How Would YOU End Tunneling & Genrushing?

Post your ideas here. Maybe we can give the devs some good ideas. Try to keep both sides in mind with your suggestions.
My idea: Change the win/lose conditions for both sides.
The Entity hungers for suffering. The Killers goal should be to cause suffering and despair to survivors by hooking as many as possible by keeping them injured, preventing them from working on generators, removing generator progress, interrupting actions, hooking them as many times as possible, and after removing all hope finally go in for the kill. As a reward for spreading the misery around The Entity rewards the killer with buffs for themselves or debuffs to survivors. If the killer decides to focus on only one survivor The Entity becomes displeased and punishes the killer with debuffs for them and buffs to the survivor. If the killer does well The Entity will still be satiated eve if 3 survivors escape. If the killer does well and all 4 survivors are still alive when the gates open, the killer will be given a chance to earn a kill when The Entity locks them and the lowest scoring survivor into a timed final chase sequence in a unique realm designed to be fair for both sides relying skill based plays rather than unbalanced unsafe or overly safe loops and pallets.
Survivors are being held by The Entity which feeds on their being through suffering. They're only hope is to deny it what it craves. To do this, survivors must do all they can to hinder the killer by keeping themselves and teammates healed, protecting them with body blocks, saving them from the killers grasp, rescuing them from hooks, slowing the killer with perks and items like blast mine and flashlights, keeping generators from regressing too far, completing gens in a timely manner, and eventually escaping. If the survivors do well, they'll become invigorated by The Entity's displeasure and receive buffs for themselves and teammates, or cause The Entity to punish the killer with debuffs. If the survivors focus too much on a single objective The Entity will intervene by striking the survivors, either individually or as a team, with debuffs and enhance the killer. If all 4 survivors are alive when the gates are powered one unfortunate survivor may be selected to match wits with the killer in a timed final chase sequence. During the endgame survivors will need to decide between taking the risk of lingering too long in the the trial or saving themselves by escaping. Ignoring clear opportunities to escape when all are safe may give The Entity one last chance to intervene, preventing their escape in order to satisfy it's hunger. If a survivor has done enough to deny The Entity what it desires, even being sacrificed will not have been enough to satisfy it and the survivor will return to campfire relatively unharmed.
Disregarding the fact that "genrushing" and "tunneling" are survivors and killers respectively, literally just doing their objectives faster. Therefore you shouldn't really try and end it/stop it.
Survivors get borrowed time for 15 seconds, but if they get hit and it counts as a protection hit they get downed and BT does nothing.
For Gen-rushing, base-kit 12 second deadlock, and global gen blocking at the start of the game for 15 seconds.
Also I don't disagree with changing objectives, it just seems weird to do in a game where the objectives are already solidified in the community. Maybe in a new game/gamemode, but not in the "base" game.
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Game needs to be about hooks, chases. Not primary kills. Make killer want to hook everyone for some in match rewards. Its the only way.
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Yes, genrushing and tunneling are just each side playing efficiently. They're also boring for both sides and are the most complained about issues in the game.
Being afraid to change the base game because that's the way it's always been leads to stale game play, which is where we're at now. Same perks, same killers, same items, same map offerings, same tactics in almost every match.
Giving both survivors and killers a reason to use different builds and interact with each other more while getting the most playtime possible from each match would be a huge benefit to everyone.
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I would scale repair speeds with remaining survivors / remaining gens.
For each gen that gets repaired, global repair speeds are reduced by 5%.
For each survivor sacrificed, global repair speeds are increased by 10%.
Exact values of course subject to balance calculations, but the gist of it means if 2 survivors are sacrificed gens fly by [20%] faster, but if 4 gens are repaired before anyone is sacrificed then the last one takes [20%] longer.
This would incentivise killers to keep survivors in the trial longer (sort of like a basekit Thanatophobia) while making gens slower as the game goes on, curbing the benefits of early-game genrushing. If survivors are sacrificed then any remaining survivors have more incentive to attempt repairs instead of giving up, and if 3 gens pop in the first chase the killer knows the remaining gens will be tougher. (The latter could have posed issues for 3 gens, but we have a solution to that now)
It could be displayed on the HUD as some kind of 'Entities Favour' gauge, aiding/penalising the killer for succeeding/failing to inflict enough pain and suffering. The lore/mechanism gor this already exists in the entities judgement in the postgame screen for the killer, this would just bring it into live play.
