We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Is Saying GG Toxic?

I played a match against a Huntress on the Doctor's map. It didn't go well for them, so I popped into their stream to say GG, sorry you got an awful map for Huntress. Have a good evening. I got banned by a mod and the streamer ridiculed me.

Did I do something wrong?

Best Answers

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,673
    Answer โœ“

    I don't think your statement was toxic. I assume the person was just extremely irritated.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,727
    Answer โœ“

    Most likely salty or just caught them in a bad time. Saying GG is not toxic in the least and if you want to do so, then do it. Don't worry about how they're going to take it when you're just trying to be nice.

    About the only times I wouldn't say GG right away is if it was an absolute massive curbstomp. I would lead first with "That was a rough map" or that play at shack nearly made me shit myself! or some other line/excuse to give them an out and or to make them feel better if they happen to be salty. After that you can chit chat for sec and then drop a GLHF next instead of GG. I've found this usually goes over better then a flat GG and can even help some people defuse.

    If you still get banned then role your eyes and move on. They weren't worth the time.

    Don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch though. If you wanna try to be nice then try and be nice.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,503

    I had a semi- similar experience. Escaped by the skin of my teeth (death hook, injured, killer right there) and saw afterwards that it was a streamer I've followed for awhile. They didn't have TTV in their name, I just recognised it as I follow them. Went to their stream to say I'm glad to have had a game with them and ggs. Their response was pretty much that they're glad I was happy but it obviously wasn't a ggs for them. I wasn't banned though, and they werent particularly nasty about it. As I said, the game was *close* and had they managed to kill me I'd have still said the exact same thing, ggs and all. I didn't see the issue but I don't bother commenting in streams anymore.

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    โ€I got banned by a mod and the streamer ridiculed me.โ€ Lmao

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    I don't why people bother to stream when their attitude is that bad. If I had the personality of week old roadkill I wouldn't want to put it on display.

    Sounds better than my experience. I won't bother going to anyone's stream in the future.

    At least I know it's not a streamer worth watching. I think they were raising money for charity too. I got banned before I could make a donation lmao

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    GG is not inherently toxic, but I personally do not believe it is an appropriate thing to say at the end of a typical DBD match.

    Dead By Daylight is a game of momentum. The survivors start with it at the beginning of the trial, and it is the Killer's objective to gain momentum as fast as possible. As such, one side is constantly feeling as though they need to work harder than their opponent.

    In other words, players very rarely feel as though the game hangs in the balance--as though the lead is being passed back and forth--and they rarely feel as though their opponent adjusted the intensity of their play to match the urgency of any given moment.

    None of the above statements dictate whether a game is objectively "good," "evenly matched," "hard fought," etc., but it takes a certain level of self-awareness to recognize that the nature of DBD means the losing side will seldom feel as though a game is evenly matched.

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 155
    edited February 11

    My usual chat is "gg wp all" which is 99% of chats. However, if someone says "gg" and it was very obviously NOT a good game, I will just say "Not really, but gl ng".

    Some games are simply not good games. Some games either team gets stomped and it just isn't fun. I understand that 'gg' is essentially sportsmanship like a handshake, but I also believe that if something wasn't a 'gg' we can voice that.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 457

    The post-game chat needs to go away. There is literally no reason for it to exist other than to give people the opportunity to be toxic to each other.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,520

    I say gg at the end of every game

    and if the match doesnt even load i say gg close 1

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    Yes, I took time to pull up someone's stream so I could be nice to them after they had a rough match. You make that sound much more sinister than it actually was.

    I said "GG. Sorry you got a map that sucks for Huntress. I hope you have a good evening". If someone offers to shake your hand and you spit in their face, your behaviour is rotten, regardless of what excuses you come up with.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited February 11

    They're not making it sound more sinister than it actually was. They're probably saying exactly how the streamer felt. Keep in mind, there's no way to tell if someone is being sarcastic or genuine online. And considering human nature, it's much more realistic to expect the worst of somebody

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 186

    I mean how bad did the match go? If it was just completely one sided then that would be insulting rather then being nice.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    You gotta add "EZ" after the GG message, that is the way.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    "GG" is only toxic in the mind of the individual who believes it to be.

    If you say "GG" and are sincere, then there's no toxicity there. If somebody perceives it as toxic, it says far more about the damaged mindset of the person taking offence than the person just wanting to be nice.

    It's like offering a handshake at the end of a football match, only to get slapped around the face.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I wouldn't say GG to a team or killer who just got thrashed, comes across as taunting. Id say unlucky or that was a tough one for ya. Had a survivor do exactly that a few games ago.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    or you should just stop assuming everyone is an ######### trying to get you...

    looking at this thread makes me think streamers don't actually want anyone to check their streams. and people are awful and don't deserve to interact with me.

    chill out... all of you. most times, a gg is just a gg.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited February 12

    Just to play Devil's Advocate...

