Champion Of Light seriously needs to be toned down

I'm getting tired of survivors sending me to The Game just so they can run this perk and make the match as unfair and miserable as possible for killers due to the sheer number of god pallets that you HAVE to kick. It either needs to be reworked into an exhaustion perk or have its values lowered because this is starting to get annoying now.
I'm gonna be real here, I think it's mostly fine. Maybe a 5% nerf would be nice but I would prefer this over Residual Manifest honestly.
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I'd rather be dealing with Residual Manifest since it doesn't have much of an effect during chases unless the killer is reliant on Zanshin Tactics. It just either needs to be nerfed to 10% at minimum or have it completely reworked into an exhaustion perk where blinding the killer causes the survivor to gain 50% Haste for 3 seconds and they're given the exhaustion effect.
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The problem here isn't Champion of Light, the problem is The Game map and that we still have map offerings in the game.
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The Game has always been a problem, but Champion Of Light is also a problem because it's just about as strong as an exhaustion perk while not giving the exhaustion status effect which is just as bad as when survivors could lose exhaustion just by simply running. BHVR changed exhaustion that way for a reason so Champion Of Light either needs a big nerf or reworked to be in line with the other exhaustion perks if it's gonna stay as strong as one.
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If it becomes an exhaustion perk that requires an item and can be utterly avoided should you run Lightborn, Champion of Light would require some buffs as compensation. If it gets some big nerfs, it'll be another perk added to the pile of things nobody uses because they're worthless.
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Don't hate the player; hate The Game.
(AKA the problem is that The Game still has way too many pallets and it should really be toned down)
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Does nothing to wesker, Nurse, Blight ect.
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All it really needs is less of a hinder or shorter duration of hinder and it's fine. It's cooldown is pretty long as is.
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Exactly- It doesn't effect all the major killers that are very strong, but it makes the game miserable for the weaker killers-
Like I said, that is also one of the two options they could go with- Also the cooldown is typically fine, but with the case of the survivors using it on The Game by usually it's recharged before the killer can even down the survivor due to the amount of slowdown the perk causes for killers and the sheer number of strong loops that the map has which means that you could be getting hit with Champion Of Light multiple times in one chase before you ever get to down the survivor.
And easy buff to compensate for the fact that it's an exhaustion perk(if that happens) is actually already there- As of right now Champion Of Light is essentially the equivalent of 40% Haste for 3 seconds to survivors and, with the exhaustion rework I mentioned at the start, it would be giving 50% Haste for 3 seconds which means that the perk would be 10% stronger. As for the part of it being an exhaustion perk that physically requires an item to use there's a very simple solution to that as well which is just make it have a similar effect to Residual Manifest where you can rummage through a chest 1 time per trial to get a guaranteed flashlight. Very simple solution if you ask me- Plus this would make it be the first exhaustion perk to ever have a bonus effect that guarantees an item which would be interesting at least.
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When I play survivor I run residual with champion muahahaha ππ€£
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I also ran into a survivor who was running both of them, but they were also using Blast Mine as well
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Ewwwww not the blast mine! π€£π€£