Is our community as bad as some people make it out to be?
I used to play on EG before BHVR made it possible to merge an EG account with Steam, you don't see much of anything on EG.
As for console, a friend of mine plays on PS5 and they said they never see comments or get harassed through their profile, so I went off their experience. Sounds like yours is different, so I stand corrected on that one.
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PlayStation has many privacy options for players profiles. I've been invited to some not-so-nice post game party chats before crossplay was implemented. While i'm here have some codes: AlanWakeChapter (200k) LightsOut (250k).
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I'll put it this way, never in my 25 years of gaming have i run into a group who go out of their way to shame you as much as possible for how you play a video game as often as DBD.
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I usually notice it when I watch streamers who go and play another game for a while, or when another similar game to DBD gets released. You have this very conservative sect online who defend DBD to death and attack everything else. Very hostile and toxic, but then again, maybe a good thing DBD has such a loyal following
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Really! Either you have had a very nice experience on every other game you have ever played which seems very unlikely or the much more likely you have had a 1000 times worse experience on DBD then me.
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It's far worse. DbD is what drove me to private my steam profile and restrict comments. I've gotten so many death threats, ######### comments, trans/homo/younameitphobia. This is the worst, most toxic community I have ever seen and no other game has even come close. I've played R6S, OW1, various CoDs, etc. Those games are nothing compared to the toxic hellscape that this community is.
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The community as a whole is great. There are a few games I get into where their intentions are not great, but that is not often. I learned to counter, or attempt to, when they do this gameplay. The main negative is in entitlement. Either people are mad for others trying to win or in their play style. The game is fun if you just realize it’s a game. Also as some others have said if you want to see toxic go play on some of the other games that your own teammates harass you.
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What I do find interesting about this player base is a lot of players seem to want a completely different game experience and perhaps even a completely different game to the one dbd is.
They appear to hate it yet they keep playing and take their frustration out on other players.
I don’t see players complaining about getting ambushed and killed early MWO it’s just part of the game.
Maybe the darker horror genre attracts players with less social skills or with more emotional hang ups that they can’t stop bringing into the game with them?
Like all online experiences you get the sore losers and the bad winners, I don’t think the dbd community is any worse than any other game experience in that sense. Just the afore mentioned player entitlement and the lack of understanding as to what the game is about seems prevalent.
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I've seen videos about the communities of other games.
Among them there was "League of Legends".
Compared to them, the members of the Dead by Daylight community are care bears. Pink ones.
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This seems to be pretty common in most games communities. I have noticed it in Seige and many others where people hate the game but keep playing it and take their frustration out on other players. I had my account on private on playstation so never had any bad experiences on dbd. I moved to xbox and I really did start seeing it after I made this post. I have significantly reduced my hours on the game as I have gotten back into Seige where the same hate exists towards casual players where it takes them longer to learn as they don't play as much.
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Hit and miss. I've met some terrific people through Dbd.
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I recommend you check the Texas Chainsaw Massacre's discussion section on Steam. Filled with DBD warriors spamming "Dead game" posts or giving negative feedback posts while not even having the game on their account. DBD has an extremely hostile gatekeeping sect, like a religious sect with DBD being their God
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I'm a member of some TCM groups and tbh, I feel like every time someone voices a criticism of the game they're instantly called DBD shills or something. I think alot of it is projecting - when TCM first came out, this forum was spammed with people talking up TCM and saying DBD is dead now etc etc. Now the assumption is that folks here are doing the same over there. I don't post on the Steam forum but I do browse there sometimes despite only having TCM on the PS5.
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I think you are right. Some people do seem to worship the game. As @Nazzzak said DBD players back in August and September were saying DBD is dead and TCM is going to take its place. This really annoyed some players who seem to worship the game so now they are rubbing it in. A bit childish but also human nature I think. People have different opinions on what is toxic and I think it vaires from post to post.
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People are so faction-loyal in this game you would think "killer" and "survivor" were political parties, that's the main issue
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That is something I am only just realizing now that you have said it. You could say the same for individual killers like Nurse, Freddy, Blight so on.
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Everytime I check their profile they have a few thousand hours on DBD and don't even own TCM. People spamming "DBD will die" when an assym horror comes out has always been a thing. Friday the 13th, Deathgarden, Last Year, Alien Game. And I'm still missing some
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In the many years I have been playing DBD on and off, it has become apparent to me that DBD has one of the most toxic communities in gaming and it has a reputation for having a really toxic community. I have met some of the nicest people in gaming too, so that is worth mentioning.
But some of the worst people I have ever encountered have been in DBD and I think more should be done to get rid of these types in DBD (we all know the types I mean) as they ruin the fun for others for no other reason than being obnoxious
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I'm convinced that 90% of the community's toxicity comes from Wraith players and the other 10% comes from Bunny Feng's. Both are evil and should be sent out into the desert without water.
An honorable mention goes to Nancy players who glare at you for missing even one skill check. Even with tier two madness and Huntress Lullaby active they won't cut you any slack.
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I must just have very nice Nancys but I agree with you on the Bunny Fengs.