Survivors that get unhooked and immediately bodyblock a killer trying to go after the unhooker.

If they would just add no colision with unhooked Survivor for that few seconds it would help for both sides:
- Removed akward bodyblocking from basement trying to prevent Survivor to have a chance to run away (tunneling Killer)
- Bodyblock rescuer with base kit Endurance
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Since there are a certain number of players, not only in this forum, who insist that killers should cultivate the skill to chase healthy survivors over and over again without getting easy survivor kills, to chase them and take them down quickly, for such conscious people the shortest method to win matchesI think that tunneling is an abhorrent practice. I am not sure about this.
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Offensive BT bodyblocks = instant tunnel. Why would I chase the healthy unhooker when there is now an injured and deep wounded survivor right in front of me?
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Those are two completely different types of Survivors. If they take the body block hit then they have no room to complain.
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Nah, body blocking is a case of you reap what you sew.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
Yeah it’s not really fun going against a killer that doesn’t want to engage the game outside of hook chasing. It’s highly effective, for low effort. So gen simulator it is bc they’re not applying pressure outside the hook area ofc they’re mad. Low risk and mostly high reward for the killer. I’m never “mad” at people out patrolling gens after hooking when I just so happen to be found twice in a row.
Then again I’m not really mad anymore anyways after playing this game for years it’s just a game, and there’s probably better decisions I could have made, learn from it and move on, and just hope the team was making the best of the time towards objective progress sometimes they are sometimes they aren’t, that’s not on the killer though.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
Yea I mean at the end of the day all we can do is take the killer role into our own hands and dont play like that. I get plenty of win's without doing it, and I value my opponents time.
This is why I am a bit more biased towards survivors because I see the stuff they go through.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Its funny that you think that those are the same people.
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It's unusual that you'd think the overlap on the Venn diagram isn't immensely large, especially with how weirdly entitled this community can be. I've had multiple people use Sprint Burst to chase me for a bodyblock, I've even had one guy 4% from a country mile away just to run over and bodyblock me against someone that wasn't even going for an unhook. They were just a chase I got into when leaving the hook. The one thing they all have in common is they complained about tunnelling and hurled abuse at me.
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I agree, it’s also really disgusting seeing survivors bully fair killers when playing solo with all the blinds, stuns, body blocks, and hook denials.we’re already better than them, no need to grief them too. Like if we aren’t in a bad spot, and they’re being fair, why do it? So I just don’t play that way. Am I mad? No. It’s just a game.
not everyone is going to be evenly matched every time with op stuff on either side ease up a bit and maybe don’t be that person if you don’t have to be. Doesn’t it feel good to get that griefing survivor, yes. Does it feel good to save against a tunneling/camping overly op set up killer, yes. Does it feel good overbearing the weaker set up by a long mile, no feels bad. Hate to see it either way.
It’s how cool stuff gets nerfed bc it’s being abused. Works fantastic when needed, is an abuse of power when not.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Thats the exception not the rule. This is also a mistake on the survivors end and I wouldn't put that as proof of "yea just blame killers."
And if it's not a mistake I could just as easily say in response, "yea hes bringing you to the hook, noone else is saving their teammate and his stage 2 meter is about to run out"
I dont think we should paint the worst situation for something that is pretty obviously not the most common reason for an endurance body block at the hook.
Generally what happens is, at least what I have observed in 99.9999999% of situations involving an endurance body block AT the hook no less. Is a killer is forcing an unhook with a price of another survivor. As in camping the hook, forcing a trade. No safe unhooks allowed. You can see this AD nasuem in the new game mode if you load up survivors.
Blinds, stuns, body blocks, and hook denials I don't have a problem with. If you wanna bring your flashies/sabo, by all means. I know that I wont get that a majority of the matches and ... no one does. Not even 9k hour streamers who play this game as a job do.
Does it suck if you get that? Kinda? Not really. After the first blind, if you managed to get blinded you dont really get it again. And Sabo plays are really hard to pull off that end up failing most of the time. Body blocking at the hook happens, but again, usually fails.
Tunneling though, is something that is just rampant. I recently kept a log of survivor play on 10 matches in the new lights out mode and it was 9/10 waiting around the hook simulator. And then commenced tunneling. Have a bunch of killer footage from today will probably do survivor tomorrow once I mentally prepare myself.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
I will never say it is not true that there is an Overlap between those groups. I have seen it in my games myself. But from my experience, the people who bodyblock with Endurance after being unhooked are not the ones who complain about tunneling.
