Would old map filters be a fun gamemode?

Thinking of lights out itd be interesting if you loaded into coldwind but with its old fog and lighting. Same with any other classic map. Itd probably be a chore so theyd do them one at a time. Idk how many people would play it. But itd be interesting to not load into coldwind to be instantly blinded. (To be clear im not asking for the map itself back its probably far gone. Just the lighting)
If I remember correctly the maps changed because of Killer complaints. Thus mostly Survivors would want to play these maps. Old foliage and light levels were 100x better than what it is now. Barren wasteland with junk cluttered everywhere bright...just so lame.
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Like i said in a previous post, a DBD Version randomizer would be even better.
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Yes, it would be amazing.
But we could have that as a permanent feature, client side. DBD supports people playing on the same maps with different lighting, modders actually did that back when modding was possible.
So, why not extend that to the visuals themselves?
Maybe it would put you in a disadvantage, but I would willingly pay that price. I just want to play on the maps I loved.
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Funnily enough new coldwind is complained more than old when it comes to lighting exclusively. Not loops of course. Scratch marks are more difficult with brighter lighting. And the map just can be so bright for your eyes. So with the dark astetic of the old one itd actually be better for killer probably.
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Yes please! Some form of old school maps!!
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ugh i miss the old foliage, fog and lighting so much. the foliage now makes maps feel so flat. it's so unnatural. not sure if it's for balancing reasons? not sure. if its for balancing reasons it's strange because we still have the old foliage in swamp and dead dawg saloon.
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Ah, it would be beautiful, my friend!
I really miss those maps.
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I think it would be interesting to see the new coldwind design with the old environment
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Would absolutely hate having anything from older maps back in dbd.
Especially old coldwind & MacMillan.
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i mean the old lighting would just give some people nostalgia while not bringing back the unbalance of the older maps.
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Except that's the thing, i don't want anything from old dbd back, including the old lighting.
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Yeah the old map filters were great.
I've seen the old map filters alongside the updated textures and honestly it goes hard. I miss Macmillan's old filter the most.
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I'd play that. I miss the old Coldwinds and even old Haddonfield. I know they weren't fair but they felt more distinct. Like you would look at them and know that they belong in DBD. With many maps today I don't really get that feeling anymore.
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yeah old macmillian looking at it now is great.
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Yes, please. This would be a great mode to have, or even make it an Offering (it would do more than those fog modification Offerings do!).
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I would use said offering every game.
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Ditto my friend lol. Hopefully they do it. Im sure its still there or can be recreated.
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I have no doubt it is possible, my friend.
Old assets are never really gone. They can do it if they want to, and I hope they do it eventually.
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The older map filters were absolute garbage. They were usually just one super saturated color, that the entire map was flooded with. It looked awful.
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Huh i see a lot of back and forth opinions on this. Guess its in the eye of the beholder. A lot of people say they liked the older astetic. Personally i preferred not loading into coldwind and squinting to let my eyes adjust. Considering its so much brighter than any other map.
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"A lot of people" aren't saying that. It's just a few people, that seems like more than it is because you're hyperfocusing on it.
And the farm maps have issues because they're basically the "new" version of monochromatic saturated garbage filters. Having bright yellow maps just makes it obnoxious to see white and yellow auras, just like how the new super saturated red maps have issues with seeing red auras and red scratchmarks. It's lazy map graphics, and it's just as bad as the multiple killer chase musics that sounds like broken washing machines.