How do you all feel about a Xeno buff?



  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994
    edited February 2024

    It’s so easy, so it should be no problem for you. I am one of those 1% Nurse players. I consistently dominate because most players are bad at the game, not because she is too good.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2024

    Nemesis whip being far more dangerous than Xeno tail? Really need to clarify how? No matter how i look at it Nemesis whip is inferior nearly in every way and overall weaker killer. Primarily cause Nemesis the only killer in the game that you have to hit them 3 times to down them. Infection, injured then a down. If the survivors use the med spray then 3 hits again. Time is just far too valuable for killers landing 3 hits only gives survivors more time for their objective.

    For Death Slinger he has far more range than Xeno does, but still have to reel the target in for a down. I just don't like him not really ever a reason to play him when Huntress is just far better.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Thank you for agree'ing with me on that, yeah Nurse is indeed very op killer and she should be reworked.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I guess you didn’t read. I win most of my matches because the survivors are bad, not because she is too strong.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Do that as Trapper and i will believe you are that good. It's easy to talk when doing that with op killer.

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    So the killer is extremely opressive if survivors dont play the killer specific side objective?

    Oh no, how unfair!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,168
    edited February 2024

    I was hoping you'd respond. I had kinda figured based on your other responses about what you'd type.

    A side objective that relies on your teammates. How wonderful! Surely, surely there's no issues with communicating and teammates in DBD, that'd be just awful.

    Surely, your teammates can be relied on. Surely.

    Likewise, that means you have hmmmm, approximately zero influence on your own chase with him. Unless of course, you're wasting time setting up turrets yourself, which you can't really afford to do in this meta. You are relying on others to make the chase tolerable. His Tail Attack IS oppressive, it makes all loops extremely unsafe.

    Pretending otherwise is simply wrong.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160

    I wrote out a whole big response to this, saw a typo that I wanted to edit, and then somehow the post got lost, or at the very least, I'm not seeing it anymore so I'm assuming it got lost. I'm not about to rewrite it again, so to sum it up;

    1) These are some weird, narcissistic patterns you're seeing here. "Remember" is a common word, and windows are one of the major mechanics in the game that are commonly used to bait out misses from killers that have abilities that require a high degree of commitment like xeno. Obviously people are going to tell you to bait windows. You're seeing patterns where there are none. If you believe my post is a dig at you, then you probably also believe that the fact that both of our names are 8 letters long is more than just a coincidence. It's nonsense.

    2) The killer's time is worth significantly more than the survivors time and unlike survivors, they're always under a major time crunch. 3 seconds is enough to get a survivor over to the next safe loop where they can drag out a chase even longer. The cooldown should not be anywhere near that long. The only reason it was nerfed was because survivors pay the bills and they complained, the same reason why everything killers have gets nerfed sooner rather than later, while survivors get to run around with broken perks for years and then get base kit perks added to them again and again and again.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    The best players use the best characters. This is true in literally every game. Trapper straight up can’t catch good survivors in enough time. Like, playing a low tier killer isn’t a flex as much as it is a handicap. The “winstreaks” you speak of are only possible because of lousy pub survivor play.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I phrased it wrong, so I apologize. It is similar to STBFL in the sense that survivors make less distance when hit by the tail strike rather than an M1.

    This is because during a successful basic attack cooldown, your movement speed is reduced to 0.575 m/s for a 4.6 m/s killer. On the other hand, Xenomorph's tail strike successful hit movement speed is 1.2 m/s with the attack cooldown being 0.3 seconds longer than the basic attack cooldown (2.7 seconds, I had no idea it was shorter actually! I swear the tail strike's hit cooldown felt shorter). This is a huge difference that allows for her to quickly close the distance between her and the survivor that she had hit.

    STBFL allows for survivors to make less distance, similar to Xenomorph's tail strike.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
    edited February 2024

    1) You didn't create your username shortly after I created mine and usernames don't mean anything to me. Well done for counting how many letters are in my username because I couldn't care less about that. Baiting windows was very ineffective against a experienced Xeno who knew that was the only form of counterplay. Scroll through pages of discussions and you'll realize no one has started off with a "Remember," for a very long time because it's not a common way to start a reply. You can call me a narcissist all you like but you can't blame me for noticing that.

    2) You basically go on a tangent that survivors get everything handed to them. Classic.

    I wonder why your post got lost...

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160

    1) Remember, no two people can ever use similar language ever. That's not a thing that's happened in the history of the entire world. But hey, as long as we're on the same page and understand that you are in fact being really weird about a coincidence, then great.

    2) It wasn't a tangent and I'm right

    3) I like lists, they're nice, but sometimes other people use them and they're clearly just copying me, after all no one has ever used a list before me.

    4) The post got lost because whatever software they used to make this forum is awful. It's actually not the first time I've lost a post when trying to edit a typo. As far as I've seen, if you try to edit something two or three times within a certain window the the edit window craps out when you hit the button to commit the changes and just deletes everything.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Talking about narcissism and then your point being "I'm right" is very contradictory lol. You have to realize you literally used the same starter as I did only a couple of hours later to talk about a opposite point to mine. This wasn't ten years ago, you seem to like exaggerating almost everything. Therefore, I'm not going to reply to you anymore because it seems you aren't open to constructive arguments.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 131

    Xeno is a very strong chaser. Yes if you miss you lose a lot of distance. You need to master this anti-loop power to have good results.

    That's the price to pay to get rewarded with a strong killer. Remind me of Pyramid Head, if you use your anti-loop unwisely you got punished.

    The only buff I could give to Xeno is a slower burn rate from turrets to avoid spending the game as a M1 killer for new/casual Xeno players.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 131

    Xenomorph is an oppressive chaser. Yes you have one of the best anti-loop in the game so missing should cost you something.

    That's the price to pay to get results. Strong killers, high commitment. It reminds me Pyramid Head, you use your anti-loop unwisely, you got punished.

    The only Xeno buff I would consider is a slightly slower burn rate from turrets, especially for beginners/casual players.

    The tail is not buggy, it has like Deathslinger harpoon a timer where it has colision, then it loses colision and can't hit the survivor hitbox. See wikipedia "DBD xenomorph" or DBD Deathslinger for more info.

  • tuttoinunavolta
    tuttoinunavolta Member Posts: 218

    I see where you're coming from but I'm certain you'd change your mind after having played multiple Pig/Freddy matches against competent teams lol

    Some killers are very weak, period. Just like some are overpowered. High kill rates mean nothing when it's very easy to play super scummy and make it extremely unfun for everybody involved to get 3/4Ks. But if a killer needs to do that to even have a chance, they're not strong.