I also think Toolboxes should get the Medkit treatment, mostly standardising their benefits to repairs (like +10/15/20/25% repair speeds with a fixed amount of charges by toolbox rarity instead of the +50/100% with double the charges we currently have) while keeping their sabotage effects different.
Post edited by Seraphor on13 -
Light touches would be required for both, tunnelling slightly less so.
Tunnelling: To start, the base protection shouldn't count as Endurance. It should be a single damage-block that doesn't put you in Deep Wounds, meaning you can pair it with any source of actual Endurance to make yourself an even less appealing target. This should obviously deactivate on Conspicuous Action (and as an aside, the CA list should include getting a flashlight or pallet save).
Additionally, perks should be stronger to serve as a real deterrent. At minimum, Decisive Strike needs to go back to 5 seconds, and potentially work on both hooks. Off The Record wouldn't require further changes if it actually combo'd with the base protection instead of invalidating it.
There'd be the slight concern of bodyblocking, but it wouldn't be significantly worse than a survivor just bringing OTR now if the base protection lasts the same amount of time. Annoying, but often a detriment to the survivors, so it'd be fine. This wouldn't necessarily be a hard death sentence to tunnelling, but it would make it riskier than playing your objective more aggressively by spreading pressure, so I think that'd be enough-- at least for a bit, see how the dust settles.
Genrushing: This one's super easy, just nerf the tools survivors use to genrush. It's impossible to genrush without toolboxes, so rework those to provide some other benefit that isn't generator speed, and the problem basically vanishes. Even the potentially problematic perks like Hyperfocus take a huge hit if they can't be boosted with toolboxes.
The only other change I'd suggest is a spawning change. Even without genrushing, if all the survivors spawn spread out and hop on generators immediately, it's kind of unbalanced how little agency the killer has, so survivors should spawn in groups of two or all together. With those two changes, genrushing completely disappears.
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I kinda like @Seraphor idea better than mines but here’s it is anyways.
Survivors teleport away from the killer for their first hook when three or more gens are still left. Just like with cages, if the killer comes close, they teleport away again.
To slow down gens, I have no idea since gens are boring enough already. Maybe a side objective like totems? Maybe even increase the totem spawns from 5 to seven and make a weaker version of Undying base-kit where one lit totem ignites elsewhere. It’ll help make Hex perks more threatening and become viable again and make maps see more use.
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The hook respawn would need to be random. It's easy to know where Pyramid Head's cages are going to spawn.
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Amen brother it really is stale.
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I like it. We share some of the same ideas.
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It may be not much but here is my part of the idea:
Prevent tunneling:
The entitus feast on your agony so basically you are in direct contact when you're hooked. When you get unhooked you carry the aura of the entitus with you. The entitus is a god and he would not allow one of his killers to be able to use the power granted to them against him. In conclusion this means first of all M2 attacks and all kinds of killer power do not work on you. This is granted until you touch a generator, rescue a survivor or get fully healed. Also it vanishes after 60 seconds. This includes running through all kinds of traps too. Condemed doesn't affect you. You cannot be stalked. The aura of the entitus is an superior force to killers so suvivors are "slipery", they cannot be grabed at pallets or windows. While carrying the aura of the entitus the first hit does no damage to you. (No deep wound either). The aura of the entitus blocks aura reading. (I know it sounds like advanced off the records). Further while hits are still possible, the collision box with the killer (and just the killer) is disabled. (This is good for both because nobody can body block)
However if someone carrying the aura of the entitus is hit by a protection hit (which should not be tried as there is no hitbox) the entitus is angered and pulls you right back on the hook you have been hanging the first time. (this prevents survivors from abusing the system)
The system will be disabled and all entitus aura's deactivated when the last generator get's completed.
In the end the killer gains nothing from tunneling as M2 doesn't work. Hitting the survivor right of the hook does nothing. It is a huge waste of time to keep tunneling. It will not disable the possibility of tunneling completly as we all know that one bully survivor who just needs to end at the hook but it will take longer now and will be harder. In the end it's not enough of a reward to tunnel anymore. Survivors have no room to abuse the system because if they try they end up at the hook again.
Slow down Gen Rushing
For each generator finished the remaining generators needs 10 % longer to repair.
5 gens -> 90 seconds
4 gens -> 99 seconds
3 gens -> 108 seconds
2 gens -> 117 seconds
1 gen -> 126 seconds
While this may slow down the gens it also might be too much for 3 gens (even though killer have limited kicks now) and maybe it's too much in general. I have to admit I don't have more ideas right now for slow down.
