Why are the generator animations different depending on the gender of the survivor?

For one generator animation, for some reason, the animation is different depending on the survivor's gender. Is there a reason for this? I sent a bug report about it but it hasn't been fixed. I know it's such a small detail but ever since I noticed it, I can't unsee it.
For male survivors, there's an animation that plays like this:
However for female survivors, the animation is different. They don't do what dwight does in the screenshot. They do this:
Is there a reason for it or is it just a bug? I noticed that for the other side of the generator, the animations have been fixed last patch. I'm wondering if this side can be fixed too.
Best Answer
Clearing Nea is using her smaller hands to reach into the spots that Dwight can't get to.
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They probably have different animations because their skeletons are different sizes and copy-pasting one animation to the other would look bad so they needed unique ones that fit the different sizes of survivors. But I could be wrong.
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I thought it depends on which side of the gen they're on.
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Its both
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this is probably the answer idk though
by the looks of it they'd be able to reach the small wheel to turn it like what dwight does. small confusing detail
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2.5k hours in the game and I've never thought about it.
For Nea it makes sense though. She's using her powers as the Entity and just has to hide it somehow.
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oooh alright thanks for answering <3
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I dont understand this things. Details about these things, where a few people can see and cosmetics get a lot of glitch, bad lines, invibility, clips, bad physics, bugs,. This game need a lot of improvements ab out physics and natural bodys and clothes movement.