How do you all feel about a Xeno buff?

Honestly I've been playing Xeno for a while now and his tail just feels horrible to use after they nerfed it, you slow down so much that I barely want to use it. Not to mention the length of it isn't that long, it just feels really bad to use.
I'd love to see a buff for it, as right now I barely want to use it because I get punished so hard for missing.
What do you all think?
They should give it the cooldown in between the current missed attack and the one in the first week..
I stopped playing him, because it’s just a turret and cooldown simulator.
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They should not buff him to his first week version but small buffs would not hurt anyone. And yeah, i agree his tail feels a bit clunky.
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Please don't.
He is already extremely oppressive in chases.
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Xeno is perfectly fine as is.
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I feel like a small buff wouldn't hurt anything... It just makes me not want to use his tail, using his tail basically gives so much distance. Maybe I'm wrong or overexaggerating, but it certainly feels like they get so much distance.
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The tail is already quite strong. I don’t think it needs a buff.
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Remember, if killers have anything at all that gives them any sort of edge, it's bad and "unhealthy" and "not interactive" and it needs to be nerfed to the ground. The original cooldown on the tail was fine, but survivors didn't like it because it meant that they had to actually play carefully, so now here we are. Of course xeno needs a buff, most killers do, but they're not going to get one.
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You mean...the tail attack where Xeno lost no distance for spamming it?
Ah, of course.
How about this? We fix the hitbox bug with Xeno's Tail Attack that I don't think was ever fixed; then we re-evaluate. He is extremely oppressive in chase when he's in Runner Mode. He has good map pressure and map traversal. He really doesn't need anything right now, barring bug fixes of course.
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"they had to actually play carefully" You mean they had to get lucky with god tiles, or else it was impossible to escape a tile without being hit.
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I mean if someone is bad at game, no buff will make them good. Most killers have good kill rates. So i doubt most killers are weak, it's just some players are not good at game.
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I see what you did there. Please be so kind as to explain how the original cooldown was fine. Others I've asked haven't replied yet after a couple of weeks.
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They are just trying to get under my skin by starting off how I did in a reply. It's the same thing as before, bunch of comments saying she was fine and then silence when you ask how. Or the occasional skill issue, can't forget that.
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Well're not playing Huntress. You trying to snipe someone with a tail attack? If you're missing consistently with the tail, don't you think you should be punished? Its completely your fault in the first place if you are missing with it. No buff needed. Just practice more.
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I do not think most survivors would like xenos tail to be fixed, since it would be more "unfun"
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Tail feels awful to use. Even when I manage to hit with it, it doesn't feel satisfying. Lost all motivation to play Xeno, which is tragic for a guy like me who loves Alien.
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Xeno is sadly a killer that will probably never be touched again due to their kill rate being quite high. They're a noob stomper and can feel very oppressive in chase. On the other hand theyre quite possibly one of the most clunky killers released in recent memory their tail is rather lame, its hit box (for some reason) isnt connected to the actual animation of the tail and its simply just unoriginal. Thank you BHVR for another anti loop killer :).
Salt aside i do believe that xeno needs either a tail attack Overhaul (perhaps they can Make it curve around corners or over object to give it more skill expression) or perhaps give the xenomorph an agility based part of her kit. Something akin to a scamper from chuck but far less powerful.
Either way xenomorph to me just represents the poor design philosophy of anti loop killers and the lack of imagination the devs have for a killers chase power.
Anyway what were we on about?
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Similarly to Huntress and Nemesis, Xeno has built-in STBFL due to its tail having a short cooldown after hitting a survivor with it. Try using it in areas that'll guarantee hits (such as animation lock zones like windows and pallets and short wall loops). I made the mistake of playing her like Nemesis where I use my M2 out in the open, but her tail is far less reliable than his tentacle but rewarding enough.
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Maybe not, but we can address that after it's working properly.
It's already unpleasant now, so it may as well function as intended if it's gonna be ass to play against
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There’s a reason tournaments are Nurse and Blight. It is literally impossible to be successful against good groups with most killers.
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Meanwhile, 30 uncounterable pallets on The Game is perfect healthy and balanced.
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Idk I dropped xeno some time ago, as there is no reason to play her when nemesis and slinger exist, hope the devs can make her tail not horrible but I know wont happen so ill stick to slinger.
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Only thing Xeno really needs is some improvements to it's tail attack and a rework to it's addons to make them more creative that brings different playstyles to use.