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These are good ideas too. Would you keep regression perks that remove a percentage of progress the same or change them to remove a flat number of charges? Same question for survivor perks that work on percentage of overall gen charges.
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If Killers want to tunnel, then they will regardless of what incentive or punishment is put in front of them.We've seen BHVR attempt somethings for both sides and neither really works.
The only way I can see tunnelling being dramatically reduced is to remove collision for a recently unhooked Survivor. That Survivor continues to have no collision until a) they perform a conspicuous action, b) they press a button to remove the status, or c) another Survivor is downed. When all gens are done, this effect no longer occurs. That Survivor has a visable aura when seen so both Survivors and Killers know their status.
As for genrushing, reduce the strength of Perks which increase repair speed and the effectiveness of teamwork are possible, but the other option is to leave everything as is and create a new objective, such as maybe needing to find an oil cannister to put in the gens to start them, or something else to power the gates besides the gens. The latter is probably my favourite.
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The only way to stop tunneling is with an extreme solution. Like making unhooked survivors invisible for the duration of "BT". Or having them teleported somewhere entirely different after being unhooked. I personally think the hook system needs a major rework in general. It's what enables camping, tunneling, etc. I doubt Behavior has the ambition for something like this.
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These are just sad. Honestly hammers home the point that the game needs adjustments.
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I think the problem of tunneling and genrushing are both cases of the old "players optimize the fun out of a game given the opportunity" issue.
Tunneling feels like it's a case of the killer either thinking that this is the most efficient way to win (unfortunately, they might be right). I feel like the best way to combat this is to disincentivize tunneling as much as possible.
I saw an idea on another post that suggested replacing basekit BT's endurance with an "intangible" effect, essentially making the killer's hits not register with them, while also allowing the killer to bypass them to attack the rescuer. I like this approach because it solves both tunneling and obnoxious bodyblocking when the killer's trying to play fair. At the same time, OTR still works like normal.
I'd also add a basekit DS. It would only last as long as basekit BT currently does, but the difference would be its timer would stop if the survivor were put into chase or downed before it expires. Basically, if a killer tunnels a survivor off a hook, the timer pauses. If the killer downs a survivor through their basekit BT and OTR, the timer pauses. That way, if a killer really wants to tunnel, they'll have to slug the person. They can't hook them. Killers who get greedy will get DS'd.
Sometimes, though, tunneling is the result of the killer just not being able to find anyone else, so they return to the hook and go for the easy target. Thus, I think new mechanics should be added to incentivize spreading hooks. I'll talk about that below.
I agree with the idea that toolboxes should get the medkit treatment. Uniform metrics that make them, as a whole, easier to balance while also making them less painful for killers to deal with. I'd also bump the numbers down on a few perks like Overzealous and Déja Vu. While it's fun to blow through a gen with a strong toolbox using Streetwise, Overzealous, and Déja Vu, it's kind of hard to balance. I feel like nerfing perks that enhance gen speeds would also nerf genrushing. If need be, regression perks could also be hit to compensate, but the goal here is to get killers to use more variety builds, so regression perks should probably stay where they are in order to get killers to use one or at most two at a time.
Secondly, I'd make a couple perk effects basekit. The perks themselves could either make the basekit effect stronger or be reworked like Shadowborn. I like the idea of making Deadlock basekit, as others have suggested. Some people have argued for making Corrupt Intervention basekit, but I feel like its effect is too strong to be basekit. Besides, Deadlock is a licensed killer perk that has been in the Shrine once. Corrupt Intervention is easier to get. I'd also make BBQ and Chili basekit. Like I said above, this would also incentivize killers to spread hooks, because now they actually have other targets to go for. It would also encourage killers to go harass survivors doing generators, because killers know exactly where the gens are being done.
I don't think these effects would completely solve either issue, but I think they would be a strong start.
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Electric cable tapped to the balls
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I once suggested to make a version of Corrupt Intervention either basekit or change the perk to block the 3 generators closest to the survivors instead of farthest from the killer. That way survivors have little chance of jumping on a gen unless all 4 are spread out and it gives the killer an idea of where to go from the start.
I've like the idea of making the recently unhooked survivor unable to be hit or bodyblock way more than what we have now, as long as they're unable to complete any actions or follow the killer around for call outs. It would be terrible if an immune survivor could follow the killer until they got a down and be able to get into position for a flashlight or pallet save with no way to stop them.
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I avoid it almost every match with two things that everyone can try.
Genrushing - I avoid it by adequately spreading the pressure, knowing when to drop chase and/or slug, when to defend a hook to reset game pace and when to eliminate someone for ongoing pressure.
