Legion is sorta fine



  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    But if the Legion hits someone in Frenzy mode when near you, then being stealthy brings little to nothing.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Bravo0413 If that is how you play then, alright...

    But I don't play like that.

    #NotAllLegions are jerks y'know? I'm a ruthless killer, not a abuser. I will kill whomever I have to kill in any way I deem fit, but I don't like to abuse the chase.

    @Peasant doesn't do it in his Legion games, and if you ask around, you'll find not a lot of Legions here do it either.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    #notalllegions I don’t run franks tape I don’t moonwalk, and I use cooldown add-ons with duration/speed so I can m1 down you.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @TreemanXD It is very rare that I find Franks Mixtape in my web. ;-; I can't use it even if I wanted to.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Shad03 my legion is only level twenty something, I’m pretty lazy with leveling killers. I haven’t even found one yet.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Doesn't matter who or how often it happens.... the point is that it exists and therefore it shouldnt exist..... and it's a shame that the team made the choice of even using the BT effect (now deep wounds) in the first place.... like what do people think is going to happen? If theres something in a game that can be abused it will end up being abused.......

    Just like in DS3 when the glitch was found that could "buff" "unbuffable" weapons.... depending on the build you were using you would may get like an extra 150 AR but Fromsoftware still smashed the glitch...

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2019

    @MhhBurgers vs nurse you can break LOS, vs very good nurse you will die most likely in 20 seconds i can agree BUT you know whats difference between playing vs very good nurse and legion? very good nurse is rare and need 100s of hours on nurse, but legion needs weekend at most or perk bloodhound if he just wants to moonwalk so if you ask me if i want to play/lose vs someone that played his killer 100s or even 1000s hours or vs someone that played legion for 20 hours and M2 you after 3rd try so now he will moonwalk, i choose 1st option all the time, Legion helped me with my hatred towards nurse, now i dont hate her

    OFC @Shad03 not every Legion is pepega, from what i read you arent but its rare case among legion players, and as much rare is finding (as solo) teammates that wont heal vs legion (thats why i DC when i see 2 of 3 of my teammates selfcaring vs legion, because i know game is lose, they will spent 32 seconds to do sth useless)

    [edit: i took wrong person by mistake] @TreemanXD your only "counter-play" was hiding vs someone that may be blind (not using whispers/ ignore if gen is touched) or vs someone that can SEE your hiding ass after M2 other surv, xd you gave me counterplay like "just genrush him 4Head" thats not counter xddd

    Post edited by Galklife on
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Galklife can you even read? I never said stealth, I said not working together (minus hook/slug saves) and if he hits someone and you know you’re in TR then run don’t crouch into cover.... stealth makes a great counter to him though as it does every killer.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @TreemanXD oh sory i thought you were same guy (same icon), my mistake, earlier in this post was someone that suggested me to run urban evasion because its countering Legion,

    about not working together i can kinda agree (except cases when other survs are following you like dogs to heal them or to do gen together, you cant tell them to go) and when you spawn together or unhook to save and met other teammate not all the time all 3 survs are going in 3 directions

    but it doesnt give you "go to" what to do in chase i dont feel bad about mending and going back to gen, 45sec(random number but timer is real) unavoidable down and teammates that selfcare vs him, tell me how to win vs Legion when you see 2 teammates selfcaring in corner, give me hope that i need to not DC after seeing 2 selfcaring teammates

    once again sory, my mistake i thought you wrote sth earlier but it was someone else ;/

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Galklife most legions don’t run nurse’s so I’d say it’d be fine to run over to them and give them a heal. I can’t tell you an exact way to win though, it isn’t in my play style to break LOS unless I’m up against a nurse, I usually go down or they give up on me.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2019

    @TreemanXD but you know when you heal someone youre wasting 2x 16 seconds (Without sloppy) which is almos equivalent of half gen? and if 2 ppl heal eachother its almost full gen? so for full gen you get useless (vs legion) health state

    [Edit] why i wrote 2x 16 sec? because for 16 seconds 2 survs are busy doing healing/getting healed

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well im good looper and i have many friends so we can make 2 min vs not bad killers and 5 gen chases vs bad killers (and die to noed), but you told about using 1 pallet for 5 gens, and thats impossible to pull off constant

    and i will repeat it if killer is in 5 gen chase he is bad and he only follow surv not mindgame them, or not using moonwalk (moonwalk like hidint red light not legions moonwalk) killers can zone you by kicking pallet from good side, so i can agree with constant long chases or 5 gen chases vs press W and follow surv killers (i do that) but i cant belive in meeting those killers all the time on red ranks because if your friend is good he is there. And again im not telling in red ranks are only good killers/and survs (because there is a lot of bad players) but there you should be able to meet them more frequently

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well im good looper and i have many friends so we can make 2 min vs not bad killers and 5 gen chases vs bad killers (and die to noed), but you told about using 1 pallet for 5 gens, and thats impossible to pull off constant

    and i will repeat it if killer is in 5 gen chase he is bad and he only follow surv not mindgame them, or not using moonwalk (moonwalk like hidint red light not legions moonwalk) killers can zone you by kicking pallet from good side, so i can agree with constant long chases or 5 gen chases vs press W and follow surv killers (i do that) but i cant belive in meeting those killers all the time on red ranks because if your friend is good he is there. And again im not telling in red ranks are only good killers/and survs (because there is a lot of bad players) but there you should be able to meet good killer more frequently

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well im good looper and i have many friends so we can make 2 min vs not bad killers and 5 gen chases vs bad killers (and die to noed), but you told about using 1 pallet for 5 gens, and thats impossible to pull off constant

    and i will repeat it if killer is in 5 gen chase he is bad and he only follow surv not mindgame them, or not using moonwalk (moonwalk like hidint red light not legions moonwalk) killers can zone you by kicking pallet from good side, so i can agree with constant long chases or 5 gen chases vs press W and follow surv killers (i do that) but i cant belive in meeting those killers all the time on red ranks because if your friend is good he is there. And again im not telling in red ranks are only good killers/and survs (because there is a lot of bad players) but there you should b

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    You miss the point.