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Don't forget maps that completely delete killer's powers. Good luck playing billy on RPD, but yeah, that is fine actually, because survivors like it when killers can't do anything, and they're the ones buying cosmetics left and right.
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I'm sorry but who are you? You didn't post in this thread before I made my post. This is just how I type. Do you just see random posts from strangers and assume they're talking about you or trying to take digs at you personally? That's weird man.
To answer your question though, survivors could avoid the tail just fine before. They could fake windows or use debris to avoid it and while the cooldown on it wasn't long, it was long enough for them to make distance. They could still get to another safe spot, they just had to not run on auto pilot.
Now the cooldown is so long that if you miss a tail, you might as well give up on that chase. The fact that the missed tail cooldown applies when destroying a turret is also absurd. It means that as soon a survivor takes you to a zone with a turret, you've got 2 choices, lose your power or lose the chase. Unless they make a colossal misplay, there's no in-between.
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my main issue is how strong health-state vs xeno and how destroy turrets with tail gives too much distance for survivor forcing xeno to use anti-turret add-on's to m1 turrets.
Increasing successful and missed attack movement speed to something like 50% or 65% would be really good.
The other issue is that xeno add-on are boring and uninspiring to play with. I remember otz talking about how xeno add-on hold him back from being an outstanding killer where he lists two particular interesting add-on's. One add-on he list is for Xeno to have a 20% longer distance tail attack and other that he lists is 20% lower successful attack coodown.
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This. I feel like I'm constantly spinning my wheels with Xeno.
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Tournament level players are pretty much minority of playerbase.
So you should able to win most matches with most killers.
Are you suggesting to balance game around 1-5% playerbase?
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I’m suggesting the better players should win. Mediocre survivors shouldn’t be escaping against good killers, which is unfortunately how this game is being balanced. Your logic is BS, because you’re essentially saying that it’s ok for top level killers to have no chance against top level survivors. Yet, you’re the same person that thinks Nurse needs to be nerfed into oblivion because 1% of Nurse players dominate.
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He doesnt need #########
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And mediocre survivors are not escaping against good killers. But looks like you are fine with mediocre killers are destroying good teams. Nice logic.
And no, game is pretty much killerside atm, it's just some killers are believing they are so good but in reality, they are not.
Who said top level killers have no chance agaisnt top level survivors? People are doing winstreaks with weak killers like Clown, Sadako etc.
And it's not only 1% of Nurses are dominating. Any good Nurse can win most of games. That's because she has zero counter in chase.
So please stop complaining when most of stats are favoring killers. Just say it you want easy games and dominate all matches. Even against teams like Eternal, which without doubt so much better than you, me and most of killers. You just want to win every game.
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I play Xenomorph a lot (my favorite killer with executioner and nemesis), i don't think it needs anything, it is imo, the perfect killer, i had beef with executioner adaptation, or nemesis one, but the Alien... With the limitations of dbd, it's perfect, favorite to play, favorite to verse, i queue in hope of seeing one.
The tail is cluncky because the range is so short you are next to the survivor when you use it (4.8), so it deserves a big CD. You could lower the CD a bit i guess, right now it's 3s, so the biggest CD for all ranged killer. Bringing it to 2.5s should be okay, a ptb would be interesting, to compensate, you could lower the speed even more, but it would not really matter at this point.
To the guy that said "Tail is like stbfl, when you don't miss, the CD is lower", where did you find this information ? As far as i know, tail strike is 3s with 1.2m/s, no variation.
And bugs ? Same as before, as far as im concerned, all bugs with the tail strike have been corrected. Right now it's normal. The CD is long and the tail is cluncky, just like in ptb. It could use a CD buff to make people like to play it (kinda Billy like) but it's more than fine as it is.
Post edited by Heliosse on3 -
I’d love to see you play Nurse against competent survivors.
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Those two Killers are a straight downgrade from Xeno, but if you like them better, that's totally fine.
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Why would i? She is not my main
But you can check those competitive Nurse mains if you are looking for evidence.
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Isn't Xeno still like a better Demo (who's not even a bad killer) ? I think there are some other killers essentially left in a ditch that could use a buff before her.
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Yes I feel killers are in a bad spot.
Survivor is so ridiculously op rn.