Tunneling - I avoid it by playing cautiously at game start to not be found first, utilize tools like built in BT to aid in escaping from the killer i.e. not trying to body block them and making myself a target, punish focusing on one player by either maximizing my time in chase or power through gens if not being chased. Safe unhooks and taking hits for my team where appropriate.
The is what YOU can do to end tunneling and genrush. Nothing about the game has to change to apply the two methods of good game sense and smart play.
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Random and no notification for the killer. Heck, I’d go so far as to disable aura reading for killer for 7 seconds during a teleport so they don’t see someone going for the save.
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Yeah. Any system that is meant to prevent tunneling would need serious stress testing. Far too often survivors exploit their anti-tunnel abilities to either bully the killer or completely cut their momentum when they aren't tunneling. Part of me feels like anti-tunnel perks shouldn't work if the survivor goes down taking a protection hit. It would make protection hits more impactful.
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One idea I’ve thought about for anti-tunneling is instead of having each survivor with their own hook state count, the survivor team could have a pool of 20 hook tickets. Hooking a specific survivor for the first time consumes 3 tickets, the second time consumes 2, then after that they consume 1. But no one dies on hook until all the tickets are gone.
This way, tunneling one survivor relentlessly is going require the killer to chase, hook, and down them something like 17 times before the tickets run out, which is more than enough time for the rest of the team to do gens. The most efficient way for the killer to drain tickets is to spread out hooks.
I’m sure there are holes and edge cases, and we’d need to do something to give killers some breathing room to actually go for more chases, but I think the basic idea could work.
I’m also on board to have hooked survivors just teleport around if the killer’s too close like Pyramid Head’s cages. Seems sensible.
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The main idea would be that, but the number is not enough. The way to remove the incentive to tunneling is making 3 survivors stronger than 4.
Make 4 survivors have the strength of 3, and 3 survivors have the strength of 4. Killers would prefer to keep all 4 survivors alive for that debuff.
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As long as 5 gens aren't completed, an unhooked survivor gets the "burning away" effect like how wraith looks in the middle of his transition and then becomes invisible entirely, makes no sound, no blood pools, no scratch marks, loses all collision with players, and cannot interact with anything for 10 seconds. This gives them plenty of time to vacate the area for a reset, and they can't weaponize it with bodyblocks. The killer would have absolutely no idea which direction they went, so tunneling them off hook would be impossible. After those 10 seconds, they'd be fair game if found again.
This essentially allows them to completely break away from being threatened by the killer which allows them a full reset from danger.
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My Suggestion in a thread:
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My main thought would be add a new condition I'm going to call "fatigued".
Fatigued causes the survivor to repair generators 2.5% slower, and doubles for every other survivor still remaining in the trial to a maximum of 20%. (Sacrificing survivors reduces the effect with the idea the survivors are getting more desperate).
Each time a Survivor is hooked, that survivor becomes fatigued for 2 minutes. Does not apply if the target is already fatigued.
This means it's actually beneficial hooking survivors quickly back to back to impart a slow down on their gen progress, and the fact it's applied as the survivor is hooked, camping is also not making use of the survivors debuff.
The obvious problem, is this encourages Survivors to run DS, OTR and alike and try to body block the killer, since they aren't efficient repairing anyway...
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I think they should refer to the base generator in % instead of the increased amount. They will be less effective that way the more generators are completed (in theory) but still have their part in the game. Maybe people would then try creative builds more then just having 4 slow down perks.
The speed at survivor repairs generators also refers to base gen in %. Otherwise the added repair time would just be ignored
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Base kit BT update: A survivor that is unhooked loses collision with the killer for 10 seconds instead of gaining endurance. They cannot be hit during that time. Once the last gen has been repaired, that survivor gains endurance instead.
Base kit DS: 3 seconds stun, active for 60 seconds, deactivates once a different survivor is hooked, deactivates upon taking a protection hit (if you take a hit for your team mate, then you aren't being tunneled), unable to use flashlights during that time, once per game. Deactivates in end game.
DS: 7 seconds stun, same limitations. It would work as an upgrade to the base mechanic.
Incentive: Upon hooking a survivor, one survivor with the least hook stages is revealed to the killer for 4 seconds. If multiple survivors have the same amount of hook stages, one is randomly selected.
Post edited by Xernoton on0 -
fixing tunneling is simple. Pool survivor all 8 survivor hook states together, instead of 2 individually. That would allow all survivors to play a full game.