    They are just not fun to play against. Ever. Period.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited March 2019

    I have fun against Legion just as much as any other killer. The only one I genuinely hate going against is Micheal. He is never fun for me, regardless of whether I escape.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    I don't mind going against Legion. If anything, the fact that He's "Unfun" to play against is entirely Subjective. I don't think I dislike going against any killer, if anything, all killers give a new, fun experience, yes, even the Legion. If you're going to make us think about Legion differently, try using Facts instead of your entire "Unfun to play against" Opinions.

  • Arabytes
    Arabytes Member Posts: 52

    Hello, I would like to share my opinion about Legion. 

    I'm both rank 1 killer/survivor, should this information have any value, so let's start.

    When I have to play Legion, i find games a little bit more difficult actually than any other M1 killer, and in my opinion it's hard to get a solidity 4K. Also, from the 3 times I played, no one dc'ed which surprise me, since you guys make it seem like it's a quitter party points.

    When I play against Legion, it feels like I can actualy endure more time in chases and it's super fun to stun the killer in the right moment they decided to use feral frenzy, making them lose their power for some time. Oh, there was 1 time when the killer did the moonwalk and I quick went in front of them to not let them break the chase. In all honesty it was fun: the killer didn't want to reconize me, while i run in front of them like "notice me sempai!". Only one time they have the Franks Mix Tape but they downwed me because I also did a mistake (even if not, its okay, not all Legions have this add on). Also, no dc's from my teammates in solo queue and I can say it have increased the amount of Legions on PS4. By the way, I noticed they rarely get a 4K as well.

    Im not sure how this thing of "unfun" even begun, I have a feeling that if people actually play against them, they'll see it's not hard to win, and the "unfun"part is really subjective because the moment you run into a killer, the question is not if you're going down, but when. By that logic, going against a nurse of any killer that can mind game you is also not "fun" since they will get you eventually. 

    That being said, I'm really excited to play Legion when the thanatophobia buff release and I wish best regards and good games for the people here =) 

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Arabytes Thank you for giving your opinion. I also appreciate that you were respectful.

    Apparently rank means very little now-a-days.

    I rarely notice a dc against me as Legion. I assume you are on PS4, and while the more toxic people house themselves there, I can say that we console plebs have thicker skin apparently. Or our Legions are less toxic.

    I rarely faced a Legion who abused mechanics so I also share your experiences (that being said, I dislike Legions who are based on the Moon. Terrible internet).

    Streamers made Legion out to be worse then they actually are, so that's where the unfun part came from.

    I can't wait either =)

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I discovered the bloodhound/sloppy combo on legion myself through experimentation and always had a lot of fun with it. I look down and stand still to end the chase and then just follow the blood. I never walk backwards while doing that, but yeah. Same strat generally. In my opinion, it is a fun strategy to use, and as Arabytes said, start another chase to counter it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    It is simple. Legion's power has no counter, other than more holding of M1 and hoping it is not an exploiting Legion. If the player wants to down you, there is a 90% chance they will by tunneling you down. I've watched some good killers face some good survivors and Legion wins every tunnel.

    Stealth - Does not work

    Speed Burst - Does not work

    Pallet Loop - Does not work

    Break Line of Site - Only works if Legion is not running sloppy or bloodhound, which 80% of legions run.

    It is not that Legion is too powerful, it is that he is broken. I don't run Legion much after his initial release. I found him to be too annoying and a bit too easy to kill with once I decided someone was going to die. When I play survivor, I'll give my best shot to survive, but if I'm hooked, I am dying on hook immediately. I don't want to sit in a 20 minute M1-fest to appease the guy on the other side of the screen. He/She does not care about my enjoyment, why should I care about his? Next game please.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This is funny, considering so many killer mains and streamers talk about how survivors knee-jerk react to changes, then adapt. Such as healing nerfs. Which is it? This is why I can't stand the whole killer vs survivor main idiocy. It lowers the brain cells of all who make the claim.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Some people aren’t willing to learn I guess.🤷🏼‍♂️ We say counters and then someone says again that he has no counter.🤦🏼‍♂️

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Yeah, we give them the correct cards to play, and then they get thrown at our faces.

    At least I expected it.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Only work together if you’re preforming a hook save/slug save, you can sometimes heal your teammates. Sprint burst works if you’re good stealth works if you don’t stay with your team.

  • Anvil
    Anvil Member Posts: 39

    DCing is not the problem.

    The argument that Legion is fun and something needs to be done about disconnecting is dumb and self-centered. Game developers don't make games that are fun for only some of the people in the match. If they did, they wouldn't make games for very long. When everyone is having fun (being scared, being chased, being sneaky, getting away; chasing, mind-gaming, catching, being devious, etc.) then the developers and everyone else wins. Game developers without the objective of making it fun for everyone as close to always as possible, will die as a company.

    If folks are DCing, it should be a red-flag to the developers that something is very wrong with their game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    And yet, whenever fun is mentioned, it's always in reference to what survivors find fun.

    Personally, I like one aspect of the Legion, and that's the speed at which they vault windows, as well as the fact that they can vault pallets. I think that's really cool.