But it is obviously nice to pretend that those are the same people, because then you can invalidate any complaints about tunneling.
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But it is obviously nice to pretend that those are the same people, because then you can invalidate any complaints about tunneling.
I said there was a large overlap, I didn't say that everyone that bodyblocks with basekit BT then goes on to complain about tunnelling. I told you things from my perspective, based on my personal experiences. Never once did I claim those things were representative of everybody that does it [bodyblocks with basekit BT]; it's quite clear I wasn't trying to pretend anything or invalidate anything.
Other than trying to start an argument over nothing, I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this statement was.
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I always rock DS so you can wait out and tunnel me if I try to tank the hit with basekit BT, idc. Too many proxy/hook campers almost every game so what do you expect?
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Exactly all you can do is learn and try to improve, or change your strat to overcome. Also can’t win em all. I value my peace over getting tilted by the variety of playstyles in this game. I play how I want and try to do my best, and don’t get mad when others do the same. If I get stomped I get stomped. You’re not always evenly matched in loadouts despite MMR. It happens. It absolutely is funny when they try and fail when the killer is carrying me off, I’m laughing. You do gotta learn timing to get those things, it’s harder than it looks, and is a practiced thing. I hate when I get those challenges in the archives bc I’m so bad at it, bc I don’t use those things.
I never fail to make this face though when I see a mori and several party streamers played at offering screen though 😐 dems da breaks though, still not mad, just unfortunate. I think just playing this game for a long time just makes you really aware especially if you consume killer and survivor content and see the strifes on both sides or play both sides even a little.
Look at us now, desensitized.
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I can’t stand survivors like that, these are the same ones that go on social media and post their matches how the killer tunneled them.
We would see way less complaints about “tunneling” if survivors never bodyblocked killers off hook.
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While i agree, it doesnt have to be true. I had so many matches where i go away to the other side of the map (due to bbq for example), go into a chase with another survivor and that survivor runs me straight to the hook. That is in no way camping, but the hook is also no safe space for survivors.
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Honestly it’s smarter and gives both at least a little more distance from killers that are hook chasing, and not engaging outside the hook area. You don’t like it, I don’t enjoy it, sorry you can’t just slap someone twice while they’re basically standing still from animations and can barely start moving again before you can swing once more for that dying health state. Ofc I’m using my bt to tank the hit so it’s not an immediate hook swap.Gonna have to work just the smallest bit harder for that 4k with that playstyle.
Be mad about it I guess? These posts always make me laugh.
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Actually, if the killer is that much outplayed in solo queue, i started to give them pitty hooks. If i get killed then, ok, but if the other survivors come in and we just hookswap for a moment, the killer get some points too. Its the survivors equivalent for giving hatch, but unlike the killer giving hatch, survivors do take a mmr hit with this, and thats why i do it only to players who were clearly outmatched and still tried to play "fair". (also note that a lot of experienced players i offered that to just downed me and carried me to the exit. saw very few survivors ever not take the hatch).
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Than don’t get mad if the killer tunnels you out of the game for it.
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That’s okay because with Nurse I can just down you again in 5 seconds so you get no value out of your DS.
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I’ll ease up and not try to gen rush them if they’re being fair. I also don’t want to help push them into an mmr they’re not ready to be in by giving them pity points and helping my own pips along.Im not sweating to get to red immediately, even though it happens so fast anyways. I can afford to not farm them, the game isn’t going anywhere. I have mixed feelings about it tbh bc I want them to get points and have fun, but I also know helping push them higher is a bad idea. I hate being farmed for points by killer when they wipe the team, so I try not to do that to them. Just saying I don’t go out of my way to be overly altruistic when the killers not stacking hooks and give the killer an unnecessary bad time when they’re clearly struggling. I can still keep up a win pace without throwing and feeding, and not be using objective denial tactics towards someone trying not to be a tunneling hook chasing, right under the hook body swapping Killer. It’s literally why cool survivor stuff gets nerfed bc it gets abused. I would not be surprised if some of those perks you mentioned get looked at bc their abilities to grief when abused. Against a stacked killer and you’re not the best team and need some help totally viable, against the average killer spreading hooks(ideal killer playstyle for survivor) being abused its op, they can’t afford to lose that time kind of time repeatedly.
but like i think it’s nice you want them to have fun and get points.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
You were tunneling/hook chasing anyways idc tunnel me out. Don’t like playing against your playstyle anyways. It’s not the threat you think it is, and idc if I die, jokes on you have fun hook farming.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
I'm rarely at the hook when the survivor is getting unhooked so I don't really see this that often. Does it make it harder for you?
