We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Solo Queue Matchmaking

Can we agree that most matches are less won by the killer and more failed by survivors screwing up and not playing well?. They get hit the second they are in chase and go down about 10 seconds later. Two go for a rescue and the result is that two are hooked and the other is slugged. I can't even finish one gen as I have to keep rescuing and healing them.

I've tried playing aggressive by finding the killer and looping them but then nobody can find or do the gens. Survivors should get 2 or 3 gens done before everyone is dead at a least. Instead I have matches where everyone dies with 1 gen done, and only because I did the damn thing. I thought the HUD was gonna make solo queue like SWF. What happened? I know that SWF aren't getting 4K'd in 90% of their matches with 1 or no gens done.

I know that if I had 3 teammates that were reasonably gen efficient (as in they could find or repair the damn things) and could run the killer for more than 20 seconds each time we would have a fighting chance. Constantly losing due to the trash matchmaking is not fun. This is what most survivors get to experience playing this game. This is why play most players don't stick around. Losing consistently through no fault of your own is not enjoyable. And before killer players say that losing is fine, I refer you to all the posts from killer players who have lost one match to a SWF and have proceeded to lose their minds. Try that ten matches in a row with no MMR system to help you out. You don't like being cheesed out by perks and I don't like playing doomed matches that fall apart within 1:30 with no hope of recovering.

At least killers can drop MMR for easier matches. As survivor I don't even have that luxury. If my MMR drops I get even worse teammates, meaning even more losses. It's like solo queue is an inescapable vortex of garbage.


  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    Tonight has been awful so far. I've played eight matches, no more than two gens completed in any match. Two matches I've had three slugged teammates at the start. One included all three teammates getting exposed by GF by the time I had completed 20% of one gen and none of them knowing how to run away apparently. I've been farmed off the hook in a deadzone by some stupid TTV, and luckily for me the killer knew how to count to 10, downed me and rehooked me straight away.

    I'm genuinely convinced that I will not win a single match today based on matchmaking. I'm sticking it out and working my ass off but it doesn't seem to matter.

    This should be a parody but this is what solo queue is actually like:

    I bet they managed to gather all this footage in one gaming session.

  • saym
    saym Member Posts: 82

    It took two years for BHVR to realize the importance of MMR. I've been calling for more detailed MMR for a long time...

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Big percentage of the DBD community is just very bad or casual. Some even refuse to do their objective. Just look at smaller streamers, usually reflect the casual majority quite well

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 344

    I'm not great at chases but I do work on gens and things can go downhill SO quickly.

    I was matched with a Kate last night that was defiantly new and it sucked for me because I have someone who's less efficient and it sucks for her because she's facing a killer who has lots of hours and knowledge behind them.

    I think devs need to seriously look at solo q because you need 4 survivors to 1 killer (I'm not saying one is more important than the other) so you'll always need more survivors than killers and at this point I'm not enjoying DBD it feels pointless loading up matches just to have the same outcome.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    It's not a bad thing per se. But you shouldn't expect good results when the majority of the community is quite casual. They're not efficient and not very good in chase. You can't balance that

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,501

    I get annoyed at team mates too, probably unreasonable on my end tbh. I have to remind myself that survivors today have over 30 killers they have to learn to play against. Some of whom get tweaked or reworked, sometimes to the point of having to learn to counter them all over again. Chases vary depending on the killer's powers and perks, there are numerous tiles to learn, etc. It's easy to forget my own early days of DBD, but there's alot to learn for survivors.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    I once tried to get rid of Corrupt Intervention by cleansing a nearby dull totem. Life is hard when you only have 3.5 brain cells available for problem solving activities.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Correct. I´ve had tons of matches where teammates get downed after 30 seconds of the match starting, and instantly attempt to suicide/dc. When there was no other reason, then them being "bad".

    The biggest problem is see is, that people play "bad", in order to complete some archive challenges. That require something specific, and when this fails, or they did it. They just want to get out of the match asap.

    So the whole mmr thing, that is bound to kills/escapes, instead of more viable things like hook stages/chase time/gen progress. Can´t work at all, while archive challenges exist.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 225

    I'll give you some advice: when you find a "random" teammate who plays well, send a friend request.