Then rebalance the game for that. Killers are always wanting to play 8 hook games anyway, according to the forums.
This would also prevent those short worthless games that no one wants to play
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I wouldnt end neither of those. Last thing I would want this game to do, is to make player playstyle and choice less than they already are
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You're so wrong, they want the game to be balanced around 12 hooks...Means 4K every match.
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There are people who want to win by there own terms. 4k or escape. It doesn't matter the score at the end as long as the result is that.
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I wouldn't, I'd introduce perks to counter the playstyles or builds that promote them and keep down the variety train instead of trying to make things as boring and bland as possible. I'd introduce new mechanics and perks that people want to play with more than the old ones. Add to instead of take away. For instance, introduce a killer like a vampire that at base kit causes fatigue to survivors that slow down their gen speeds or whatever, give survivors a crappy new perk that takes off the new de-buff/infliction. Make perks that negate a deep wound or something. make perks that cause survivors to idk do anything other than gens. up totem spawns and then make a killer perk called addiction that forces a survivor to cleanse a totem at a slowed speed or they lose a health state within x amount of time to keep them off gens. Idk just stop with the skill check simulator on survivor and making that longer on a gen bc it's tired.
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#1, the old BBQ BP bonus should be base kit. It won't do much, but it also shouldn't be controversial either. (Same with WGLF). If BHVR doesn't want those bonuses tied to perks, that's fine, but let players keep the bonuses as a tiny incentive.
The simplest answer is to make more perks disable when a survivor is killed (like they did for ruin). Incentives to not tunnel simply do not work, and any changes are always used to tunnel more effectively.
You want to run quad slowdown? Ok. But if you tunnel one player out you effectively have no perks for the rest of the game.
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I wouldn't.
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lol, ain’t that the truth.
They should balance around 10 hooks. That’s a draw, which is fair for both sides.
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The major problem with this idea is that gen speeds, or even full blown action speeds would have to be ludicrously high to compensate. Like 100% is probably not enough.
Because the problem isn't speed, it's action economy. In a 'normal' game, once the killer builds pressure you'll have one survivor in chase, one on hook, one going for rescue, and one on gens.
Tunneling one person out deletes one of these simultaneous actions, and since 'chase', 'unhook', and 'rescue' are mandatory, that means gen progress goes to nearly zero with just one survivor out. This is why the game is basically always a guaranteed win for the killer if there's more than one gen left when someone dies.
Adding any amount of gen speed (or action speed) doesn't change the fact that gens aren't being done at all once the first survivor dies. Cool, everyone can not have time to do gens barely faster.
If you try to throw a pitiful 5 or 10% repair speed at the problem, it will always still be the most effective play for killers to tunnel someone out. You could give remaining survivors even 33% speed, and it won't come close, because there's one less person to perform actions for the team, and gens become the bottom priority as soon as survivors have to choose 3 out of 4 actions that they can do at once.
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I did a whole post about tunneling, I think it's still active?
There is so much different opinions about tunneling, gen rushing. The only solution I found was a "tournament-like" game mode with more defined rules, I put the rules on the 1st page (edit #2) of the post. It's the only solution in my opinion to have the best of both world and keep everyone happy.
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Maybe we can give the devs some good ideas.
As long as we all addicted to gameplay with killer and no good analogue game comes out, they will do nothing good.
But let's be constructive, just for you, OP.
As an old killer main, but also a surv main now (since killer got nerfed pretty hard) i can tell minuses of game pretty close to truth without overbuffing someone. Note yourself these only my thoughts, not completed.
So on the killer side main problem is NOT survivors themselves. It's discord. We all know that discord will not be banned AND dev's will NOT make their own voice chat. Discord gives a MASSIVE advantage for survivors, because they get information that they are NOT supposed to have. Aka type of killers, traps spots, their perks, gen placements. These things destroy the entire idea of some perks, map and many other gameplay features. Since we all know that to play with friends is fun and games, we can't delete voice chat part from game or stop players from doing so. BUT game HAVE TO play around that.
In solo game survivor main problems are:
- AFK.
- First hook suiciders.
- Tunneling.
- Proxy camping.
- Triangles (even now).
- Overpowered killers (aka Nurse, Spirit, Billy after heavy buff).
- That's not all.
So with AFK you can't really do much. But thats not often and not that dangerous.
First hook suiciders should be punished through in game restrictions or ban, depending on their offensivness.
Tunneling can be cured IF dev's will encourage killer to go for ANOTHER target. For example they have to shift many perks to force killer to switch targets and reward him for that. Good example is scourge hook: pain resonance and new grim embrace.
