Making Breakdown into a anti-tunnel perk

Here is my suggestion:
Breakdown- After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Breakdown activates for the next 60 seconds.
If the killer tries to hook you while Breakdown is active, the hook will instead collapse and stun the killer for 6 seconds. Successfully stunning the killer will disable Breakdown
- A Collapsed hook by Breakdown will take 60/120/180 seconds to respawn
While Breakdown is active, performing Conspicuous Actions or the killer hooks a different survivor will deactivate it for the remainder of the trial.
Breakdown deactivates once the Exit Gates are powered
I tried to leave as much of the original perk as possible. Feel free to leave your thoughts!
So... a 6 second DS that also deletes one of their hooks for a significant period of the game?
Remind me again why anyone would ever run DS again?
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I agree that Breakdown might not be very useful except in specific situations, such as when the same hook is repeatedly used, resulting in multiple people being swapped with the hooked person.
However, your suggestion seems quite powerful, and I can imagine that it might not be well-received by Killers. This perk could potentially be the final straw in a series of hurdles they already face in trying to hook someone and I perceive this as a tool that players might actively use to get in the Killer's face, specifically to destroy a hook right in front of them.
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In all fairness, killers threatened to quit the game when the HUD was introduced. I'll never forget the hysterics, followed by the realisation that it didn't really matter that much. I don't know what the devs should do to fix tunneling but whatever they do would need to be powerful, as otherwise it won't ever stop.
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I don't believe it's about threatening to quit over a perk change; rather, it's adding a perk that presents a final obstacle at the end of all the challenges a Killer already faces. It's essentially the last moment before a Survivor scores a point. To put it in perspective, it would be akin to Pain Resonance activating to blow up the generator when it reaches 99% completion. The logic is the same, yet one is much more insufferable to experience.
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I mean it would be easily avoidable, the killer would just have to go for different survivors. This perk change is more to give survivors a chance against tunneling. Besides the perk is still current breakdown, nothings changed in the broken hook aspect.
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I don't necessarily think that this buff to Breakdown would be the best choice. But any changes that limit tunneling will be met with a massive backlash. Anything that is added needs to be mediocre or else it will cause hysterics. But if it's not good then it's not going to have any impact.
I think we are just better off waiting for the update to DS. I'm just hoping it's a rework instead of just granting a longer stun.
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I'd really prefer they just implement base kit changes to make spreading hooks the most optimal strategy for killers. I don't want to feel forced to run perks just to be able to play the game.
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I'm not here to discuss the balance of this suggestion or anything, but I just want to say I love the mental image of a hook collapsing and just bonking a Killer on the head