    Has anyone ever said 'Calm down, it is just a game...' to you when your emotions are high and/or you've been frustrated at a game?

    Saying GG after completely smashing someone, is basically the same thing. If someone has been completely dominated, they're likely balancing emotions such as shame, embarrassment, frustration and anger... especially if that loss is recorded and viewed in the public domain such as a stream, and in that scenario you're the level headed one.

    Now that doesn't excuse the other persons behaviour, if you say "GG" genuinely and they take it the wrong way and explode at you, that is indeed on them. However... there is a certain amount of responsibility on your side to read the room and avoid escalating the situation.

    You are of course free to ignore that responsibility, but by doing so, you are testing that persons patience, so you don't then get to complain if it does blow up in your face... a little bit of understanding and empathy on your part would completely avoid the alteraction discussed in the OP.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,925
    edited February 12

    Sometimes it's just better to say nothing, and after an extremely one sided match is one of them. I don't personally care, but it's not hard to see how it rubs people the wrong way. If it was a non-competitive match, it wasn't good for the losers, and it wasn't fun for the winner (maybe for some, but I don't see a non-competitive win as being fun).

    A quick GG in postgame after a rinsing is disingenuous enough, but seeking out a person outside of the game really stinks of an excuse to remind them that they got stomped.

    Just move on.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,315

    A lot of the time I feel at that point it's an issue with someone assuming malice where there is none.

    I'm sure there's one person that "actually meant git gud!" when they said gg to me out there but I simply can't view it as anything else than at absolute worst an admittingly hollow formality kinda thing. Considering this is a game where they could've spammed ggez kekw uninstall trashcan at 10 lines per second to me and in their next 1000 matches without catching a single ban for it, I'll take the "ironic" gg any day of the week personally.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,129

    IMO banning you is a bit harsh, because you did not simply write "GG" but also mentioned that the Map is horrible for Huntress. Which is nice, because going to Lerys is not really an auto-lose for Huntress, it is a factor which makes the game way harder, but not the sole reason why a game is lost...

    However, simply saying "GG" can just come off as mean. It surely is not meant in any malicious way usually and I also think that people dont need to see it that way just because they lost. In the end, most "gg" in Chat are probably automatism and people say it all the time.

    However, I can also understand the other point - if you had a really bad game, it is obvious that you did not have a good game (which is what "gg" stands for). The Killer who got 2 Hooks in total or the Survivors who had an early DC or suicide and therefore a lost game from the start will not really think that the game was good, so a "gg" can be somewhat triggering.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323
    edited February 12

    nah ur fine the streamer was just mad that they lost

    they were more toxic than you

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    In my defense, I did read the room. The streamer seemed to be in good spirits, so I said hi. If they had sounded angry I would have just left without saying anything.

    Killers complain that survivors are toxic as hell, so I thought I'd offer a handshake. The same way I often leave items at the exit gate for killers who don't tunnel people out. After that last encounter, I have decided to just not bother interacting with my opponents. It's just not worth it.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited February 12

    Fair play dude, I wasn't trying to single out anything you'd done, I wasn't there to see it. ๐Ÿ˜

    I was merely throwing up the idea that not everything is black and white, and it can be understandable people get upset at others saying GG.

    (This example is not in DBD) I myself have had people play obnoxious builds, absolutely dominate, BM, single me out and bully me, the whole 9 yards, then have the gall to immediately throw a "GG ๐Ÿ˜‰" at me. In the game I'm referring to, they were deliberately doing it to be condescending and patronising, to rile me up so I would say something bannable. I might have misinterpreted it, but given I later found out they were banned as a hacker, it seems pretty likely my gut was right. As such I empathise with people who get frustrated by it, even if it wasn't meant that way... as when your emotions are running high, you're not in your best frame of mind to make the assessment.

    From the sounds of it, you may have just encountered a sore loser, and I wouldn't take it personally. There are some people who, even if you do absolutely nothing wrong, will still be immature about it.

    If you know you were polite, friendly and careful not to get anyones back up, you're in the right and should keep doing what you're doing. Don't let one jerk change how you treat people.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited February 12

    Saying โ€œGGโ€ is not toxic but there are instances where itโ€™s probably not smart to say it.

    Letโ€™s say the killer was Pig on Garden of Joy and they got two hooks. That was definitely not a โ€œggโ€ in their eyes.

    Or if you completely smash a team at five gens as Nurse. They probably donโ€™t see that as a โ€œggโ€.

    Saying โ€œggโ€ is good sportsmanship but it can come off as taunting or sarcastic to the opposing side if their match wasnโ€™t good or at least a close back and forth encounter.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    Thanks. I'm not going to let the experience sour my attitude towards the game. I'm just not going anywhere near anyone's stream again lmao