Proxy camping can actually be dealt with by stopping your hook gauge if killer inside of 32 meter area for last 20 seconds of last 60 and no survivors were around during that. (we can discuss this one)
Triangles easily dealt with by changing the way how gen's spawn and changing their places in-game to random with some rules.
Overpowered killers should be nerfed but just slightly. Nurse should be reworked in any other way than just randomly teleporting. For example she might have longer delay for teleport if she hits survivor.
Also there is massive problem on killer side with RANDOMNESS of the game. You take hexes or scourge hooks just to witness how they appear in worst places possible. Hexes are easy to see and find. Hook are all on the one of the sides of the map and there is almost no gens, or worse, they are on different floor all at once.
This random has to be worked on and map should be parted in 4 parts, each hook should be in one of 4 parts, making them more fair and easier to get to. This also makes Saboteur perk better, because you can work around this.
That's not all, once again, many thoughts i have.
But i don't see any reasons to share them, since dev's don't care.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Tunneling: Being chased within the next 20secs after being unhooked should activate an immunity to going down; as in the survivor could be hit numerous times but it would only initiate the mend status until the Killer decides to leave immediately.
Survivors: After finishing a gen, immediately doing another gen within 30secs causes progression to be slowed by 30%
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I would pay to test this out on PTB someday. It sounds nice.
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I wouldn't. Tunneling and Genrushing are simply players optimizing their goals. You do these things if beyond all else you want to win. You're either a casual who doesn't care about winning every game, or you're a sweatlord who does.
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What is even genrushing?
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It's the term used for when survivors complete the gens quickly. It often times comes at the expense of doing anything else like healing, cleansing hexes, and even rescuing teammates from hooks in extreme situations. People dislike it because efficient survivors can finish all 5 gens before killers can make much progress towards getting kills, and the match ends before before teammates get to engage with the killer and everyone leaves with low points.
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There really isn't a way to eliminate genrushing or tunneling without imposing either restrictions on players or nerfing the tools that makes these strategies viable in the first place.
Instead of eliminating, I'd prefer to reduce the frequency. For genrushing, specifically, I'd like to see a nerf to stacking up on gens. Two to a gen takes something like 50 seconds to repair, without toolboxes. It likely takes about 30 just to cross one of the larger maps. So, something like 60 - 70 seconds for two people to repair a gen together would be more appropriate.
For tunneling: Freshly unhooked survivors no longer have endurance, instead gain 15% haste, and have their collision removed for X seconds. They can't bodyblock, and they can't interact with lockers or pallets. The haste will discourage killers from just sniffing the survivor's butt until they're able to be hit again.
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For tunneling:
When the first survivor is hooked, they are marked with something on the hud. Let's call it "weakest link."
When they are unhooked, weakest link lingers for 3-4 mins, paused while downed.
If the survivor with weakest link is hooked again, all survivors gain a 25-33% repair speed buff. Weakest link from this point no longer has a timer, it is permanent.
If the survivor with weakest link is hooked for a third time, the repair speed bonus is made permanent on all survivors.
If at any point another survivor is hooked (while weakest link is not downed) then the weakest link effect is removed for the rest of the game.
This would have ZERO effect on matches where the killer doesn't aggressively tunnel the first player they find, removing them from the game and getting the cushy 3v1 situation for the rest of the game. All it does is say "if you choose to make one person's game awful from the get go, you aren't rewarded with a way easier match."
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It would have zero effect, as long as the survivor doesn't weaponize it (spoiler: it would be weaponized) to be as big of a nuisance as possible to the killer in their four minutes they couldn't be hooked.
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Down them. If a teammate wants to "weaponise" it by doing literally nothing, then the other survivors may as well already be down a teammate. Unless you hook them the first two hooks in a row, it doesn't benefit them at all.
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Change the objective from killing survivors to making survivors suffer. (Like a suffering bar, whatever). I like chases and getting chased
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how would i end genrushing? early game collapse, make totems actually do something worth looking for and destroying other than just hex perks, basekit grim embrace.
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Short of making survivors invulnerable I really dont know. Would happen even if we were to slow everything down, most tunnel when they dont even need to, stomping pubs before they get 2 gens done.
Gen rushing?
Incentivizing other options in the map, someone suggested factors with totems I like it, I would love to run around and do more than just gens! Making other objectives maybe so even if you dont escape you could get BP in a similar amount? Sort of like event's where you can do pumpkins but a little more fleshed out.
Post edited by ChuckingWong on0