BHVR forgot to remove maps as way in the Lights out mode

keys without addons do jack #########, guess what maps do when you can't see auras
edit: so for some reason they removed the progress bar when using the map similar to the progress bar you see when using the chainsaw of Bubba or Billy, so yeah in the end I wasn't charging it long enough, weird decision for BHVR part imo.
auras arent actually hidden by the modifier
there’s just very little to reveal them
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The mode doesn't inflict you with Blindness, the Map item still works and is very useful.
I was honestly more displeased that you could get other items in those chests. Seems like Maps and Keys with the teammate-aura addon would be the only items you should be able to get.
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Auras definitely still work, i played trapper and when people step in your traps you still see their aura.
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I got the pink map and I couldn't use it what are you talking about
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unless you got green map but the pink one does nothing
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I'm talking about survivors items in chest what does the killer power has to do with my initial comment?
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Maps work just fine. I got one and was able to use it to break a 3 gen. Shame I got slugged and bled out for it though since it was the last gen and the killer had an ego I guess.
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Nope, it works.
It starts with a gen tracked, and can scout the gens + hooks + totems at bare minimum. You can't see the little action-progress bar because that part of the UI is disabled, but it does still activate.
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You said "when you can't see auras" So i'm simply stating that auras do in fact work.
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For anyone wondering, there’s no progress bars for anything in this mode so it tricks you into thinking the map doesn’t work since it doesn’t start showing the auras until the bar hits 100%
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Either you were still activating the map as mentioned above or you might have been somehow afflicted by Blindness - I think you don’t see your status effect icons so easily missable.
(is it even possible to get blindness without perks/addons?)
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but there is the usage bar and when I used the map it didn't go down
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There's a couple things that could be going on:
- You aren't holding the activating button for the map long enough (you should see the map losing charges)
- The rainbow map doesnt show you everything, it shows you the 1 generator, hook, and totem it comes with default and then you have to get in proximity to other things to track them and then they will show up on your map
- You got an unlucky bug
Bottomline, they do work in this game mode, you might have just gotten unlucky with a bug.