    Many people will not accept your request, but some will. When you've found someone, invite them to your party and play together (you don't need discord). Little by little, you'll make a really good "circle of random friends" and your games will go much better

    When I don't have my regular friends to play dbd, I play with my "random" friends, and my escape rate is pretty much the same.

    Discord is absolutely not necessary if the survivors are good at the game. Try this experiment and then let me know what you think😅

  • Coz
    Coz Member Posts: 67

    I’d say I’m the target audience for this post . I’m awful in a chase and seldom last more than the mentioned 10 seconds but please do not think for one second that I do not give every match 100%.

    I do gens, try and be smart when uhooking and will happily take a hit or hook to bail you out.

    it sucks being unlucky enough to be in the killers sights, more so when they know you suck at the chase!

    please give us lesser players a bit of a break. Just trying to win and maybe have a little fun along the way.

    and apologies in advance if you ever match up with me and I cause you a loss. It’s never my intention!

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Most of the time Solos fail because the lack of gamesense and / or communication.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    This is why killers would opt out of SWF if they could. Why try against SWF when the uncoordinated solos gives wins for free.

  • Khastrx
    Khastrx Member Posts: 156
    edited February 9

    As a solo I just stopped caring so much about winning and just try have fun. If that's not happening, then I go play something else or do another activity. It's extremely difficult to balance teamplay for solos in any game that has it, so there isn't any easy solution. If killers were incentivised to not play like a sweat maybe it'll be more fun all round, but then fun itself is very subjective...

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    100%. I think a lot of people just don't have situational awareness. They don't know what they need to be doing in a given situation sometimes & its very frustrating cause those scenarios often cost the team the match. Then mix in all the sore losers and people who suck in chase, go down in 10-20 seconds, then rage on hook demanding a quick save or they kill themselves. Then there's the D/Cs. And you can't control any of it, if one person decides to throw, snowball the match, or just genuinely doesn't know what to do in a situation, you're basically screwed. 1 teammate not playing to win or not knowing how to win changes so much. Nevermind 2 or 3 of those types of players, lol. Solo que is hella painful for sure.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited February 9

    While MMR can certainly be much better, solo queue is always going to be a mess because there's a miriad of reasons for playing badly. Archives, Meme builds, just having a bad game, could have come back to the game after a long break, duoing with a much higher/lower skill player, new computer setup they aren't used to, 'little brother playing their account' or simply they don't care and aren't interested in playing properly.

    Yes bad MMR is a big cause for these kind of things but a lot of it is always going to happen and you kinda just need to deal with it or find a SWF, sadly.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Disagree to some degree.

    It is very easy to see when survivors do mistakes, but not so easy on killer. That is why it feels that way.

    If both sides would play perfect, it is very hard to predict how matches would end overall.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    It hits killers too. 3-4 matches of goobers and the next match is seal team sweat because the killer ate the low tier players so bad. It takes forever to balance out, and I'm not sure it ever really does because of the skill valley

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Yeah that about sums up solo’s mixed bag when it’s not hitting.

  • mugi
    mugi Member Posts: 54

    They took powerful perks from survivors. The tragedy was inevitable. Did they want to see this current landscape where hunters hunt while humming? Oh, terrifying. Well, let's begin another merciless hunt today.

    Developers do not see it as a problem that we play in lower skill tiers than we are capable of. This is a significant issue. Many people will continue to suffer from unjust violence.😎😎😎

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I mostly agree. I had matches where the killer - dispite my and one other survivors efforts to distract/bodyblock him, tunneled one guy out, but still we had 3 gens done, and the forth popped when the 2. survivor was in a chase. Just one gen to go, and on different sides of the map, too. should have been easy, but the second survivor just hooksuizided a match that could have been won. After that, the killer slugged on of us and looked for the other one, getting a 4k.

    The problem here is matchmaking, in my opinion. Its just not enough to categorize into escape and kill stats, you need to keep things like working on gens, rescuing and healing as well as the time you keep the killer occuppied (either in a chase or avoiding him while he searches for you around that 90% completed gen) into account. But thats a lot of metrics to consider, and not so simply done like kill/escape.