse during the lights out event.
Mark my words.
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I mean, they gave multiple major baseline buffs to regression, a ridiculously powerful new (effectively) gen stall perk that cannot be played around and synergizes with every other regression perk AND both camping/tunnelling, and the 'nerf' that's supposed to make things less miserable is supposed to affect less than 1% of games.
What was anybody expecting?
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Yes, I have noticed it too and made a post about it a few days ago. If I can't adjust to it and have fun playing it - I'll take a break and play something else.
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Survivor has become increasingly more miserable for me. I don't put the time into this game that so many others do.
That means when the game experiences a change to make things more balanced it's going to be a net negative for me because they aren't balancing for the person that plays just a few matches per week. They're balancing for the person that plays this game a lot. They're the people that are more likely to purchase add ons, outfits, etc.
I understand that's who bhvr is trying to appease with changes. So I live with the changes and make the best of it because I know someone like me isn't where they're making their money.
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My solo matches haven’t been bad since this update but obviously everyone has a different experience. Some days it can be rough and then some days it can be alright.
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I've played a roughly equal amount of games for both roles this month. Whew. SOLO SURVIVOR IS A BLAST
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I’m stuck at iri IV on survivor. Its such a dredge getting to iri I without swfing
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I think I've made it to Iri 1 solo once. But I had to play an unholy amount
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Soloq is always miserable, i dont think is worse now lol. I feel like there are only 2 roles: SWF and Killer. SoloQ is...there, like bot matches, is a feature that doesn't represent a real match 🤣
Personally i mainly play killer and my rule for survivor is: If in 3 matches i didn't have any fun, i just call it a day and play another day.
I have yet to play a 4th match 🤣
+ Alan's perks dont help a bit, the 3 of them are so UNINTERESTING.
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I swear the developers are trying to run all the solo-queue players off for a year now.
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Yep! It's gotten so bad I've stopped playing. I've been on palworld having fun. I might end up doing the rift since I got it, but it's like I have to force myself, which is not good at all.
Solo queue needs a lot of fixing, all these nerfs and changes added up making it insufferable. It used to be fun, now it just seems...well as someone else said, garbage lol.
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I have to play solo since I have no friends who paly DBD + I got on Epic. Anyway, playing Survivor often feels a suffering. Most players total newcomers or forgot how to play this game. I'm dying on the hook, we just save each other from the hook and done zero gens and the whole team on deathrow, teammate we clearly see a gen, then runs to another end of the map, I injured teammate got a med pack he runs another end of the the map for some random gen. But if I play as a Killer I usually get a bully team or so pro flashlight, sabotage saves I never experienced before, yesterday a team get insta revive no matter who or how many time I down, they just won't stay down!
So switching between Survivor and Killer make no difference if you want to get a normal or fun match. At least for me. Can't be bad luck after 3-4 hours gameplay in the row and almost the same experience in every match.
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The ridiculous insta-down Billy buff did not help things.