All Things Wicked [Chapter 31 Teasers] Now with Trailer!
Tyler, Ashley, and an unnamed narrator…
Source: dvveet on twitter, whom sourced it fron the official instagram account
Most recent:
Unnamed narrator is a girl. So we have unnamed girl, Ashley and Tyler.
Honestly the teaser and story looks intereting and the killer looks like another monster type. And the monster also used Ashley's voice, maybe killer will be skinchanger? Hopefully.
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I wonder if we’ll get a skinwalker or a mimic as a killer
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Sounds like your typical skinwalker creepypasta.
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Please let it be like what Legions release trailer is, a mimic of survivors as killer is a really cool concept, but admittedly would be terrible against SWF which is why I think they originally changed Legion.
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Maybe they decided since most SWF's are 2 members that a mimic type killer would work often enough. Or maybe it catches SWF off guard long enough before they can confirm locations.
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Me personally, if we are getting a killer that mimics voices, I want this guy
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I dont even play League and I agree
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It sounds great and creepy. I‘m hyped.
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I'm kinda digging the creepypasta vibe this gives off, actually. Another 'monster' killer too, it would seem.
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I hope it isn‘t licensed so I can buy it for shards
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We're overdue for a new original chapter, and I'm hoping it's going to be a good one, given that they've devoted a decent amount of time to (admittedly great) licensed killers recently. BHVR's originals are some of the best killers in the game with the most innovative powers when given time to cook properly. Original survivors usually have great lore and some decent perks. The last original chapter was End Transmission, which is essentially a year ago now, and that was a great chapter. Admittedly, the Singularity's power might have been too well made, as it's over-complicated for a decent amount of people. However, I would prefer a good, complex power that gives rise to a devoted niche of players like Larry and Hag have than a kitchen sink power like Skull Merchant's.
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This was also posted on DBDs story on FB
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It’s the bear from Annihilation. 😂
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It very much appears to be like a Creepypasta, and I really like this creepy format! The second hint is out now with 4 soundbites, withthe third one (I think) seems to be a creature learning to speak!
This also reminds me a bit of "Anglerfish" from The Magnus Archives, which also carries an uncanny valley vibe.
Basically, I'm excited for this original chapter and how it's going to be pulled off.
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Do you have a source for that? I can't seem to find it on facebook, twitter or insta
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I laughed so hard at this
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Seems like we've got a doppelganger type deal here going on, likely a non-human creature as well. This is very, very exciting because of how unpredictable the power design could be.
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It wasn't programmed to steal voices.
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I agree - that line is clutching at straws. It feels like some sort of mimic creature, or one which doesn't fully understand how to mimic fully. It's not Predator skulking around the garbage bins! :D
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Post edited by GentlemanFridge on0
Hm, new text messages seem to involve two people that are not related to the original story with Ashley, Tyler and unnamed girl. So I guess this is only really teasering the killer and not the survivor(s)
also, is PTB this week? Usually teasers start a week before PTB but I think based on the usual schedule it would be next week?
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I think the PTB is next week. January has ruined any sense of time for me, though.
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PTB is next week on the 20th, these teasers seem to be killer only yeah. I think these might be "survivors" the killer can mimic in the teasers. Which if you're mimicking NPCs I'm not sure how effective that's actually gonna be.
I feel like there's something really major about the power we don't know yet cuz while really fun the power is sounding really weak gameplay-wise.
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Might be another legion situation were the trailer was kinda misleading but well.. kinda fitting for the characters/lore and actual gameplay isn’t really suited for this kind of presentation
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Let's just hope it's not a power that gets instantly cancelled with SWF.
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i think it’s fair to assume, whatever this thing is, it goes well beyond the trio we saw initially.
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I really like this build up with the storytelling, and different media.Though I can’t see anything of the stuff actually being directly translated into the game? And way too many names mentioned for them to be featured, I do wonder what the survivor will have that separates them from these other victims.
Is it all on instagram? Usually everything is shared on twitter, insta and I think Bluesky? I mean, I wouldn’t be against straying away from twitter considering the owner. Maybe I should create an insta account? 🙃
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Well it's only a matter of time now before Sam and Dean turn up to investigate 🤠
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i'm finding all of this on dvveet's twitter page, who we all know does leak news so i'm not 100% confident this was all intentional by the devs. I'm still having trouble finding it anywhere else, too.Found it, it is in fact on insta, i just had no idea how to use it lmao
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New teaser dropped earlier. The King made a video about it, and here are the teaser images from his video:
Definitely looks like BHVR is going the Cryptid route to me. Looks like a really cool setup if nothing else.
Edit: Forgot to add the link to the King's video:
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I am still loving the build up fpr this chapter. It definitely feels like a Creepypasta style, which I'm all for.
As a side, I'd love for BHVR to do an original chapter utilising analogue horror as a medium. If Creepypasta is a theme they're experimenting with, I'd love an analogue horror selection of videos in future.
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the recording has audio. turns out I had it on in the background and it freaked me out when i turned off my music and still heard the sudden movement
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this is easily the scariest thing to come out of the game genuinely impressive teasers
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jfc I could tell it was coming and I still crapped my pants.
Also, at first I thought that was real video footage with a CGI monster editted in, but looking at the zip moving, is it entirely CGI? If so, kudos to the animation team for the lighting on the camping equipment.
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I believe it's all in CGI. DbD's art team proves itself to be phenomenal once again.
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That's just The Thing, I mean it's not "The Thing" but between the ability to impersonate people and the multiple mouths yeah no that's The Thing.
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I feel like it’s not impersonating but taking over/controlling the bodies to varying degrees?
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The first story with Ashley said the narrator the could see Ashley but also a twisted version of Ashley which implies some level of shapeshifting,
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Wasn’t that Ashley’s boyfriend Tyler?
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No Tyler wasn't there and was calling Ashley's phone.
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Although reading that over again it the teaser never actually strictly states it turns into Ashley only that the body was twisted and looked wrong. So as far as we know it actually only has ever mimicked sounds which is actually a lot more terrifying somehow.
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Wasn‘t mentioned, that there were two people, on one side Ashley and on the other side the monster?
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Another thing to note is I watched the teaser a bunch more times and I think we're all focusing on the wrong thing. Because of course BHVR isn't going to straight up just show us the killer before the PTB.
This thing might be more animal and furry than it first appears.
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Yeah the second one wasn’t stated to actually be Tyler or Ashley, just some twisted body - and Ashley’s voice was heard while Ashley didn’t move her lips at all.
Tyler called Ashley’s phone so it’s probably not him but just the monster that attacked Ashley
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I have almost 18,000 shards, if the chapter looks good I might buy both characters immediately. I really hope this killer plays well, I love how horrific Dredge is but hate how horrific Dredge plays. Give me something genuinely scary but also threatening. And please let it not be a killer whose countered by basic comms.
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Best shot I could take of it. Its face seems to have alternating shifts with where body parts are when it attacks, as if its trying to mimick something human but is failing miserably at it. Definitely is a skinwalker or at least very inspired by one no doubt about it