Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Billy still feels awful to play due to poor map design

Member Posts: 65
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think we can all rejoiced and come together as a community and celebrate Hillybilly finally being buffed! I personally have been loving him and havent played many other killers since his buff. However in my time of playing billy theres one thing ive noticed that consistently makes playing him unfun and genuinely frustrating to play, Map design.

Now obviously many killers are map dependent, For example killers such as Blight and Oni are far better suited for outdoor maps. But billy to me seems like he suffers from map dependency fare more than any other killer ive played in recent memory.

Everything from lerys to Badham and even maps like Autohaven that would for the most part allow other movement killers to excel, just feel absolutely miserable for Billy boy. And i think i know why that is.

Good old awful loop design and the devs constant need to add random pieces of map clutter to an already cluttered map like autohaven. It's gotten to the point that playing billy just doesnt feel rewarding anymore and instead feels like im being punished for trying to use my power.

I really hope the devs tone done map clutter and the number of safe tiles on maps that already have guaranteed safe loops.

TLDR: too many things too bump into plus loops are far too safe.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 162

    I agree that more often than not I bump into a random obstacle that feels like it was designed to screw billy over, I still enjoy playing him but I get your point

  • Member Posts: 65

    Indeed. Just makes him feel really unfun at times especially when you would've got a down if not for a random tire or plank....thats if they also dont crouch tech which is a different matter entirely

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    A potential solution to the issue of certain bushes and random clutter obstructing the way could be to make them destructible objects. This approach allows us to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the map while enhancing gameplay. Imagine the thrilling visual of Hillbilly speeding through, sawing through bushes, small crates, and other clutter, adding an immersive and dynamic element to the chase. It could also be fun for any other Killers if they miss an attack but an object they hit flies everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Removing clutter is just going to nerf stealth killers.

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