Dark Cosmetics?

Seeing a lot of players wearing the blackest clothing they have. All 4 games so far, half the lobby are going stealthy. Seen David in full black, Claudette too. I also changed my glow in the dark Vittorio top for his black hoodie. Plenty of players still running bright colours though.
Are you guys wearing the same cosmetics as normal, or are you fully immersed in 'Where the f**k are they by daylight'
Sometimes I’ll do this with Jake’s gray default reskin
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I started to go as dark as possible...but after a while it just felt very lame to me, so I stopped. Not complaining about others doing it or anything, just that I, personally, didn't enjoy that "strat."
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My Blendette tactics are finally working again.
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*Evil Laughing*
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Really hoping to encounter classic ghost face.
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I use that one when I use fog.
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No, I’m always Neon Nealicious💚🩷
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I'm bringing back blendette as well its been pretty fun
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Feels good to be able to use this old art again, with no Ultimate Weapon to worry about.
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As Killer, on Switch no less, I'm amazed how dark clothes don't help hide the Survivors as much as you would think.
Try playing Neon Nea as Survivor and you're scared but play against one as Killer and it's not nearly as bright as the Survivor POV.
Just my surprising experience, in the Normal mode.
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My main is a bright yellow yoichi. So I can’t say much lol