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Not even close, nemsis whip is far more dangerous than xenos tail, and survivors cant take it away unlike xenos tail. And slinger, mate slinger outclasses both xeno and nemesis in time to down every day of the week. You do not need mobility as slinger if you are ending chases in less than 30 seconds, something xeno should not be able to do if her opponents have more than 40 hours of playtime.
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"Remember, people defended Alien and preached how balanced she was. Apparently when you look into the future, when killers get used to the reworks/new killer, it isn't plausible and you will get name-called and provided with skill issue comments. I mean the amount of times Xeno players told me to window bait as if that was proper counterplay..."
"Remember, if killers have anything at all that gives them any sort of edge, it's bad and "unhealthy" and "not interactive" and it needs to be nerfed to the ground. The original cooldown on the tail was fine, but survivors didn't like it because it meant that they had to actually play carefully, so now here we are. Of course xeno needs a buff, most killers do, but they're not going to get one."
Spot the difference (apart from yours being the opposite of mine). I wrote my reply first in a different discussion regarding Billy and a point made there on the same day you posted yours. Both are three sentences, and both start off with a very specific word which isn't common. Both look almost the same length, albeit yours is a couple of words longer. So excuse me if I felt like you were taking a dig at me, but this doesn't look like a coincidence. Even when I wrote that I wasn't meant to start off with "remember" but I thought it just sounded better.
Survivors couldn't avoid the tail just fine. Even if they did, what would they have gained from it? The cooldown was non-existent and Xeno could move during it. It wasn't long enough to reach a unsafe spot, let alone a safe spot. Just because you went against Xenos that were new to the killer and had no idea what they were doing, it doesn't mean anything here.
Sure, they might have nerfed his cooldown too much, but to go that far to give up on chase is comical. You're the only one that does that because in all my Xeno games (yeah, many people still play them), they don't give up. A singular turret cannot even get you out of your power. The amount of time it takes to actually set up the turret is shorter than it takes to recover from the attack cooldown. Turrets (multiple) are the only things (alongside hooking) that can get you out of power and you'll still be a 4.6 m/s killer. Your power makes you able to mindgame really well at taller loops, gives you a special attack that most survivors cannot predict since the sound cue is very short, and your terror radius is reduced to 24m. You become a overpowered version of Nemesis that can instantly injure without the need of infection (vaccines also exist against him). If they removed turrets completely, you'd realize how absurd them not existing would be. You won't lose your power or the chase. You are exaggerating this to such an extent that it's insane. You lose like three seconds, in three seconds a survivor doesn't teleport away.
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Yikes. A skill issue, perhaps?
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Tell me you havent watched a tournament by telling me you havent watched a tournament
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Just to add some counterpart to this nonsense request, i ask for an extra 2,5 seconds on a missed tail attack.
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I agree my friend. I feel like he is in a good spot honestly. Please do not buff him.
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The best way to avoid getting a nerf is to ask for a buff.
I say this whole post is a bait, clearly knowing Xeno is very powerful and should rather get nerfed instead of buffed. People often fall into this trap. Just wanted to point that out.
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Xenos tail is far more malleable than Nemi's Whip. You can't crouch tech it nor can you cleanse it and get a 3rd health state. The point about Nemesis is just massive copium.
The point about DS is also pretty bad. Their powers function similarly, except DS has a wind-up and can be dodged reliably, unlike Xeno who can still drag his Tail if you dodge. Same with Nemi. He also has zero mobility and extremely poor map pressure.
Both of those Killers are much worse than Xeno.
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I think it's not the length of the tail attack cooldown that bothers me, but the extremely slow speed it reduces you to. If they could increase that somewhat, Xeno would probably feel less awful to play as.
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You cannot cleanse it but you can put a turret up and disable that power for that chase. Even if the alien hits it the spare time from the cooldown will give you the same distance as a nemi whip when it infects you.
Also for someone who has an understanding of comp and high level play dbd (which isnt much its just people that are not incredibly bad) you underestimate slinger a lot, he is prob the best ranged killer (unless you count artist as ranged) in the game, and he can end a chase 10 times faster than a xeno can wish to achieve.
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I don’t care if he gets a nerf or not. I just don’t want him getting a buff, he doesn’t need it.
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I am not so much underestimating Slinger as you are underestimating Xeno.
Slinger is very good at getting injures, which is valuable. He's not especially good at getting downs. Any place that Slinger gets a down, Xeno does too, besides open field shots which, let's be honest, are very rare.
Slinger would be better, if he had mobility or stealth. Xeno has both, plus an oppressive chase power.