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Deathslinger is weak. His kit gives survivors unbalanced counterplay

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,063
edited February 11 in Feedback and Suggestions

I harpoon the obsession and I'm about to 1-shot them and mori them because of Rancor.

Nope! Just kidding... They're in a SWF and their team swoops in to break the chain and tank hits for them.


Deathslinger walks too slow.

His shots are easy to dodge, even in tight corridors with very little wiggle room.

His ADS feels like molasses.

His reload feels even slower.

Breaking the chain is too easy and gives survivors a big speed boost right toward the exit gates.

Running in to block the chain and make it break faster has NO downside like Exposed, Broken, Hindered, Mangled, NOTHING. Both survivors have a high chance of running free.

He has one of my favorite mori's but struggles to get 1 or 2 hooks before all the gens are done and the survivors just make a bloodpoint pinata out of him.

Any amount of losses while playing as him does not lower my rating, which is supposed to be a completely separate rating from M1 killers.

No wonder no one plays him.



  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,063
    edited February 13

    And that's the other thing. If it were 4 solos, only one of them would have known about Rancor, and the other 3 would not make it a high priority to protect the Obsession.

    Stop showing Rancor to the obsession. They'll just cheat and tell their SWF team about it.

    Edit: OR show Rancor to everyone so solo players are as aware of its existence as SWF survivors.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,024

    Well, Deathslinger used to be way more fun to play in past for sure.

    I don't think he is worst killer in dbd, but he is definetly not best either and not really popular.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,638

    he used very popular before his ADS change and TR change.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,024

    I couldn't care less about his TR change, but ADS change just made him very unfun for me. I used to main him before those nerfs.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 240

    Deathslinger is not weak. He is a good killer. However, he has a high skillceilling as you need a good knowledge of the small gabs at loops where you can shot through to hit survivors off guard. In addition, you need to pay attention and wait until you shot or make quick shots. Another issue is that he cannot abuse mistakes on the survivor side as good as other killers such as Hag or Plague (e.g. giving Hag basement or group up while Plague has powermodus). Deathslinger would be too strong if he were a 115% Killer - 110% is perfect for him, the real issue are big maps such as Badham, Ormond, or Disdurbed Ward. If the developers would make these maps a little bit smaller this would benefit him well as well as many other killers without good mobility. Also every killer should have some counterplay and one of his counterplay is survivor breaking the chain by blocking it and give you no down through this way. Overall, you need to spend a good amount of time to get better with him but the sad part here is you could also spend this time in stronger killers such as Nurse, Plague, or Wesker and will perform better.

    The only buff he could get in my opinion is a better reward for hitting surivor with the hapoon, reeling them to him, and then hitting them with his weapon - something like a slighter faster reload or faster cooldown. I know they get the deep wound status but this feels not enough. The Jaw Smasher add-on could also become half basekit. But I can understand if other players would disagree with it.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,063
    edited February 13

    I'll leave it at this:

    If I want to have a 32 meter terror radius and a power that uses chains to impede the survivor's movement so I can follow up with a basic attack... I'll just play as Pinhead.

    Then I can have more control over my shots (even after firing them), move faster, have built-in trial slowdown, and occasionally teleport across the map to survivors.

    Chainslinger 2.0 is just better.

  • LatexT
    LatexT Member Posts: 94

    Yep, definitely a skill issue.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 310

    I love Deathslinger, there's a lot of room for skill expression on both sides. It feels great to make a close dodge at just the right moment as a survivor, and there's so much satisfaction to properly predicting and leading a shot as Slinger. One of the least problematic and most fun killers in the game if you ask me.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 495

    The man does have one of the best mori's in the game. Can't deny that.