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How is looking for easy hits playing scummy? I'd say that's part of being a good killer. Why would a killer go out of their way to make the game harder on themself? That's basically throwing, so pretty much the opposite of playing good. This sure sounds like you care a lot more than you're willing to admit.
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What if I’m not camping but the survivor I’m chasing goes for the unhook and that unhooked survivor bodyblocks??? I’m not gonna play nice with players that abuse things like that.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
And if that’s the case i don’t want to be in the match if you’re chasing someone and they run up to save me, but there’s other survivors out and about that could. Just kill me thanks, I’d appreciate not being in a 3v2 and so forth. Kill them what do I care, they aren’t playing on my team, they’re on their own team at that point or yours.
if we’re the last two survivors yolo I guess, a chance is better than no chance? Hail Mary it works, but most likely not.
that’s a very dumb survivor move on their part, they’ll learn eventually. That’s a self made bed.
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Or maybe they aren't.
Rushing a hook save is one of the worst decisions you can make as a survivor, yet it happens. If you get unhooked with the killer nearby, and you aren't going to be tunneled, then you need to leave. Bodyblocking with the base-kit endurance is essentially a request for another chase, and that can easily backfire.
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surely it's only black and white and there can be no abuse of 10 seconds of endurance in any case, right? it's not a board game, brother. play both sides and see for yourself what actually can happen and what cannot then come and comment on matters please.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
Basically, those people are right. Its tunneling, you cant deny that as you still have the choice to go for the unhooker never the less. Also to be honest, BT ist also meant to deny a fast trade. Still most people who bodyblock with BT will never complain, thats also the truth.
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I do play both sides and you can take a look at some recent gameplay for proof, ill provide a link. Theres no need to assume someone does not play both sides of the game or say "your just a typical X main" which was removed it seems. And if we are getting technical, I prefer not to play survivor because of events happening on stream today... and ... just in general. It takes a bit of mental preparation in terms of expectations: Like saying to myself "okay just realize you are gonna run into a majority of campers and tunnelers"
Granted this is lights out.
Malding through survivor today as well... and so far 5/10 hook camper matches.(2 of the non hook campers were legion lights out, may as well be just as bad, updating this as I go getting lucky today)
Refer to this for a more clarified answer. As the case for 99.9999% of cases, its because the killer is just camping the hook
Post edited by ChuckingWong on0 -
i'm sorry but there is absolutely no way you have at least 1k killer hours and didn't see ANY offensive bt bodyblock. i guess you can be using bbq and instantly run off to the auras you see, disregarding any survivor you might see closeby going like "i don't want you i have my bbq auras". because more often than not, you will get to hang around the hook if you take that chase since most survivors don't understand macro and loop you around hook, or just (try to) farm the person.
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Well I have 1400 hours on this game, not really sure what the split is. Started playing it as a killer, generally play it more but try to play some survivors to change the play up.
I see offensive bt bodyblocks all the time. Granted the majority of cases like I said is because some killer wants to force an unhook and the only thing to protect the unhooker from them camping (majority of cases) is bt. That or bt is just blatantly disregarded and the killer tunnels the save off the hook.
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what i meant by offensive was using it to bodyblock a killer outside of legitimate camping scenarios and the ratio definitely isn't 99.99% to 00.01% in my experiences.
- i head off of the hook and see scratch marks. i follow scratch marks and bam, somebody blocks me.
- i take a chase and they for some reason lead me to the hook. i don't leave them just because. bam, the rescuee bodyblocks.
- i see someone after leaving hook, they rush to the hook with enough distance and bam, bodyblock.
can you relate yet or? are you going to suggest me to act like i don't see them and move on looking for someone else?
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Closing the thread here, as comments on the thread were getting out of hand.
Pease remember to keep comments civil and respectful of others: Other members of the Forum, their thoughts & opinions, and other players, and so on.
Also, remember that things such as Bodyblocking to take a hit from the Killer instead of another Survivor, slugging, tunneling, and camping are not reportable offenses: